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It seems all around the world
something is happening to the girls.
The problem unto which I refer,
is their propensity to de-fur.

Deforestation is not so nice,
not for the humble ***** lice.
Extinction beckons for this bug,
for the want of a nice warm rug.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
Don't know
or internal.

But it surely kills......
I remember the rainy night I showed up on your door step begging for answers

It was 2 years later and I cried like it was yesterday

You invited me in and even though I hated you, in I walked

I remember feeling brave
I remember feeling broken, shattered
I remember how easily you brushed my tears off
But you acknowledged how **** I was
Such causality
And I wondered why you had asked me inside with no feeling of remorse.

I left shortly thereafter with fewer answers than I came with
I left with the feeling of regret all over again like a fresh coat of paint

But something happened that night
Somewhere between following you from room to room
Talking about insignificant memories
You reminded me that people move on
You reminded me how sometimes strength is a deep rooted pain, disguised.
And in that night I learned that I don't want your excuses after all
Even if you had any to give.
There are demons in your closet
It is obvious to me
You left the door wide open
Setting those ******* free

Anger lashed out first
With razor sharp claws
Shredding the unsuspecting
Without hesitation or pause

Beneath him is resentment
Forever locked up tight
Hidden within for years
Now more than ever, ready to fight

Betrayal weighs heavy
Taking up the most room
Can’t sweep it under the rug
There isn’t a big enough broom

Don’t disregard the guilt
Or forget about shame
These two big players
Are leaders of the game

Amidst the whirl wind of chaos
And the fury of rage
A broken heart exposed through fear
Makes its way to center stage

Vulnerability is waiting
She can keep your closet clean
Nourish you with love
Making those demons less mean

As the spotlight shifts its focus
There seems nowhere to hide
Will you crawl back into darkness?
Or simply swallow your pride?
You broke the last thread
When you told me you didn't
Love me anymore.

All of the woven
Pieces of what got sewed in
Place, just fell apart.

With nothing but loose
Ends to play with, and scissors
To cut all the rest.
If only we were perfect
Flawless -
Like a photoshopped picture
That's been edited and re-edited by several fingers
Multiple eyes that make sure there's not one edge missed

Perfect like silk or satin
Flowing effortlessly off a womans back or drapery in a mansion that's only ever cleaned to remain inimitable

Flawless like the stars and the moon and the comments in the sky
Accepting wishes and listening to dreams

If only we were made to last

But nothing I know is made to last my dear, and we are but two truly imperfect individuals searching for the same fountain of youth like the rest

In all these years I have yet to encounter flawless in us - and regrettably it takes this to realize that we are not made for each other
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