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 Sep 2015 Mallow
Harmony Sapphire
Hate *** with all of your ex.
All my relationships I regret.
To be violated I allowed & let.

Thinking that is how you get married.
But it's just false hope I carried.
I wish them all to be dead & buried.

I consider *** with a ******.
To be an evil, sick, & cruel sin.

I can not sleep.
Remembering how I was ***** by a

For 3 or 4 years.
Healing is not here.

I was only 12 & my sister was nine.
We will never again be okay or fine.
© Harmony Sapphire.All rights reserved.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Stained Page
“If i could just scribe my love everywhere for you..
Write it on the wall, breathe it through the air. That anywhere you would go, whatever you will look at. You’ll remember my love.”
 Sep 2015 Mallow
I thought that at night the sky is sleeping
That everything God ever created goes to bed
That even the night creatures... in a second collapses and joins rest
But one night, I stayed wide awake
I stared at the sky and it stared back at me
It winks through the glitters of the stars
Made it feel its presence through the wind...

Have you ever wondered how livelier it is than at daytime? I did for the first time in my life.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Kissing her was like breathing for the first time
A breath of fresh air being invited into your lungs
Something that made you think so loud
You thought your eardrums were going to fall off
There's a faint hum of music in the back and
You want to remember this moment
Wrap yourself up
But all you can think about is
The silence consuming you as you try to
Figure her out
What she's all about
How she'd feel if it happened again
How she'd feel if her truth began to bend
The way she looks at you is unlike any other
With eyes like honey and sugar
You could drown in something so sweet
With her you're undefeated
And that's the way it should be, right?
But how about on this very night
Where all you want to do is bury yourself in her
Make her feel loved
Make her feel like she's an angel from above
This kind of undefeated breaks all
You thought you knew
For falling asleep with her in my arms
Shattered all I thought I knew
But that's okay
That's fine
The next morning she was there and
I got to stroke her beautiful hair
Speak in low tones
Our lips close
Temptations of this manner is one I've never known
So I'll take it as it comes whether it be
In waves or dipping my toes in an ocean
But kissing you was like breathing for the first time
A breath of fresh air being invited into my lungs
November 22nd, 2014 9:53pm. The morning after I kissed her.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Maddie Fay
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Maddie Fay
there is some great glowing thing buried
somewhere in my skin and
nothing in the world scares me half as much.
when you ask about fear, i'll mention
heights and strange men and
but never the wildness in my bones
or the poison in my veins or
the slow oozing dark that's running
down the rivets in my brain.
some things are too sharp and slippery
to name.

i never meant to hurt you, but my love was
beastly and burning and
maybe you were scorched beyond repair.
i tangled my fingers in the
fibrous network of your nerves
and carved secrets into your spine.
i did not know how to love gently.
i ****** your breath into my lungs,
briny and saline and
wild like the ocean,
and now i can't breathe but
i can still taste you there.

the inky, fractured spirit in my skull
is stronger than my best intentions and
stronger than the love with which
you tried so desperately to drown it.
all the broken things in me
were more than we could fix.

i'm sorry i stopped calling.
you deserved better.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Muse of many.
Committed to none.
Play on lovely lyre,
play on.

Guiding light to the lost.
Promise of hope for everyone.
Shine on lovely star,
shine on.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Michelle Garcia
I learned all about paralysis
when I found myself waking,
cheek pressed against the wetness
of a blank journal page, aching
with the stifled screams of
my unvoiced muse.

Perhaps it was the cold hand
of my nightmare that shook
me awake, Vulnerability-
who carried himself in vain
and laced his gaze with the
severity of a thousand swords
bracing for impact, framed with
the familiar mask of the Joker-
whom I have become.

Crippled by a force almost demonic
which hovered my thoughts over paper
close enough to almost feel them come alive,
yet distant enough to watch them
disintegrate from the rooftops and
collect as a *** of torment
stuck permanently in the part of my throat
I could not bear to swallow.

To unravel like the peel of
a summer tangerine, lying exposed-
cool air breathing under naked skin
I have taught myself to shelter
from the judgment of  bitter eyes
and words put together only
to criticize.

but in visions I see a girl, dark eyes and
charcoal hair spilling over paper
covered in pretty penmanship
and she is fearless-
hand dancing along to the symphony
of her thoughts, staccato beats
and Allegro! her passion encompasses
more than just ink on lines, you
can see them echo and reverberate
fragmented poetry through the channels
of her veins

and it is so evident- she is free.

and for her, my dream expands further
and I begin to unravel words
stuck trapped under thick orange skin
and invisible walls designed to shelter,
exposing myself to him-
my nightmare, and the retinas
coated effortlessly in judgment

and I am reborn today rather
than tomorrow, eyes a little brighter
and this time, I awaken to the aroma
of new beginnings.
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