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  Mar 2015 Milkshake3000
You might think I have an obsession but,
I call it dedication to love someone who knows you as
You stranger with so much compassion.
Thank You for reading my FIRST poem. Yes i am a directioner who suffers from unknown fangirl girl love.
  Mar 2015 Milkshake3000
i am not a flower
not pretty to look at
not worth a second glance

i am not a flower
but why does it feel like
you uprooted me
and ripped my petals

i am not a flower
do i
i am
  Mar 2015 Milkshake3000
a smile hides so many secrets,
so much pain,
so many people who always thinks you're the one to blame

whether it be you trapped in a cage society calls school
or at a place set out to be a loving zone
called your home,

but, yet I stay strong and as the day
swings along i acknowledge
the uncertainty and curiosity of knowing who
looks behind the smile I give everyday
and just to let the depression slowly

sway away.

i hope you enjoyed ***
shes lost
dont know what to do ,
shes hiding in the shadows ,
trying to fight her battles .
  Mar 2015 Milkshake3000
What has the world become?
Over come by the perfect image,
Measuring your value,
By the amount of likes you've got,
Can you not?

Since when do other people determine who you are?
Has world gone that far?
Seeing all these perfect pictures on every social network,
Edited and photoshopped beyond recognition,
Was that really your parents vision?

Stop looking at the world as a template,
Value yourself first and the world will value you.
Social Media...sometimes I wonder what the world would be without you.

Social media,we're so obsessed with you,
How can I think less of you?
So much stress caused by you.
Yet, I'm so impressed by you!*

Milkshake3000 Mar 2015
R-red, the colour fear and peryl.
O-orange,the colour of heat and fright.
Y-yellow, the colour of joy and happiness.
G-green, the colour of nature and peace.
B-blue, the colour of the skies and the sea.
I-indigo, the colour of the flowers blossoming during spring.
V-violet, the colour of great power and royalty.

We all know what this makes right?

— The End —