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Dec 2021 · 619
The 'Who'
Luna Casablanca Dec 2021
On her walk,
she treaded the path,
brainstorming the incident
and facing the aftermath.
Along came a man,
walking on his own,
little did she have in mind,
this is someone she had known.

“Why the long face?
why the tears,
why the chin so low?
May you open your ears?”

She replied,
“I wish I cold tell you,
but I really don’t know.
Who I am or where I belong.
I thought I loved myself
but perhaps I am wrong.”

The man looked at her
astonished by her
he could see that she needed to be
told she was fine and deserved to be

“Oh the places you’ll go,
That is a book I wrote I’m sure
You must know?”

I read it as a child,
When it was okay to be
Fun, crazy, and wild.
Wait a second,
Dr. Seuss,
is it you?!
I read your books growing up,
and the meanings were oh so

“I love your feedback,
very genuine, you raise the bar.
Now what’s wrong with who, or how you are?
Do they say you take it too far?”

“I lose friends every year.
I come off as too strong,
I lose control when I go out
and they say I no longer belong.
I then get excluded and I spend weekend nights alone,
I don’t want it to be this way,
I want to show everyone I have grown.
I’m the reason drama happens but I only want to
Have fun.
I told them I love myself,
And they told me to
go away,

“Who is they?
Might I ask,
You’re like the
“Cat in the hat.”
But the mess gets cleaned up
in the end,
You just have to say,
“Yes I did that.””
Knowing when to draw the line
Is just as important
As knowing how to have
A real good

“That’s the thing,
I don’t know when.
I think I’m being too loud
But when I’m quiet
I feel drowned.
I feel like I have only myself,
I’m like the Grinch,
I’m alone on a mountain so angry
I have no help.
No friends,
nobody loves me,
wants me,
invites me,
they tell me they’ve had enough,
my frustration is as high as the sky.
I hate having no one
I don’t know how much more
I can try..”

“My goodness,
you’re so upset,
I’m sorry this is how you feel.
Now this may sound ironic what I am to tell you,
but you are the one who makes it
You are loved
You just have to accept,
You have some work to do
But you must let go of

“Mr. Seuss,
I live alone and I never sweep my floor.
I give my friends space,
But they always ask for more.”

“But you’re in control,
You just need to note,
Your confidence is there,
Now anchor your boat.
Take the anchor out of the ground
When you’re ready to go somewhere new.
Be a captain,
I see a leader in you.
Do you remember Horton?
The elephant that heard a ‘Who.’
If you spend time solo,
Someone like a ‘who,’
Will call for you.
They’ll need you.
They’ll want you,
They’ll be there for you
As Horton Said himself,
“A person’s a person no matter how small.”
The little ‘who’s’ told Horton he did nothing
but save them all!
Sometimes we people hear what we don’t want,
But think of it as honesty and then you let it go and you show them what you got,
“You must not hop on pop.”
Your heart may grow and you’ll be surrounded for a Christmas Dinner.
You are not a loser,
You are a winner.”

“Thank you, Dr. Seuss,
I’m no longer on the loose.
I may have had illogical moments,
But I have so many things to choose.
I may have had a loss,
but I am for now on proud to be alive,
there will sometimes be a cost,
but this is my life,
I am the boss!
I’m continuing my walk now,
I really needed this encounter with you,
Thank you for your words of wisdom,
And I will wait to hear from my “who.””

“Now I wish you the best of luck,
My sweet dear.
I love that you live a life of lessons,
And have nothing to fear.
Your rules are your own,
You know what you are after,
“Those who mind,
Don’t matter,
Those who don’t mind,
Today is your day.
You’re off to great places,
you’re off and away.”

“And I am the person
who will decide where I
Goodbye Dr. Seuss,
you’re a true friend,
I just have to move on and go forward
this story will never end!
You are a good man
and a blessing of a
Right now,
this moment,
I will start happening
Thank You.”
Works Cited
Seuss, Dr. Horton Hears a Who! New York, Random House, 1954.
---. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. New York, Random House, 1991.
---. Oh, the Places You'll Go! New York, Random House, 1990.
Nov 2019 · 298
Excluded TRUTH
Luna Casablanca Nov 2019
I listen and I learn,
I ramble and I pant,
I get up and I leave,
because they said I can’t.
No filter photo of me,
holding a white mug with tea,
featured on Instagram with likes,
and no others around me riding our
I go at it alone,
I hang by myself.
I love this company,
but deep down,
I want someone
Opinions do matter,
actions speak louder than
When the tree turns red and orange leaves,
the season has changed, time has
I listen and I learn,
to my own conscious.
It tells me not to beg,
let the others just
have it.
The photograph will be taken
with me in it someday.
There is a reason I get excluded,
let the truth come what may.
There is the right person,
somewhere somehow.
If this poem is going on too long,
I’ll stop here.
I showed you
Have your space,
and I need some too
right now.
Jul 2019 · 217
Play Alive
Luna Casablanca Jul 2019
Up and down the slide,
it’s really a short ride,
I try to have drive,
I am still alive,
I continue to strive,
I have reached the ground unblind,
I am going back up the ladder,
wonder if I’ll feel the same after.
Every trip down the slide,
every second on the swing,
every time I touch the ground after the firepole
or twirl a ring.
I play this game alone,
see who else comes along,
I go up and down the slide,
not doing anything
Jun 2019 · 197
Being Kind is Better
Luna Casablanca Jun 2019
If I could thank every person who was nice to me today,
there would never be thunder crashing,
tornadoes whirling,
fires flaming,
only stars shining.
Butterflies chasing for the next
pollenated treat.
Children with their eyes beaming
and smiling wide,
oh so sweet.
Just another complement, how are you,
or smile to remind me,
there is love in this world,
it’s there somewhere.
Doesn’t have to cost a thing,
the more we smile and say nice things,
the more money we save so we can
later all go out together.
Now we can’t bring the whole world to the fun and
punkish café,
nor can I cook for all these people,
but we can bring the whole world to a better place,
in the heart, in the mind, on the street, boulevard,
we can be respectful, we can motivate with kindness,
Patronizing and antagonizing take
too many guts and labor.
It’s just better to be kind.
To everyone who was nice to me today,
Thank you,
for letting my moment be a moment,
you helped me feel fine,
because that is what I’m going to be,
we all are going to be
Jun 2019 · 183
Luna Casablanca Jun 2019
You may say an herb is an herb,
a flower is a flower,
a succulent is just stiff,
and a plant is,
what one needs from a plant is one’s own
definition of what a plant is.
Is it beautiful? Is it ****? Is it sweet? Or abrasive like a cactus?
Children play with dandelions and blow the dust
and make wishes.
Young teenage girls sob over boys
and pluck petals off of sunflowers to judge
if he loves them,
does he not.
A young couple has just unpacked every cardboard box from
their Ford Pickup Truck.
They have moved into a new apartment with no garden outside,
the succulents from the nearby art store are perfect for their kitchen.
The clay jar that holds the succulent
matches their fiesta dishes.
Now lets talk about that lavender.
The girl who has a degree,
that is now just a piece of paper before a career,
she does not know where to go next,
and is thinking too much, going too far, and has
no final destination.
You may say an herb is an herb,
made for tea and getting ******,
but when she sniffs lavender within
the oil and the bag of herbs,
she collects her thoughts,
her anxiety is ceasing,
and she knows
there will be an
Lavender helps with anxiety
Jun 2019 · 201
Luna Casablanca Jun 2019

Round like the world,
this item is technically a world,
it is round and filled
with stories, tales,
and lessons.
Whether it first be the beat,
the bass, drums, guitar, and vocals,
this album is a story,
it’s not just facts in a
When I sit at my kitchen table,
I have my sandwich on a plate,
coffee in a maison jar,
and I play an album from my phone,
Green Day,
Blink 182,
I hear stories,
I hear questions,
I hear unsure statements,
I hear complaints of anger and
The last few tracks are not the same as the
first few tracks.
The last few tracks are clinchers, conclusions,
This is just like listening to my own life.
Don’t know where I’m going,
but I know where I have been,
don’t know where things will end,
but I want them to end
on a good
Jan 2019 · 259
Never Worse Again
Luna Casablanca Jan 2019
Will the avalanche occur on the Yukon
the day I choose to walk?
I’m here to forget my troubles,
not hear nature’s anger
Will a shark bite my leg off
the morning I surf the Pacific Coast
to regain my bliss?
I am not here to invade the shark’s
home, I am giving myself an athletic
How much more can I lose?
Have I worked hard enough?
I felt as if I should be nice,
but that was a fight,
and I was supposed to be
I don’t want my worst moment
to happen again.
I want to be a good woman
and a selfless friend.
I will keep myself calm,
keep my tongue still.
I will be polite if someone criticizes me or
insists I accept their help,
indeed they will.
They know I am different,
and strange.
We humans are a cluster of works in
not a group to be arranged.
I am here for the same reason,
they are no better no worst.
Changing to be improved
is a gift,
and very much so a curse,
I will change,
I’ll reimburse,
but never again,
will I be that
The future is in my hands,
not in my purse.
This is not worth a word in the dictionary
of words of curse,
I’d like to be better and humble,
no longer worse.
Oct 2018 · 193
Thank You For Your Time II
Luna Casablanca Oct 2018
Threatened and hurt I felt
if someone ever had to go.
Older and wiser I became
and then I was able to know:
your time is a gift,
it is from you to me.
calandars get fuller everyday
but yours is yours to see.
Forget credit cards and
Jack Daniels in shotglasses,
think about the paid hours we need
and to pass those classes.
We are adults
but our freedom isn’t free.
No matter how long we hung out,
thank you
for spending that time
with me.
Jul 2018 · 227
Apology Letters
Luna Casablanca Jul 2018
I remember your home address,
Have you taken time to remember
Stamped with colors and sealed with my saliva
I have once again committed a crime.
The tough positions and neediness
leave me feeling guilty and worthless.
In the end some things do matter,
dig in my bag to find the receipt
I’ll return this beautiful party platter.
Go home from the store sit on my bed and start to cry,
Sure was looking forward to that cheesecake and sharing the large pizza pie.
I acted up, I did it again,
I send these apology letters to all my lost friends.
I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you,
I promise you’ll go out with sharper people
guaranteed their credit cards will go through.
Jul 2018 · 204
Luna Casablanca Jul 2018
I feel so tired but I cannot be still and rest.
I want to be alone, then be with friends, and
when I am with friends, I want to be left
I am aspie, I am bipolar, I am crazy, I am calm.
I have rage inside that is translated with humor,
I am very smart with gifted observations
not even the brilliant
can find.
This phase of anxiety intriguing my thoughts that
I will never make it on my own,
and my fears that my friends are buying plane tickets
and booking cruises without my knowledge
have unpacked their bags and are having foot massages
in my mind.
It is not true,
it is temporary,
it is not all about me,
I want my circle to be all about
happiness and trust,
compassion and gratitude,
pictures of natural poses
no ******* in the cheekbones nor do we
put on any light filters of black and white or
neon orange and green.
I feel so tired but I do fall asleep to practice
doing what I need to do for me.
I will spend equal time alone and out together,
I am strong, I have power, I am kind, I am titled as a
friend, sister, daughter, employee, ex-girlfriend, client,
intern, volunteer, but most of all,
No human was ever and is ever made to be perfect.
It is normal to be depressed and reach out in need.
Don’t take your life,
just take your time,
and if you must play the game by your own rules,
do it until you function like the newest machine, iphone,
or crazy new invention that trends.
New rules build new trends and thoughts in our minds.
Shall we stay in a learning world and learn?
Sounds like a good plan.
We are enrolled for the same
Luna Casablanca Jun 2018
Hands have too many privileges,
two too many with
five fingers to physically feel.
When the smaller head thinks it needs to be
bathed clothed and fed,
men’s hands will grab the sexiest *****
within their first opportunity.
I was walking with my man,
years ago I was nineteen in college.
We were in a public galleria,
he let go of my hand we were holding hands
side by side.
Before I knew it,
he did it again.
He stood in front of me,
had the most aggressive expression,
and with his hands he squeezed my *******
about ten times and said,
“******* ******* ******* ******* *******!”
I was startled and shocked out of my mind.
We were in public!
Did he not care about who was around us?
How could he disrespect my body?
How could he be so cruel and greedy?
Careless and childish?
Those ***** were mine and still are!
They are nobody else’s!
I am 23.
I let my eyes naturally look, stare,
and I don’t always know if I blush or smile.
Nobody is allowed to love me
in a romantic way.
Nobody is ever to by “my” man.
I support any man who is attracted to me or interested,
but he cannot have me.
I am naïve, adorable, and apparently beautiful.
Is it my eyes they will see that make me stand as
confident, sharp, and as if I am aware I own myself?
Or are my ***** so big, beautiful, and *****,
that is all anyone has and will ever want from me?
It is my body.
Nobody is allowed to love me.
I will not have dinner with you.
I will not go to the movies with you.
I will not walk in the park with you.
I will not fornicate with you.
I prefer my loneliness as well as my social life.
I don’t need a man ever again.
Nobody is allowed to love me or
feel my body.
Too bad whenever I hug someone
my ******* are in the way.
I love them dear,
I will never love a man ever again.
Who knows what he is really thinking.
Is it his brain?
Or the other
A girl will never know the truth behind a man’s intentions
until she all of a sudden feels a hand
on her body
in the wrong
I finally wrote about my abusive relationship/****** assault story. There were several other abuses sexually in that relationship, but that was the last thing he ever did to me. Today I am fearful of romance since the relationship I had after that abusive one was so good, but it ended tragically after a fight. I cannot date now I can't! And anytime someone shows interest....
I run away.
Jun 2018 · 353
Ignorance Acrostic
Luna Casablanca Jun 2018
Intelligence by comfort and limitations
Gradually putting down those who have interest in what they don’t share
Never going out of their way to learn something new
Obedient to their own views
Ridding of current and new information
Acting as if they are right when they are so wrong
Need to be better informed
Creating barriers and unnecessary boundaries
Educated minimally
Jun 2018 · 300
I Look Straight Ahead
Luna Casablanca Jun 2018
When someone scolds,
disagrees with my processing speed,
or loses it with me,
I do not fight back with
equal aggression or my
hands turned into fists.
I keep silent,
I have the right to remain that way,
in life,
we do what we desire to do,
what we need to do,
what we love to do,
but most of all,
we do what we are supposed to do.
If we are supposed to bring
respect and happiness to this world,
how in the name of God
do we to do it by looking down at
one another with the most
insincere expression and
raised eyebrows?
Lower your
lighten your
look at someone unlike you
as one who can teach you something new
and not one who gave you the chance
to beat someone and eat
your dust.
Dust is nothing I ever crave
when I feel the need to gain power.
I do what I am supposed to do.
I take a deep breath,
I remain calm and patient,
and though it may be a task yet a chore to
look again at one who condescends or is
rude to me,
I look straight ahead to them.
To all of those who cannot handle
being around a person on the spectrum,
it is that simple to just look straight ahead in someone’s
If you have been looking down,
condescending, and
speaking to people who are unlike
you with authority,
You have been doing it wrong
your whole life.
Learn something
from us.
As someone who is on the spectrum of Aspergers and has been condescended to, told what to do, and has been forced to enable those who are disrespectful and unkind. Seriously, STOP BEING MEAN TO PEOPLE! The only people who should be feeling shame are those who cannot share a moment with one who is unlike them or cannot show respect. Shame on the haters.
May 2018 · 263
Luna Casablanca May 2018
I knew there was jeopardy,
in our hearts and our minds.
Blood flowing amongst your lungs,
and to many breaths in mine.
Our eyes saw one another
as the same but different
The virtue of patience grew mutually,
I just sat and thought of the day
you would be daddy and I would be
Long distance is anything but easy,
you never know how you really
until that infection hits you
hard in the
You knew you had to go,
you questioned if staying was worth it,
if I was the one thing keeping you alive,
the truth made you realize
I wasn’t.
Since we broke up and you hung up
I have carried on with
blood, sweat, and tears,
and alcoholic thirst.
Every new man who approaches me
makes me crave your love once more.
I just pretend I was your one and only
and heaven was the last open door.
I find comfort in imagining our
break up call like this:
I heard your voice last as
they turned off the machines
and my heart shattered with
broken glass,
of picture frames of my visions
of you, me,
and our two sons and
I will never find another man like you,
you were perfect
you just couldn’t believe it too.
But I know you are alive and
if I see you again,
please tell me
I was the one
who taught you to
love yourself
you were such a gift
in my life,
I panic when I ask if I
was a gift in
I reminisce you as if you died
peacefully  in bed with dialysis machines and wires
hooked to your heart.
I was the last one who loved you,
who you held and protected in your
Those weren’t the only wires
that had to carry you through
as I was with you at the time.
So rest in peace,
You are one I will never forget.
You live in the sky with angels,
I continue my life with
I miss you,
teddy bear.
You were on dialysis,
so you being gone forever
is only
I miss you even a year from the day we broke up. #worstdayofmylife
Mar 2018 · 296
Luna Casablanca Mar 2018
I knelt to a tile floor,
of a busy mall,
I was working at a table,
I looked down and saw your head with
long black hair fall.
You put your head in my lap
you broke down and cried,
I remember you rejected me
but this is how I replied.
You had tears down your face
I held you in my arms,
I called you ‘Superman’,
you cried and later felt
my warmth.

My eyes opened wide,
the sun was out,
I was alone in my bed and my room was quiet,
It was just a dream, I felt a tear and a pout.
I was reminded that in reality you are gone and away,
I dreamed you were crying, and the dream said you would

You don’t have to, it’s fine, just live your life
how you need.
I will always remember your timeline,
and how I did wonder if you would come to me
with greed.
I called you ‘Superman’ in my dream,
though that must be the one thing that was real.
You have come so far,
that name I call you is truth no steal.

You may be gone but I still have immense respect for
you and your life.
You have come so far, you are a ‘Superman’,
continue with your dignity and drive.
I consoled you as you cried in a dream
I pray will someday prove my clairvoyance
and therefore come
Dreams tell us something about our feelings and reality. This dream I will never forget and tells that just because someone may choose to not let us in, doesn't make either of us bad, it's just not the right time.
Nov 2017 · 234
Your Fool
Luna Casablanca Nov 2017
You had my heart,
you had residence in my brain,
you had a seat at the hand of my faith,
you had my love wrapped around your
entire body.
You had me thinking of all the
joyous adventures we would take
just us two,
you had me in love with you but more than that,
I was a fool.
I was more into it than you,
I put in more effort than you,
I followed all the rules unlike you,
I actually wanted this, it was all except you
who wanted two hearts to be better than one.
I showed my rage,
you showed that you were a man,
it took til our breakup to
present that to me.
I wanted you to be okay,
I wanted you to live okay,
I wanted you to find happiness,
I even wanted you to find
love again.
I reached out on your birthday,
you said I was a beautiful person.
I thought the universe of you,
you thought I was just your beautiful
More than a prop, dummy, puppet, or
I was nothing but your fool.
Traumatized and scarred by our finish,
my depression is the evidence
that I was a big fat fool for you,
thanks for nothing,
you liar.
Sep 2017 · 1.3k
I Hope You Love Yourself
Luna Casablanca Sep 2017
If you’re never going to love me,
and when you do, you’re not going
to do it right,
I appreciate your absence.
My heart has grown fonder for a
proper gentleman, not a lazy sloth
who can’t go out of his way for a
beautiful woman.
You lied,
you hurt,
you messed up,
you never got worked up,
for me to be in your sad pathetic
Since I am gone and I know
you are too,
I only want you to love
It is the best thing you can do right
now for you and for everyone around you.
Start with yourself
so you never
hurt another
Jul 2017 · 293
The F-Word
Luna Casablanca Jul 2017
I cant help but wonder what your private
conversations were with your
right hand covering the side of your face and
your eyes glaring at the side of the room.
It is only your power in what words come
out of your own mouth.
My mouth was open far too much as well as
my stories and mind and heart as well.
I said random things according to you all,
how could you pass up an opportunity to learn
something new?
A picture is worth a thousand words,
a picture is worth a million when one is cut out.
I cut myself out,
I stopped arriving to your demand,
and the one day I was walking alone,
I saw two of you and you said,
“Nora, we haven’t seen you in like,
a week.”
The stunned expressions, the fact you actually
stopped your steps
to acknowledge
I was
You could have seen a broken heart and
a binge eating princess if I had remained in my
seat at our table at five o clock.
It takes space to understand the need of others,
and it takes space to understand the fact we sometimes
don’t need others.
Not every group can become “family” too soon.
I said the F-word,
and you all said
good bye,
but if it is the behavior that matters,
the lashing, scolding, and condescending addresses
was your way of being bigger.
Never thought I would grow by walking alone.
now there’s the F-Word I needed to say
all along.
May 2017 · 592
In Hostility's Hands
Luna Casablanca May 2017
Know yourself,
not just the bad,
know your limits,
forget the trauma
you once
Feel your hands touch
your face,
be grateful for your
individual look.
Quit eyeing everyone
around you,
sit down with a
reading book.
Jealousy is a force,
nerves are
Anger is unacceptable
and hostility is
Mean spirited behavior is
so turn it into a play, book, movie,
or song,
and we can all join along,
and feel your pain.
Sometimes witnessing
is how you win
the game.
May 2017 · 346
Giving a Mile
Luna Casablanca May 2017
Right Now,
it is not you I miss,
it is not our love that I want back,
It is the words and anger I bombarded
that I want to take back,
and the moment before I tore you apart,
I miss it so I can;
put down my phone and think to myself.
Sum up my feelings, take a breath, and count to ten.
Write with a pen and paper, and conclude this is
not working out.
It ran its course, and courses remain on their ground but
different runners come and run their trail every day.
I will run, I won’t lay in bed, but I will never disclose
so much anger again.
Even if you did not reciprocate the way I wanted,
I was wrong to be so cruel to you.
Even though I was terrified of saying we weren’t working out,
one of us had to do it. And it was you.
We can’t help how we feel, and we can’t fight how we feel either.
Since we are done, and you are no longer mine,
the only fight I am fighting is for myself to be healthy again
so I can run courses on my own and feel the wind in my face,
see kind people on the street who wave to me,
and I will know I will run another course with someone who
can fulfill what I need and I know this won’t be a long distance
Ours ran its course, but our lives are our own now.
Live yours, I’ll live mine.
Step step step,
turn turn turn,
look out for that branch on the concrete,
and be sure to give
a real
When you love someone, you must put in effort to see them as much as you can if you are long distance. This didn't work out. Even though it feels as if a weight has lifted off, I lost my cool. When it comes to love, it is not enough to jus text and text all day. It means effort t and going out of ones way to see someone when you can't always. I am a runner too, and running is always theraputic. You have to give a mile, whether it is you r love for someone, or love for you running career.
Apr 2017 · 758
Learning From Love
Luna Casablanca Apr 2017
None of the pictures are to burn,
no memory is going to be in my
heart's urn.
Looks like we have a chance to
see others and take a different turn.
You sure were one to teach me about love,
and I know there are thousands of things
I helped you learn.
Love is something that comes along,
you don't wait to earn.
Relationships don't include
attitudes that are stern.
When they do,
let it go and with yourself
be firm.
Carry on,
don't yet start searching,
Luna Casablanca Apr 2017
I persevere and push aside every stabbing
and chanting thought of seeing something I want
to keep die and be buried in the ground.
Us was one thing that died and the day you
said you couldn’t take it anymore,
my heart was cracking, but why
it didn’t break:
Optimism took over me and I
was right to give you the greif.
Happiness has overcome me and
so many fears that aired inside do not
exist so I am not polluted.
I don’t have to worry about you and
the sneaky and inconsiderate things
you did to me.
If you really loved me,
you would have bent over backwards
to see me.
You just kept me waiting and waiting,
and I let you go, but wanted to be sure
you were not going to come running
back to me.
I don’t want you as a lover anymore.
Friends, fine. I still like you for you,
and I do care for you.
Lovers, maybe not. This got too
complicated and demanding,
I was aggressive,
you were weak.
I’m happy and you better be too.
Now you are free to lay back and relax,
not talk to me, drop out of college,
quit your job, go to bed,
and don’t you dare pretend I am
next to you.
I’m not mad at you,
I am just not at all in desire to
love you like that again.
I let you go,
and I have more of a life itself
than an insular love life.
Hey, you gotta see it as more than
just two people.
Everyone should be
Breaking up was nothing I was prepared for, but it has helped me a lot.,
Luna Casablanca Mar 2017
I cant even put my finger on where my mood is
right now.
I feel so much sympathy shoot me with a rifle
I don’t even know how.
Digging in the dirt trying to find something that
looks colorful.
How funny it is that we are so oblivious that what
we do may be hurtful.
To someone,
someone else,
a person.
A man,
a woman,
a child,
a human.
What we do for ourselves and how our family and friends
will either open or simmer their eyes.
Careful what you wish for,
that fight,
that argument,
that controlling move,
that demand,
could be the next one who dies.
These are not
There are times in life something or someone might change. People come and go, and just because something or someone was right then, doesn't mean it still is. It is hard and hurtful to see relationships, family, and friendships fall apart and to see things in a whole new place and perspective. Call me a placater, a coward, or a wimp, but I choose to be forgiving and respectful to people I see everyday despite that I feel anger and rage, I keep that to
Luna Casablanca Mar 2017
Those who don’t learn
will never understand the difference
between given and
Those who come off as angry and
aggressive are found as
manipulative and
Those who are rude and unkind
are pitied like those who are
deaf and blind.
Crimes are accused by those
who are threatened by others talents
so they claim their being not better as
Those who were never told no
have nothing else to say except,
‘ok, let it go’.
People are going to do what
they are going to do.
People think they are better
then everyone else and
feel mortified when their facts
are false.
Those who raise their voices and scold
to grab attention were never taught
to take a deep breath, see the surroundings,
and prior to it see the correction.
Get out there,
accept the world for
what it has and what
it is going to be.
Think of all those people
who look down and think
horrible things of me.
They are right,
I’m just one of a kind.
They are smarter,
and my intelligence makes
their teeth grind
Ha ha,
you never thought I could.
I function fine though I have
a mind that says I would…
looks like its not me in for a
rude awakening.
Wake the **** up,
smell the ******* coffee,
drink it,
and go about your way.
It’s a new day.
I express a point of view,
and if you take it that way,
I aint holding back,
I'll call it a
So much anger lead by so many misconceptions and misunderstanding and misleading, as well as mistreated.
Feb 2017 · 292
Barely Used
Luna Casablanca Feb 2017
Don't be surprised when you go to the shop
and you see a familiar blue guitar, acoustic and
barely used.
There is a reason that guitar is
barely used.
There was a girl who had far too many dreams to come true
of being a rock star folk star pop star anything star.
She learned and practiced,
but what always told her playing and singing just
wasn't good enough.
She ******, she sounded like ****, and she would never
beat a child at the activity of playing guitar, writing songs, and
She would bring it to parties,
everyone would get up and get a drink as she
played a song.
She would write a song,
people would laugh at her.
She would sing an old tune and play the chords,
people would criticize her.
She got the bravery to play on the grass ground on
her campus but people walking by and drifting away was
a sing of rejection.
She fought hard to still play and not be an expert,
but she lost every ******* battle and war.
There were very few who appreciated,
but who knows if the blue guitar, Luna, is worth keeping.
She was too much of a nervous wreck to play in front of anyone,
sometimes she did, it went well, and she was told it was beautiful.
Luna might have to go in the shop and be sold to someone who is
BETTER and EXPERIENCED and for christ's sake, GOOD AND TALENTED.
That girl, Me, has talent that is BARELY USED
because I am not good, never was, and I
If someone doesn't like you talent, it is not a crime.
If you play and sound like ****, it is considered a crime,
but by who?
I know there is room to grow but I just can't fit anymore
I might sell my guitar,
if/when I do,
she will be shiny and blue,
in good condition,
and most of all,
barely used.
I'm just placating to anyone
who laughed, criticized, or
silently booed.
You're welcome.
I might sell my guitar.
I keep losing interest, motivation, and I never had skill
I'm on the fence, chances are I won't sell it,
but I **** no matter
what I do different.
Nobody likes hearing me play in my house,
so I might as well
Feb 2017 · 289
What did you Really Want?
Luna Casablanca Feb 2017
I used to come here and laugh along while people
turned, looked up to me, and asked me to play.
I would join, I would mess everything up, and
everyone laughed along until
I became closer to someone
who was special to
I would come in again and I would
be scolded for putting down the wrong
and I would be ignored by
What happened?
Did you want me to stay independent?
Did you not want me at all?
Today I tried to go in and I stopped
myself when I was at a point where I couldn’t
be seen.
I’ll never be seen as someone strong with power
by any of you.
I quit for a reason,
and it is not normal to walk into a room
with a pounding chest and blood sweat and
I was told prior to my attempt I should come
in every once in a while.
Not happening.
Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?
I never mattered anyway.
Moving on can leave me with mixed feelings. I'll find another group, just not now.
Jan 2017 · 1.0k
Playing Hard to Get
Luna Casablanca Jan 2017
Minutes become hours,
hours form into days.
Days become useless as
I just wait and wait to hear
and see,
feel and touch,
laugh and cry with the people
I love.
Times change and so do others.
I have declared myself growing with
the room that is there.
Feedback is only said once.
Careful what you say,
maturity has no give and take,
it is a commitment.
I waited so long,
I am not dragging my feet anymore.
These jobs are playing hard to get
no matter how I feel comfortable
These people I love will have no
reason to play hard to get.
I am growing into an adult.
it is coming.
Where will I be?
What am I going to do?
Do you agree this is what I am good at?
Will you still love me even if my mistakes and flaws
don't give you an opportunity to yell at me,
tell  me what to do,
lecture me,
and be superior?
Now look who is playing
hard to get.
Nobody gets
anymore excuses
from me.
Hello there.
Dec 2016 · 459
A Joke Itself (Shine On)
Luna Casablanca Dec 2016
Why don't you put on a pair of shoes
since you claim you
My missed cue does not become your
own to guide me.
             go at life
We force, we shame,
we freak out
we move out.
We never see the forest through
the trees.
I have no problem
cutting down
Nothing is left after I do what is hurtful
I move on.
I'm a joke to you.
You're a mistake to me.
This is the world I live in with my problem
beginning with the letter
I keep it on the
Everyone figures it out.
Have you ever had your face controlled
by your cognitive?
Be grateful you don't,
but do not be showing it by
making fun of me.
Real adults entertain themselves without hurting others to make themselves feel better.
I should go now.
I'm not the one who chose to be
rude, condescending, disrespectful,
What is the real joke?
My aspien being,
or your seeing this awkward interaction
as your time to shine.
I'll be laughing at you, but keeping the giggles
to myself, my darling.
I shine in my own time,
and nobody has
to know.
People think they have to look out for you because you appear as different, and people think you are tolerant of disrespect because you are different, but that should not be the case, should it? I have had it with people being condescending to me and blowing me off.
Luna Casablanca Nov 2016
A chair in the corner,
with a lamp above its head.
A sofa on the wall,
and a carpet turned to shreds.
Can be gone by the openining of eyes
and waking up to bills, loans, and
mortgages to pay,
“it’s Sold,”
is too soon what we say:
Arguments in the kitchen,
take out bags and boxes in the living
and this is why we all start itiching.
A family started by a couple so
madly in love then
love was taken out of the mad,
one said,
“Let’s just buy our dream house,
it won’t be that bad”
The boxes are unpacked,
“No! That’s going there!”
“I wanted this room for my own”
Why is life so unfair?
It’s not about what we
it’s how we treat and
Have, is in
Buying a dream house,
getting married,
having a child,
just gives a family another reason
for an outrage.
Stay where you are,
focus on the manners and
civil speaking.
Just because the home is new to you
does not mean there are no mice in the kitchen
and no floors creaking.
No matter what is taken away or
pushed inside,
a dream house is only a dream,
so look at each other as you
are only human,
and swallow your
god ****** pride.
This is for the families I know who bought their dream house thinking it would save everything.
It doesn't.
Luna Casablanca Nov 2016
Please go away,
I beg of you please,
I pick up the phone,
I get on my knees.
I take off my clothes,
I cut off my hair,
the **** in you
has the victim in me

We think we are king and queen
when we feel the concern.
Other people’s mistakes are
what let our insecurities burn.
Here I am naked and
with hair I despise.
Did you forget your sympathy
when you saw the anger in my eyes?

The anger within,
can only begin,
with the fear
of going out
of ones

The amount of control
you pretend to have
over me
gives me no reason
to stay.
But I will sit here until
you give me my clothes back,
you take away these scissors,
and you let your kindness

Go back to the kind one
I know you can be.
But it’s too late,
I’m traumatized
by this memory.
I’ll think, I’ll cry,
don’t even let yourself
have another try.
It’s only a loss
when you look at yourself as
the Boss.
Beggars can't be choosers, but we can stand up for ourselves when others are bossing us around and controlling us. They can't, and if we say stop,  hopefully they won't.
Oct 2016 · 366
Humans We are Only
Luna Casablanca Oct 2016
I know I can’t always rely on the warmth of your hug
by your arms simply locking me away from
I know we can’t get younger and are on different
levels of occupation.
I know my anxiety drives me crazy and I fear
it does to you.
You say it doesn’t but just wait for the day
you drive so fast in your car
and break every speed limit
to catch me before I

I don’t know where I will be working
and how much I’ll be getting paid
I don’t know what your next step will be
in terms of getting your
I don’t know if we’ll have to break the ties
and a break will be needed so we can

These are just nerves and thoughts.
We dealt with our own trauma and stress,
and became honest people.
I’m a survivor, and you’re a strengthener.
I get scared, and you get serious.
I cry, and so do you.
I’ve fought before, and you fought hard.
I became this, and you became that.
I’m a woman, and you’re a man.
I’m worried, and you’re relaxed.
I’m always anxious, and you’re always positive.

We helped each other grow, and we
stroke each others foreheads with our fingers
as we discuss what went wrong before in our
lives before we became this beautiful
Who knows where the future will
take us when we have to search for
different things.
We are two,
but different people.
We learned from each other how
to love,
but we’re not perfect,
and I like it that way.
We’re only human.
Even if we are in love, we still have to do our own thing sometimes and focus on priorities.
Luna Casablanca Oct 2016
Look at that girl,
she has the body any other girl who struggles
would see and search for a pistol.
See her walking,
she walks on her toes with
headphones in her ears and
skips along the road alone
with her long  brown hair
flowing along her back.
Notice her
sharp move as she
sits on a sofa with music in her
she gets up confidently and competitively
to talk to
the boys.
If only if only
out of all the boys she could
say hi to and introduce herself,
That one,
remembered who she was and couldn’t
forget and therefore, she
couldn’t resist.
That one,
who offered to put his arm around her
one night watching television,
and Boom,
there was love.
That one,
who she said hi to,
is the reason she is more than a
person from the past but in her life,
she is the one who
She had not known what this boy was doing,
all abusers are full of excuses.
She did not give up.
She is a full time student,
has a wonderful family,
great friends,
a true new boyfriend,
and for that boy who abused her for her body,
the body may have changed in not so good ways
but she has changed for the better,
and is happier and better informed
than you will ever
think she can
Just remember,
no means no.
*** is a happy thing,
not something we do for ourselves.
If someone abuses you, it is not your fault. If you are the one abused, you are the one who has no guilt to feel. Ever.
Oct 2016 · 251
Dear Ms. Superior
Luna Casablanca Oct 2016
I can't trust you anymore.
If I told you I was sorry,
you would respect my will.
If I told you I was traumatized,
I am a survivor of abuse, and I
have a troubled past,
you would say it was all
my fault.
You walk away and lift your
hands in the air and say,
"just saying".
I hear the dominance loud and clear,
but when you hear the kindness from me
as simple and sweet as can be,
I demand,
Learn and
You know you really don't,
why be two faced?
Sep 2016 · 382
Luna Casablanca Sep 2016
I know what I did was wrong
I would always
Be there

I just wanted to belong
I know you
Don't even
I just want to belong with people. Why is it so hard?
Sep 2016 · 723
Power of a Photograph
Luna Casablanca Sep 2016
The memory that dominated my time at the time
to take out my iPhone 6 and shoot an image
of whoever whatever wherever.
I sit at my computer and I look at all the pictures
and why we can’t have these moments again.
What did I do?
Was I mean?
Can we have it again?
Why not?
If you saw me crying this very moment as I type
these words on the same laptop I keep the photographs saved,
would you want to be saved as well to be a part of my life?
I will never try and make you stay,
I won’t beg,
but I continue to cry, for this is the power of a photograph.
Never thought I would want to belong so bad.
At least in a photo with us standing together and our
arms around each other,
I had it once,
and I know I’ll have it again.
Even if it isn’t you,
someone can help me.
You’ll be making new memories,
and I’ll be alone making a
collage of the photos I saved.
This is me now,
You can come back to me anytime. I'll be good. I won't be obnoxious or goofy, I promise. I want you back, please trust that I have changed and I am aware of my problem. I can be better than I used to be, and I won't make a fool of myself to get your attention. I miss you, will you let me in again? If you ever want me, you can come to me anytime. I need you now.
Aug 2016 · 334
Harder is Better
Luna Casablanca Aug 2016
They say every rose has it's thorn,
and every baby has it's mother.
They tell me that if the shoe fits, wear it,
and there are two sides to every story.

What if,
the rose makes my hands bleed,
what if the baby lost it's mother,
what if I don't like this shoe,
and what if the story is too hard to

I am full of grit but as everyone else,
I fear what I don't know.
What will it be like when we are
hours away, I'm here and you are
This love has shaped me into a
better woman,
and has made me aware of how
beautiful and angelic I am.

We can do this together,
long distance,
and still in love.
As time goes and we get closer
to where priorities meet,
I just don't know how it will be.
It won't be easy,
but what is?
Aug 2016 · 420
Space (Acrostic)
Luna Casablanca Aug 2016
Searching for your own self and only you be the judge

Pretend it is only you in the world and nobody else matters right now

Accept your looks, your gifts, your talent, and most of all, you

Come clean that it is only a moment before you reach back out and help      others who need you, even if it feels they use you.

Eat well, go outside, laugh, pray, and be happy, but don’t take this time for granted.
Space is important, and never fear independence
Aug 2016 · 679
The Kraken Within Me
Luna Casablanca Aug 2016
Where are you to hold me when I need you to?
Where are the understanding thoughts others have of my imperfections when I can't help myself either?
Why do the horrid memories replay in my hippocampus when I thought I already turned them off?
Where is my mania to squash my depression half?
Why do I seem helpless and wait forever to succeed in the adult world?
Why do I get so intensely excited then become an antagonistic monster?
Why did I not know then what I know now?
Becoming a victim completely unaware.
Proved wrong and I strip to be the bad one
so everyone shuts up.
Humiliated and hurt and everyone looks out for me.
Naive behavior and hunger too strong I steal from others.
Tears swelling in front of small children.
A girl who wanted nothing but for me to suffer.
A boy who wanted nothing but my genitals.
A troubled woman who wanted nothing but my time.
A guy who wanted nothing but for me to be his *****.
A guy who possessed me,
Though everyone at some point
I've been owned, abused, humiliated, hurt, assaulted, victimized, bullied, made fun of, attempted to **** myself, blown off, screamed at, fought with, admonished, antagonized, used, looked down on, bossed around, yelled at, pushed, shoved, thrown away.
I have love that is a beautiful miracle and proof I will be loved without being pushed into what's only for him.
I have a few good friends who care and don't grab my hand.
I occasionally hate who I'm becoming when the anger within is the kraken in my body swerves herself around me inside slowly and aggressively.
Only way she comes out is through profane vulgarity in my words and through my lips.
They're gone,
They're not mine,
They're hurtful,
But remember they're only for a moment.
I'll be done with the anger one day someday,
and the kraken is just a myth.
Though my traumatic stories may seem like a myth too,
be grateful I'm still here and
Jul 2016 · 461
Agony by Ambitious Thinking
Luna Casablanca Jul 2016
I am never used to optimism,
I am only used to the humiliation in
the end,
the consequence,
and what daydreaming via excitement
can lead to.

I am never used to planning,
I think,
I don’t.

I am getting used to learning and growing
from the consequences of ambition
God knows where this jump roping feeling
in the mind can lead to,
and the tequila ******* in the heart can
push into.

I am not used to putting and bringing
people together without some form
of shock in my system.
I am the bad guy,
Sometimes we don't think things clearly, and things don't go the way you hope.
Jul 2016 · 972
Together With You
Luna Casablanca Jul 2016
Putting feelings together of lust and desire are
the privilege and curse of having someone on your mind
and questioning yourself however you do and however insecure you feel.
Putting together the words and steps of how to approach and
spell out that you like them are the scariest and most skeptical
letters you will ever choose in your life.
Once you said them, they are gone from inside, and then taken care
of outside like the mother bears with their cubs and the rabbits with
their babies,
we knew there was something there, forgetting  the questions and thoughts.

Putting together a relationship makes you nothing but ambitious
and your eyes glitter, you look nowhere but up thanking the world
you are where you are, it is what it is, and you are who you are.
Putting together the days you will come together again are when you
lay in bed alone, and pray you will lay together soon again.
Putting together a life is crucial and emotional,
times change, so does everyone, and nothing lasts forever.
I love you, and I know you do too.

Being young not wanting to get old for the first time in my life,
I could never put anything together, pull myself together, or
mature if you and I were not together.
We will see where we go, this journey, this time, this phase,
this relationship,
I love being together with you, feeling your touch and your brown
eyes lock onto me, and your long black hair flowing in the wind,
you make me feel like a beauty queen whenever I feel like a disaster.
I feel you too and I see in your smile you feel like the king of the world
as I want you to.
Complications are conquerable, age is a number, time goes by, and how I
feel your warmth just by thinking how we can put things in place and grow
we will have to see what happens,
I like this vision.
For you. <3
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Evil Eye
Luna Casablanca Jul 2016
My good heart and my double life,
my mania and my intriguing depression,
my kindness and the business I am to give away,
nobody is perfect, how dare you say you are compared
to my mistakes and all I don't know.

Your actions are remembered for my characters, plots,
and scripts.
Your words of disbelief and condescending remarks are
the famous lines I create and monologues I stay up until
4 am writing furiously.

you can be mean, cruel, and you have no need to accept.
You can hate, be appalled, and have no intentions of liking
I am who I am, you are who you are.
If you do what you did, you get what you got.
You will see my evil eye for the first time in your life
as I close my notebook and put it in my backpack.
I will walk away with confidence,
and I look forward to seeing you looking nowhere but
What I have become as a creator.
Not mean,
but letting out my inner
Jul 2016 · 327
Luna Casablanca Jul 2016
I don’t want to hurt you,
but I have no choice.
You have a better life,
and a hearable voice.
You got it,
and I lost so much more.
I will speak my hostility once,
and pray our intimacy will be
the way it was
It doesn’t work that way
yes I know.
Your being happy is just
screaming to me you have
pride and ego.
I’ll never have the plans and excitement
so I can never dare.
I hope for misery to happen to you someday
and that will get you to put it down
look at me,
and say you
I know you do but you have more
on your mind than I do in
my own.
Let me ask you this,
when is the last time
you were left
grieving and alone?
You’ll find me at
I will never be well
Jun 2016 · 304
What Stays
Luna Casablanca Jun 2016
When you walk out of the room like that,
do you know how that reflects on me?
When you choose someone else's posse over
what I created,
how do you think that makes me feel.
There was once me, lost and disgraceful,
now here I am, found and hated.
I made this for us not me.
This is how I got what I needed when there
we're thoughts leading to chances.

When I sit and stare out the doorway,
do you know how it hurts when there are more than thousands of footsteps and no hearts to care?
When the hour goes by, how would you feel if you worked so hard and stood alone?
Everyone knows I'm a fool,
I'm weird,
You cannot **** what you did not create.
For once and for all,
leave it up to me.
I saw it dead and gone from the beginning,
but anything that becomes dead,
it's not going to be me.
Jun 2016 · 764
Luna Casablanca Jun 2016
This virtue
I have learned from your warmth
and understanding of my imperfections.
This time
who would ever know it would be this intriguing youre not here and I'm not there.
The anxiety
drilling disbelief in my head,
when I think of you and hear your voice in my head,
hope and belief in this love pours itself and cements the holes in my mind.
Avid desire
to be beside you and tell you everything,
I want to hear everything from you and how you are.
It takes time to be together again, none of it would happen without the patience you taught me.
I look forward to seeing you again.
Long distance takes lots of patience and trust.
Luna Casablanca Jun 2016
This one is for the girl who thinks  she's the boss.
For the condescending one recovering from a major loss.
To the boy who has future expectations higher than the testosterone out of control.
For the one in the group who says everyone is nothing but a toll.

I write this through disappointment based off of the sayings of "no".
We hold hands around ones we trust, and we are commanded to let our hands go.
We see eye to eye, the others are worth a furious cry.
Pray for all to change and become pale as we are around the same table at five pm.
Groaning and cringing at the thought we would be meeting here again.

It's hard to see others have a stronger connection through love and trust.
After the first date, we put time for you,
yet you continued to sulk and therefore you cussed.
Speaking competitively to him and good thing you men resolved all the stress.
Though the rudeness I continued to have dissolved in my heart that had a spot for our group,
turns out I was the one who was loved the less.

To the guy who rolled his eyes as my boyfriend and I held hands on a couch.
To the one who saw us kissing and looked like you were about to scream "ouch!"
To the girl who grew up just to feel alright again.
To the other girls who approved of us and are my best friends.

So forget you, I'm gone.
I learned that I was wrong
to try and belong,
I thought we'd get along.
I will never change to become one of you
the interests you obtain I don't wish to follow  through.
Not one congratulations on us being together.
That night I decided to leave you it wasn't now or never,
It is what I should have done long before I had.
We were just another dysfunctional group of people
who saw each other's success as something insufferable and a reason to be sad.
It wasn't about us,
It was about making up for what we couldn't have in our personal lives.
So live up to your fullest, and from me, expect no more
begging replies.
It wasn't meant to be. We went our separate ways, and we are happy. That is all that matters.
May 2016 · 486
The Designated Driver
Luna Casablanca May 2016
Shake your head as many times as you want,
say no once and call yourself estranged.
Walk alone and see the light,
take it for granted as they took you.
This is how miserable people think and what
ignoramuses do.
Making room and setting limits is all about
It took til now to be alright with independent strides and freedom highways.
Tailgates light the way and green highway signs tell me it's never too late and I can go
Even if nobody comes with me,
I keep them in mind.
If I pull over to look at directions and panic while praying for the lord above to guide me,
the gas tank is half empty half full.
Within the half amount of gas I have on my freedom ride, there are happy memories within my mixed feelings of letting you go.
I say to myself,
"What would they have done?"
The time I knew you is the time I needed you.
I don't need you but I still have plenty of room for you in my car and someday my life.
You come in anytime,
Let's go, and let ourselves
We can't always control the outcomes of our friendships. Just because someone liked you then, doesn't mean they will forever. It's ok to spend time alone and be independent. And someday, maybe you should take the keys and direct yourself to somewhere new.
May 2016 · 420
Luna Casablanca May 2016
Just think of me as part of the past,
part of the problem,
part of the reason
to step up for
If you're one of the guys,
think of how lucky you are
you're not walking down church
steps with the handle of my coffin
in your right or left hand.
If you're one of the girls,
think of how lucky you are
to be thinner than me with
less problems.
I have 99,
you won't be one anymore.
I'll deal with it by getting iced
coffee alone and focusing on
reality only.
I never understood fantasy,
and you'll never learn how to
So much better now that I'm gone. They were fine, I was just too different. Their loss:)
May 2016 · 332
Surrender and Hold
Luna Casablanca May 2016
Feeling your face pressed to my shoulder and hearing you breathe as you teared,
I held you close, you held me too,
never did I want to let go of the moment,
or a perfect love like you.
You know my story, my secrets, my struggles.
You know I try, I fight, I continue when I don't win.
I know your story, your secrets, your struggles.
You try so hard, you fight til the end, what I learn from you makes me a better person.
Neither of us are perfect,
but we agree we are for one another.
Even when times are hard and the worst thought comes to mind,
I rest in your arms, you hold me close and tight,
and I think of how long I want to live with you
by my side.
I surrender the thoughts,
and hold on to
I love you.<3
May 2016 · 385
Light switch
Luna Casablanca May 2016
The more I think about it
and hold a drink in my hand
I sip some more and hope my
drunk eyes will **** the night
It's better than killing
The desire has been on inside
me like a light switch.
I turn it off but someone
always manages to turn it on
before I reach it.
If I am to reach anything,
it will be my destiny,
the thoughts aren't real, and
depression and mania will have
their matches in the ring.
I may seem like someone new the
next day or minute,
but you can always expect to
see me again the next day
or minute.
The thoughts happen and don't
go anywhere,
but I'm here to stay
only because I
want to in all

Bad thoughts-(SWITCH OFF)
Good thoughts-(SWITCH ON)
And see the light that is here on
It is hard when the thoughts arrive, but know your destiny and don't obey your depression. If you ever think too much of it or want to do it, tell somebody who loves you. We sometimes forget who loves us but there is someone, I promise.
May 2016 · 483
Suicidal Truth
Luna Casablanca May 2016
I was at the point of breaking
for far too long.
I patched up and allowed no
cracking or shattering for all
to see my good side.
I am now broken and in
pieces getting bigger and
lower in the heart.
So much I don’t want to do
and so many things I can’t
think about anymore since
I’ve been gone.
I came off too strong and too
soon I came off to you.
At least everyone is happy,
though I see the twinkle in
your eye.
It tells me you remember me.
As long as you remember just
one good thing about me,
I’m fine with everyone having
fun without me.
I don’t want to come back, but
for this phase to end.
It’s killing me,
it’s a child’s murderer,
a mother’s death,
a father’s abuse,
a daughter’s ****,
a son’s suicide,
an elder’s coma,
a change that effects
so many once one is
Never did I want to say
goodbye but just how I
felt about the
differences between you
and me.
There was nothing and always
the  suicidal thoughts,
but I stayed to see and find if
you would love me for me
I had the thoughts during the time because of how I was too different. Yep.
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