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 Aug 2016 Kara Jean
We all have our secret hideaways, we all have our cures, and our bandage solutions, and we all have addictions.

You will eat to fill the hollow kindly provided by someone who's left you lying in bed at night, wondering why you weren't good enough, or maybe even just enough, to make them stay.

We all carry earbuds...more like soulbuds. Hello music, goodbye world, goodbye sorrow. We all break down, no matter how hard we hide it, no matter how well we can disguise it...eyes can't lie, but they sure can act.

And we all try to bandage our wounds, though we're the worst doctors. I puke smiles, you puke smiles, we ALL puke smiles...

but no one's meant them for a while.
 Aug 2016 Kara Jean
Lilah Gran
I am clinging tight on this superficial feeling.
I caught a butterfly and I am keeping it for safekeeping.

It doesn't guarantee an eternal life,
of bliss,
of fruitfulness.
It doesn't even guarantee a year of existence.

But it gives me hope,
of joy, to welcome the day,
It gave me a reason for today.
 Aug 2016 Kara Jean
Maybe in a different world,
I'm a tree,
Not only physically,
I am very important to nature and its inhabitants,
I clean the air for those around me.

Maybe in a different world,
I am a boy,
Loves to embrace my ego,
Races to see how many girls' days i can brighten up,
I'll try my hardest to understand her perspective,
She'll be my queen.

Maybe in a different world,
I am a diamond,
One who can be mistaken for a shiny rock,
My value under priced,
My potential overlooked.

Maybe in a different world,
I am the ocean,
With many rivers working together to reach a common goal,
To flow in tranquility until they reach me,
When they feel like giving up,
I look up to the skies and pray,
The rain make them full again.

Maybe in a different world,
I can achieve anything i put my mind to,
I work towards it,
Practice and succeed,
For life isn't about the destinations,
Its about the journeys.

                                                    Jonesy 2016 ©
In my own personal different worlds...
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