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 Nov 2024 Melissa Starr
Beneath the stars, where whispers play,
Our love grows stronger every day.
With every step, through skies or seas,
You and I are meant to be.

In your embrace, I find my peace,
A bond of joy that will never cease.
Through life's great storms, we’ll stand as one,
Our journey endless, just begun.

No riches needed, no grand decree,
This love is all we’ll ever need.
Together always, our hearts entwined,
A perfect love the stars designed.
If you want to
Feel pain

Fall in love

If you want to
Feel happy

Fall in love

With whom
That only matters
Genre: Observational
Theme: Matter of time
 Oct 2024 Melissa Starr
 Oct 2024 Melissa Starr
Words settled in the brain,
Left behind by others,
Remind us of them.
We often wish to erase them forever.
In moments of crisis,
The dirtiest and most tainted words come to mind,
While those drowning grasp onto good words.
Words are insignificant to some, they say,
Yet they still leave red lines on our white ribbons.
 Oct 2024 Melissa Starr
he doesn’t take his shirt off anymore
he never really liked to, but now he never does
“I’m sagging. I have wrinkles,” he says through beautiful crows feet and a sad grimace wrapped by dimples lengthened through smiling as hard as he lived
once, he was young
messy, poor-intentioned, headstrong, mean
when his smile lines started staying
it was new

are you ashamed you became an antidote?
or that you were once poison?
-In the centre of my heart

These words I speak, I speak them true,

Nothing matters to me but you!
 Oct 2024 Melissa Starr
Jiggling the key in her normal routine, his wife opened the door to see his pen resting on the pad, his tea complete with every sip.

Not a word on the pad. A sign, firm evidence, a symptom, confirming a poet is missed.

Absence of words are greater than absence of man, is a poet truly living if he doesn’t write?

The woman stood still processing the sight, gaining a roommate having lost her husband that night.
When you smile at me,
I smile in return
A genuine smile
No less, no excess
For smiles reflect my truth.

If I don’t smile,
It’s not meant to offend
It simply means,
That I cannot pretend
Not every soul
deserves the warmth I send
-An undeniable truth .

For my smile speaks volumes,
Far more than words,
like a mirror of feeling,
And if it’s withheld,
Don’t be taken aback—
I just can’t pretend
It’s just a silent truth!!
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