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  Feb 2015 Nina M
Amitav Radiance
Caught between the mesh of rays
Light plays with the life’s existence
Oscillating between dawn, twilight and night
Etching out the horizon of life
Intrinsic influence on all the souls
This celestial space is swathed in new light
From the unknown origin, its journey
Cradles every life with equal benevolence
Kindles hope in every heart
Rays of light travels deeper into us
It heralds the beauty of every being here
Touches us with nimble rays
It’s an eternal repetition of the charmed circle
Nina M Dec 2014
You traced fingers in her skin
printing your name in every inch oh her neck,
And every time you wrapped your arms around her
Alluring her body, She felt safe in your arms;
Your love was her home, The home she never had.
Nina M Dec 2014
She looked out the window,
She's having second thoughts,
Should she do it or not?
Dark bags under her bloodshot eyes,
The colors of her wrists,
She's her wrist as papers
While using the razor as pen,
The ink is always red.
The feeling ''pain'' is her only friend.
her shred to pieces beating heart.
She has lost how many times,
Holding the gun aiming at her head,
Saying Goodbye. Darkness fell, while she ran to death
like an old friend
Death is her bestfriend
Nina M Dec 2014
She wanted to get better,
She didn't know how.
She stayed the same,
The rest of her days flashed in a daze.
She wanted to feel better,
She didn't know emotions other than sadness, darkness,
She wished the change, she wished perfection.
She didn't realize she was ruining her soul,
Reaching perfection,
She turned into a walking lie.
who you are

— The End —