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Telephone poles flicker past
Eating up this tarmac
Only one speed, fast
Racing like we're on a track

Smoke rollin out the window
Cold brews in the console
Eyes closing from the dro
Bodies loose from the alcohol

Jammin them back road tunes
This is how we roll
Peanut butter and mushrooms
Some X for a real good stroll

Feelin like we're floatin
You know we're totin
Driving round and round
So lost we don't wanna be found

Sounds dangerous you say?
You may think me insane
But I find it all mundane
It's just an average weekday

Hittin the road I call it
Covering county after county

If the authorities only saw it
We'd fetch a hefty bounty
 May 2014 Hayleigh
SG Holter
"These are just too him," she said
And put her father's boots
Aside for me.
A size too big, but just my style.
Cried silently inside; she'd shed tears
Enough by now.
I thanked her in a whisper.
"How did your doctor's go?" she says.  
I look down at my new
Boots; "not well."
"Too thick or thin?" she asks, the
Blood in question ringing in my
Ears in blushed embarassment.
"Too thin," I say, knowing too well
What whisky does to anyone's.
She kindly mothers me in whispers.

"I thank each day your life was saved
By surgeons and Warfarin. But
Just for me -look how it went
With him whose boots
You're wearing."
 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Is that the lowest moment?
When you don't dare to wear shorts because of the scars that cover your legs.
And then you're sitting there at the dinner table with your family,
And they keep on telling you to eat,
But all you mutter is "I'm not hungry",
When you actually are.
You're starving but your image is worth more than a meal.
You eat a few bites just to shut them up,
And then run to the bathroom to rid yourself of it,
To make sure you can fit into those jeans,
The ones that could stand you losing another 5 pounds.
You get used to the lies of:
"I'm not hungry"
"I ate before I came"
And "oh yeah I'm fine, just tired".
Is that your lowest point,
When the only food you're feeding yourself is lies?
earlier this morning
glistening dew drops clung tight
to the backyard fence
Staring at the ceiling
Making smoke rings
Only you can send me reeling
Koffing up
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Chalsey Wilder
One more thing
Before the day ends
I must tell you what reigns in my heart and mind
But that one more thing never happens
I am too afraid that you'll leave once you know
I'm too afraid once I say it you won't want to know
One more thing never happens
It never escapes my mouth
It always stays trapped in my heart
the wine had been spilled
its red stained the floorboards
its tattered remains hung on the air
a stale scent of wasted wines
and the echoes of a lovers spat
shouts in the sultry tropical night
and two sets of footprints leaving the concrete into the sand
two sets to the shore

the book turned face down
some french novelist from some ages ago
his light phrase danced upon the ear with pleasing turns
his notions gave her pause in the humid day
pat dry the damp on her brow
as the rich tones reached deeper than
some romantic notion and ****** song of the eye
some deep and dire need answered
by his romantic words
and the touch of her perfumed hand
on the door **** of the hearts secrets places
just that light touch is all
after all its a long day in the tropical sun
and theres the cooking to be done

i asked of her
if she would have loved me if she had known me
if we had been children together
if she could have cared for me
when i lived a dark man
in a dark place
she said but of course
she said that we shall be as children here in our ages
and i would have brought you light in that dark place
as i shall love thee just as dearly
you are the grapes of my wine
i am drunk on your taste in my soul

two sets of prints lead out to the shore
came together out in the wash of moonlight
on sandy shore
and lay as one in the forgiving light
and lay as one in the night
like spilled wine
intoxicating the soul
 May 2014 Hayleigh
I keep my fingers crossed
that one day,

your lips

"I missed this,
my mind still flickers back
the stars
your wide eyes
on that very night."

It sure does in mine, sweet-heart.
Hello there lovely!
First week back at school and it is absolutely busy.
Time to write and read on this fine saturday night,
just to keep my soul happy.
AHAHA! :')
I hope you, you and of course you do something that makes YOUR
 May 2014 Hayleigh
You remind
sweet tea,

honey cornflakes on sleepy, sunday mornings.

That hell of a smile is like thick socks over cold ankles.

Your 'head back; don't give a ****'
little sunshines
the dark, empty
s p a c e s
in me.

You remind me of artfully ruffled hair,
messy white sheets from pillow fights.

You, sweets,
have the loveliest soul.
Hello there, aren't you looking utterly gorgeous today?
Okey dokes,
it would be utterly brilliant if you, you and you checked out the link below.
My very talented and gorgeous friend, Cathy has recently released her first EVER E.P.
It's rather fabulous and amazing.
Have a wonderful thursday, y'all!
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Her mind
all these empty spaces,
the ones on
her heart
edges of her mind.

could you, maybe, possibly?

Something little & wispy falters her thoughts.
Bitten lips
unspoken wishes.

Fill it with
little smirks,
pearls of wisdom,
the rogue blush on your cheek bones
winter's day.
Hello there! How was your day?
Man, has it been a WEEK.
Thank goodness, it's friday.
Have an utterly fabulous day where-ever you are!
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