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Miriam May 2020
I long to feel that feeling again
The feeling inside-like a surging tide
That feeling you can fly
as emotions touch the sky
That excitement,adrenaline
That keeps on flooding in
That determination,not giving in
A desire to see the win
As your dream rise higher
Keep feeding that fire
So dear beautiful game,
Life’s not the same
I long to feel your heartbeat again
Copyright Miriam 2020©️
Miriam May 2020
Your right here with me
But it feels like we’re oceans apart
Your talking to me
But it feels like your miles from my heart

It feels like I’m losing you
Got to close down this gap
Reaching out through the distance I
Hear you calling my name

So I’m searching to find you
To hold you close once again

And I would sail away to your shore
Because your the only one I adore
And I just can’t take it no more
I’ve got to tell you how I’m feeling inside
My mind and my soul are in a fight
And I’m praying one day we’ll see the light
One day -

And I’m all dried out waiting like this
The tides gone out on our sandy abyss

I wish the tide of our love
Would flood back in
And let the waves roll over the mess we’ve made

So I’ll send out a message in a bottle
Hoping that you’ll read my words
Because waiting for you like this
Really hurts

My heart flutters like a sail
Fighting through the storms
Guiding me through the waters
A compass to your soul
Copyright©️2020 mhawley
Miriam May 2020
Eyes shining in the dark
Like the moon reflecting on the sea
You had a fire in your heart
That ignited in a spark
burning into me

Here’s me wishing the moment would last forever
Tomorrow comes
Day dawns
And it’s only a slight memory

Here’s me stuck in your world of dreams
Your wanting me to please
But I just want to leave
I’m yearning to be free
What did u think? Let me know down below **
Copyright ©mhawley
Miriam May 2020
It’s like the whole world is sleeping
I’m living in a dream
The birds are still tweeting
that’s about as normal as it’s been

We’re living in history
One day we’ll look back
And what’s now a mystery
Will be a fact

Nature is the only thing keeping me sane
And the world we once knew will never be the same
I’m praying we don’t go through this again

But let’s take the positives
It’s brought us together
It’s taught us that we can get through
stormy weather

So when this is all over
We’ll remember the days
But will we go back to our old ways?
Copyright Miriam © 2020
Miriam May 2020
Heroes wear blue
Blue like the sky
Keep looking up,we’ll get by

Heroes wear blue
Each one a star
Shinning through the night

Heroes wear blue
So keep doing what you do
I know it’s hard, but we will get through
Whatever colour you wear thank you for being there
So from all our hearts -that’s where love starts
Thank you for being you !
A poem to say thank you to all the NHS
You are all heroes thank you!
Miriam May 2020
He saw it in her eyes...
A future together
A love nothing can measure
Copyright © mhawley 16
Miriam May 2020
Whole skies ablaze,set on fire
Clouds like islands,floating in a crimson sea
Smooth and sweeping,golden sand
Deserts in the sky
Twisted black,framed against this display
And Graceful birds dance high and low
This sunset becomes the greatest show!
I wrote this earlier this year when I saw the most beautiful sunset ever in the countryside  it’s hard to imagine without a picture but hope this poem helps
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