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 Apr 2014 Lunatide
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
i destroy myself
before you get the chance
because the pain i give myself
could never hurt
as much
as your gentle touches
smile wide

you see me at my time of weak
your warm eyes question mine
i feel the pain
pounding my outer wall
till its all gone

i wish you didn't make me feel this
every time your presence greets mine

if  only you understood
how inferior i really am
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
I live off my three am regrets
and my midnight sadness.

I live off breathing in six am air
and my hope for new years resolutions.

I live off writing out what hurts my chest
and smiling at the butterflies in my stomach.

Finally -
I live off poetry because
I don't know a better way to breathe.
Don’t be submissive to power and engage in a war against Love.- Amitav
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
On the day his eyes sealed shut
A paradise
golden embers rose
rich carpet was destroyed to smithereens
glass shards ricocheted
flames were all they could see
morning dew sprinkled the grass
stars hid in there beds
silence brought havoc to their minds
Reality seeped in
he would never be seen again
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
G H Goodland
Give me your word. To you I give my soul.
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
Misha Kroon
Lets compare scars.
Mine are in my mind.
Yours are on your wrists.

Lets compare feelings.
Mine are trapped in a corner of my mind slowly chocking me inside.
Yours are plain to see, splashed on the art you left on your arms.

Lets compare thoughts.
Mine weave in and out of everything slow tainting my hope.
Yours are to much to handle so you bathe in your blood.

Lets compare hope.
Mine is that I can make it till tomorrow.
Yours is that you make it each minute.

Lets compare ourselves.
We’re both in pain.
But who will chose to show it?

Lets Compare Scars.
Who’s are worse?

This is really old, but It meant a lot when I wrote it ... So I like it... Its a little cringey though :c xD
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
Natasha Teller
this morning, i could not get one breath in edgewise
as she stuck her nose in the air and told me condescendingly
how parroted prayer and mass-market worship got her closer to god

and i had to clench my teeth
to refrain from telling her
i prefer the nine inch nails version of
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