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 Feb 2017 Loud Falls
 Feb 2017 Loud Falls
When our glasses clinked by the fire and we smoked ***** cigarettes
like the 1950's
we were real classy
Tapping the ashes
we burnt our problems
Slapping laughter into each other
we forgot about how the mornings would feel
how are hearts felt
I knew we were headed nowhere
stuck in the bottle
so we threw our fine wine into the fire
and walked away.
 Feb 2017 Loud Falls
Dhaara T
I told you,
didn't I?
If you don't water the mint plant
It'll die
Oh alright,
I can see it isn't dead
But plants are like love,
my love
They'll bear fruits
Even non-fruit-bearing plants
Will gift you something
But you cannot keep taking
and not give a thing in return
You need to tend to them
Nurture them
Talk to them
Give them your time
Then watch them flourish
Into something beautiful
And perennial
Spreading their fragrance
All around
All year round
 Feb 2017 Loud Falls
I see you there,
where you crawl up and give up.
Your burning tears on your cheeks,
Your desperate battle cry,
I see you wanting to reach high in the sky,
and drying your tears from your eyes.

Don't worry, don't hide and throw away the bitterness from your soul.
Fight, never give up.
Live up to your dreams.
Because I'll be watching over you.

Please don't feel blue,
because I know you can break through.
You can do it,
you have the spirit.

 Feb 2017 Loud Falls
Scarlet Rose
I thought I saw you yesterday
Just walking down the street
But it was only someone who looked like you

I thought I felt you last night
Hugging me close so I wasn't afraid
But it was only a dream that I soon woke from

I thought I heard you this morning
Calling my name from the kitchen
But it was only my sister using a funny voice

I thought you were with me just now
Telling me everything would be okay
But it was only the thoughts inside my own head
Missing you
Everywhere I turn, you seem to be there. It's like your ghost is following me around. I don't know how much longer I can take this.
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