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I'm sorry
The moment you feared has arrived
Like the fat kid getting on the scale for the first time
Like the stoner taking a drug test
Like the old guy listening to the doctor
Here's the results's over
I give up
You wont mind
Hell I know you wont
Its already like its over
Maybe I'll sail away on a kite
Get lost in between the atmospheres
And all that's left is this little note
So I hope you read this
Dont text me now
I'll be too high to reply
But like all the other times
Its over before it ever started
Your silence was the reply that pushed me over the top
No paragraph long enough
No book thick enough
No poem intense enough
No ink black enough
No blade sharp enough
To even begin to explain
The complexity of her soul
The depravity of love in her eyes
You can see the way she twist her hips
The way she bounces her chest
Just to be noticed
Even if it is by the schools janitor
She pounces around like she's bulletproof
But the glare of her peers
Disgusted turns of their lips
Faces turning upside down
Just to find the right glare of disapproval
Are .50 cal rounds at 10 yrds
They dont notice the scar under her mini skirt
The ones just peaking out from behind her bracelets
Or the one under her flesh
Buried deep within her chest
Where she carved in the initials
Of the one who ruined her
its hard to explain her
But she's too perfect to understand
To beautiful to notice
She's the one in front of you
Only making herself seen by you
I have no idea where this went but it got somewhere. Lost myself in the general direction but its a poem.
And the ones that build you to be a skyscraper are the ones who shake you into rubble.
It's not like you wake up one day

     and you suddenly hate every inch.

It happens gradually
     an inch at a time.

I remember where mine started

    and how it grew like wild fire.

Until it consumed me
     an inch at a time.
It's started with my arms- and grew from there. Now I want to shatter every mirror and year away my skin until there's nothing but beauty left.
You're cold like the arctic,
yet somehow, you scorch all you touch.
burning like the whiskey in the back of my throat,
only to leave me numb like the percocet,
I'd hidden away for the next time you decided
to make me feel
like leaving my body.

your side effects vary.
but I just seem to keep coming back.
you've got me hooked like you're nicotine.
and I've been smoking all your lies,
so you can ignite me from the inside,
I've been inhaling kerosene.
you're worse than drugs,
yet i'm forced to call you family.
The scars.
I am covered in them.
The burns
The cuts
The scratches
The bruises
The peeled off  flesh and nails.
They are my t r e a s u r e s.
They show all of the battles inside of my head that I have lost.
They show all of the anger, pain, depression, envy, remorse, guilt, shame, insanity, emptiness, boredom, and tiredness I feel.
They show all of the words I am afraid to say.
They hold all of the I l o v e yous, I h a t e yous, I n e e d yous, and I feel
your p a i n s that I am afraid to even t h i n k at times.
They peek out from underneath my clothing and they rub against everything, reminding me that I am indeed alive and that I am indeed h u m a n.
They show all of the times I've screamed
Been alone
Been scared
Wanted to die
Had no one to be there
Wanted to stab someone and bash their brains in
Wanted to d i s s a p e a r into t h i n  a i r
Even though they remind me of some of the awful memories,
Being reminded of these memories and the lessons I have learned only makes me
s t r o n g e r
Whatever cruel entity, god, goddess, deity of any kind, gave me this cruel life thank you
You have made me wise
You make me think about how I am not the only person with these problems and how others have worse
But also *******  y o u for hurting so many innocent people and corrupting their
o n c e  p u r e  m i n d s
I will live with my scars and probably add more but I will always think of the cruel fates of others and how cruel the world truly is.
I will think of how grateful I am to have lived and how grateful I am to have not have gotten worse than what I have.
Thank you, you ******* life for showing me the right path
©LogenMichel copyright 2014
Wouldn't you say I'm the saddest of them all
Pathetic in existence
A waste of space
Won't you please leave a trace
Of the beauty I thought I had
It makes me sad
That all I do is cry
All mother ask is why
Oh Mirror Mirror on that wall
Will you show me the biggest scar of them all
The ones on my wrist
Where I gave the blade a simple twist
The one on my chest
Trying to give my heart a rest
Oh Mirror Mirror on that ruined wall
Wont your cracks show me when I'll fall
Into the arms of deaths sweet grasp
Not worrying about how much time will elapse
Before my mother finds the letter I hid
The one I wrote when I was a kid
Oh Mirror Mirror no longer hanging from that wall
It seems you were the one to fall
Before I could take my leave
One more breathe our chest shall heave
Since no one cared to fix us
And give us one last chance
Easy rhyme sheme to write when you're watching the movie. I feel bad about using it the way I did.
 Apr 2014 Amanda Woolums
Amber K
Day 1
No more cuts.
Only scars.
I won't go back to yesterday.
I promise.

Day 10
No more cuts.
Only scars and thoughts.
I refuse to look back though.
I swear.

Day 50
No cuts, more thoughts.
These scars aren't just physical.
I don't want to look back.
I'm trying not to.

Day 70
These thoughts...
they hurt more and more.
I don't know how much I can take.
I want to.

Day 1
I really tried...
My story right now....
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