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he told me,
with a confident voice and alluring eyes that he loved me
he said that it was me and him and the music against the world
and even though i promised myself it was only
one drink; i knew then and there
that i had sold my soul to the green-eyed boy
who lit a cigarette the first day we met
and my heart next
sometimes when people tell stories of drugs,
they forget to mention the ones that live
across the street and dress in all black and
roll joints even with their cousins in the car,
“because a good song came on”
no one ever warns you about that type of addiction;
the warring kind that not only messes with your
body but also with you mind
or at least he did to me
i only wanted to have one drink, i swear
but somehow the lines between one and five were crossed
and even though i don’t remember anything, i
have no regrets because i was happy
we were dancing, the music was loud, the people were fun
and i was so happy; i don’t think i even knew what happiness was
before that, before staring into your eyes at midnight and
knowing that i was your only one
if i’m telling the truth,
somewhere deep in my heart; I knew that
you were already gone from me,
that you were never going to be the same after that night
and neither was i; because at that point
you were addicted to the feeling of nothing
and i was addicted to you
i was only trying to catch up to you,
that’s all i really wanted to do, catch up
because i knew if i didn't you would find another girl who could
and i couldn't have that
so i drank and i smoked the night away except
this time it didn't feel as good,
it was sickening
but i smiled anyway because you said that i look
pretty when i smile; even though it was fake
we live in different worlds, you and i,
although at the end of the day it was the same thing
because even though we were addicted to two very different things
i can see myself in you; and it should scare me
but it doesn't because i had already
sold my soul to the green-eyed boy
who lit a cigarette the first day we met
and my heart next

live fast,
die young,
be wild,
and have fun
(it’s not that much fun anymore)*

"live fast, die young, be wild, and have fun"
this is based on a story because i'm more attached to fictional characters
 Jan 2015 Hayleigh
Jo Hummel
The day I can hold you to my chest and know you're safe is the day I'll finally be able to relax a little.
****** way of saying I don't want to sleep anymore
 Jan 2015 Hayleigh
Javaria Waseem
I was told to act like a lady and speak sugar coated words.
Cover my face in make up and look pretty for the world.

I was told to act like a lady and wear skirts not jeans.
Impress people around and make them all happy.

I was told to act like a lady and be polite to everyone.
Suffocate my own dreams and live like others.

I was told to act like a lady and keep my voice down.
Just pass smiles and not to laugh out loud.

I was told to act like a lady and be a lovable doll.
Let them play with me while I can't put up any walls.

I won't act like a lady and there's nothing you can do.
I'll be whoever I want to be, it's my kingdom to rule.
Random thoughts scribbled down.
 Jan 2015 Hayleigh
People are living a lie
Standing in front of a mirror
Looking into their empty eye
Hoping they will be saved by a glass of wine.
When I was in the darkest place
she showed up with a flashlight

And when I was so, so cold
she built a small fire

I know
if I were dangling from a tiny branch
poking out of a tall cliff
she would be there with rope
setting up nets underneath
I know this
because she did

Some days I am terribly sure
that not a soul gets me
There she is, though
with pom poms
(one that says *****,
the other vanilla)

The world
just doesn’t  know what compassion is
She defines it

And I love her
I owe her
And I got rope, a flashlight and some matches
so that one day
I can return the favor

And girl,
no number of wrinkles
could make you less beautiful

Ryn (RhymeSmith)

Truly one of the most creative poets here, a master of the concrete. I'm blessed to call him a dear friend and honored to read his poetry. I'm not sure he really knows what he means to me.
Love you!

Creep That Loved You

Even at a young age, she captures emotions that I cannot. She brings a tear with a few simple thoughts. I can call her my friend and caring, she has truly taught.


I don't think I've met another woman with so much soul, you've taught me things that have helped me grow. I'm truly blessed that your poetry, I've come to know.


I've never met another with so much going on, but still stands strong. The weight you carry upon your shoulders and what life has brought on... Well, I can honestly say, I'm envious of your strength and I hope we can grow our bond.

Ember Evanescent

A sweetheart, through and through, I'm so truly proud of you. You write with such courage, depth and truth. You believe in the good, even without proof. I hope joy and love shine down upon you.

WolfSpirit Aka QuinFinn

I'm not even sure where to begin! I've had a poetic crush on you from the very beginning. You're hilarious, smart and such a good friend. You always show compassion, love and understanding.

(I don't think I can rhyme anymore...)

Weeping Willow

An amazing, heathbreakingly beautiful person and poet. You write with such passion and pain. Never Stop.

Amitav Radiance

I actually don't know you too well, but I always look forward to your writes, please continue on.

Joe Malgeri

A painful style you have, yet you always bring so many fascinating aspects of life to light. I always smile when I see something new from you.

Cat aka Catbird

You're soulful and talented, I love to read your words. Seems your emotions just spill onto the page. I can relate and completely agree with everything you say. Also love chatting with you.


So relatable. I respect you dearly as a poet and person. You truly have a passion and talent for writing. Please, never stop bearing your soul for us all to read.

Joe Cole

Well, Sir, can you say nature writing at it's finest? You have wisdom, style and I love the challenges you present. I hope to read your work for many years to come.

The Emerald Outcast

You're different, I like that about you. You stand up for the outcasrs, unknowns and underdogs. I'd like to think I try to as well, but you're much better at it. Such a skill with ink as well.


You're an old soul, with so much to offer us writers here on HP. Heartbreak runs through us all, but I treasure it, along with every word you put to ink.

Pradip Chattopadhyay

I haven't really talked to you much, besides comments but I always look forward to what you have to say. You bring a new outlook on things.

Natasha ML

A friend if there ever was, I thank God for the time zones cause otherwise you may not be up all night helping me through my troubles, and I through yours. You're an unbelievable poet as well

Thomas A Robinson

You have such an amazing insight into the world and the soul, I always look forward to your comments and poems. You are truly talented.


I still remember you saying my comment "this may be weird, but seriously dude, I love you" was the best comment you ever got. It's true, you're astounding and your followers and poetry prove that tenfold. Keep it up.

The DedPoet

You are far from dead, you are alive in every word you write and you bring meaning to my life. The agony, despair and pain you express has literally brought me to tears on a few occasions. You certainly have a brilliant way of expressing yourself.

Oh, my sweet winter Rose, you're truly so beautiful and amazing in so many ways. As a friend, you've been there for me and as a poet you've helped me believe in the impossible.
Love you!


Oh my, do you truly make me feel. I remember the first poem I read by you and the ending truly shocked me to tears, about her feet not touching the floor and every one since has completely enthralled me.


Another wonderful soul I have not spoken with much, but you always seem to like my every post and I always love yours. You make me smile and feel deeply.

Elsa Angelica

My dear, dear friend, how I love your happiness and joy in writing plus the love you've always shown to so many of us here on HP. I love every single thing you post, although we don't necessarily agree on some things, you're always there for me. You're beautiful, never forget it!

Frank Ruland

I may be biased, it's true, but you are the best friend a girl could have and every thing you write truly speaks volumes to the level of intellect and understanding you have of a broken spirit and heart. The ones you write with the song lyrics, my, word, if those artists read them, they'd be astoundingly proud. You have more depth, deeper meaning and metaphorical concepts in your poetry than anyone else. I believe you are truly my favorite poet, like.. EVER. I'm completely envious of you as a writer, poet and person. You show strength, courage and resilience, more so than I ever could. I love you deeply.

To anyone I have missed:

You're beautiful and I've read so much of your work as well, but as you all know... I read A LOT on here. Please forgive my oversight.


This took a lot of time and thought. I hope you all enjoy. Please check out all the authors I've mentioned works. Thx. :)
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