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 Aug 2017 Khole
Amanda Kay Burke
It is so hard to put into words,
All the ways you make me feel.
At times its difficult for me,
to tell which parts of you are real.

What we have means so much to me
and it hurts to never really know,
if im getting all of you,
or just the pieces you choose to show.

Im trying to overcome this doubt,
and regain my trust in you,
but im afraid and I can't forget,
all the hell you put me through.

You swear youve changed this time around,
youre not who you were before,
But ive heard that line and I,
don't want to be hurt anymore.

If you love me like you say,
then show a little respect for me,
All im asking for is the one thing
youve never provided: honesty.
Is maturity a thing,
as we wither old?

Do we really learn our lesson,
and finally do as we are told?

I do not.
I refuse.
I will be smart and taught,
yet gleefully confused.

Never content,
never sold.
Always enthused,
and always boozed.

Life can't be seen as seriously real,
as we are all just playing a living game.

We can pierce our own Achilles heel,
or stand tall to pronounce all you overcame.

— The End —