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The branches of the trees bend and sway
as the breeze plays its tickling games.
Sitting beneath the mighty Oak
he closes his eyes and drifts back home.
His thoughts, like his arrows, true,
finding its destination with consummate ease.
A figure, a face, a smile, he sees.
The portrait of Her.
Burning a cold image in his mind.
An alien sound he hears, and startles,
intruding on his moment of reverie.
A bird lands on a tree, close,
giving him the eye, akin to the intelligent
stare of the capricious corvid.
It whistles and takes flight
calling him to follow.
Thoughts of Her portrait, now wisps of smoke,
disappear as intrigue beckons.
Insistent chirping, the clever eye,
leads him hither and thither,
ever away from home.
Caught in the enchantment, of following the Never bird.....

The mist crawls and curdles and climbs
in a rising, coalescing film of fog.
To befuddle the unwary, alone in the Trees.
His nerves, his eyes, captivated
as the Never bird commands attention.
Leading him on, deeper.
Home is but a distant sigh in his heart,
ignored with intensity, unloved.
The journey steps take him far, wayward
with no direction, no destination.
Singing sweet, swooping swift
the bird stops. Disappears into the gloom,
not once looking back, abandoning he who followed.
Lost. So very lost. So very lost.
Moments fly, rustling, footfalls, an apparition.
A Goddess of beauty unveils herself,
and steps, soft and gentle into the light.
Enraptured he takes her into his arms,
they sink and rut like animals, primal,
on the cool mossy carpet.
Banished are the thoughts and portraits.
Caught in the enchantment, of loving the Never bird.....

The cobalt sky in a haze of heat
swirls about before his eyes.
Laying beneath a Mighty Oak.
Goose-bumped skin. Alone.
He wakes. The forest still and silent.
His thoughts like drunken dogs
blurred by memories that excite and disturb.
The Portrait of Her.
Awakening a fuzzy, picture in his mind.
Scanning the trees, the lady is gone,
and missing is the Never bird.
Unknown magiks have been worked on him,
he felt, rather than observed.
The sigh in his heart for home, broke forth,
strange noises burst the mood.
The ache in his heart,
constrained within by abnormal form,
teetered on the edge of pain, sorrow.
A song of hope escapes, a decision made,
as wisps of smoke form a Portrait.
He spreads his wings,
caught in the enchantment, of being the Never bird.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
There can only be one Never bird in existence at any one time,
so now he has got to go and find a Lady to ****** ...
It's time to write
To write indeed
A poetic mind
Need's to feed
It's time to conjure
Something new
Something beautiful
Something true
From far above
Or bitter below
It's time to let
Your feelings flow

Paint your picture
Be perceived
The prose, the laughs
The miseries
It's time to write
So take the lead
Write it down
So you can breathe

We need something to read!
Traveler Tim
Here in this society
We're told we must
"Fit in".
Only then you'll
Stay in step
Only then you'll win.
I've never been
A "round peg".
I won't now begin.
I will not look
The other way
When people
lie & sin.
If you diss my savior
I'm sorry...
I won't grin!

So you think that
You can save yourself?
You have a "moral" way?
You don't need repentance.
You don't have to pray.
Friend, you will be tested!
There will come a day.

This is from a loving heart!
I don't carry a grudge
I am far from perfect
And so I cannot judge!

But when you hurt
The Lord's rep
You bet I'm gonna fight!
I wear a frown!
I won't back down!
I'll scream with
He saved me from
The second death!
He rescued me
From night!
He brought me
Out of darkness
Into His marvelous light!

Being Christian's
NOT a cakewalk!
I will not stand
Aside and watch
Some people
Say it with due reverence!

Some stay out of conflict.
But I'm gonna SHOUT!
I wasn't made to
"Just fit in"...

I'm made to

♡ Catherine
'Nuf said

I'm sorry I'm not on site much anymore.
Personal struggle. Heard some folk are dissing the Lord, though. NOT COOL!
Two lines of cold grey cottages stand,
like decaying teeth in the mouth of Hades.
Grim acknowledgement to a long dead past,
monuments to the what if's and maybes.

A dark stain on the undergrowth of Nature,
the mud filled pond reeks of sick disease.
Brick and concrete tumble down slowly,
as She reclaims land in shallow degrees.

But peace and tranquility live here now,
under the pall of a decomposing host.
Trees grow, birds sing and flowers bloom,
perhaps to entertain the departing ghosts.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
that place you see
only when the lights
go out.
when the absence of everything
drives desire
and paradise,

let that be
the thing you see
when the lights
come on.
Today I'm the former roadside attraction
Rusting , paint peeling , rat inhabited pig
sty of a man
A birdhouse with halls that echo , waiting -
for the 'horns of Jericho'
Tall , out of control growth blotting out -
my reflection
Wrinkled , weathered cracked infrastructure ,
shaken , sold cheap , melting into the earth -
forgotten , once prospering station* ..
Copyright January 10 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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