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Sea of love

Your love is like the sea
The waves of your heart crashing into the shore of mine
Only to realize that it will pull back again soon.
Leaving me alone for a couple of moments
But the distance will only make my heart grow fonder
& everyday my mind begins to wonder
Into the depths of your love
Baby, I'm wishing we can just sail away
I want to get lost in the Atlantic
Just like the titanic  
Diving deep into the sea of your heart.
Where I never have to say goodbye again
anchored by your love that is burning
never having to worry about the waves never returning.
Because my beloved
I'm caught in the sea that is your love
My first poem ever
One can write of anger, of fear
Of mystery or tears
But one must never write of love

Emotions at first, are a foggy mist
Swirling the depths of our minds,
Intangible, elusive, unlatched -
All we desire is a meaning attached

Through action or words
The mist escapes our souls
Turning to warm liquid
Slightly tangible
Before seeping through our knuckles
Slippery wet

However, you will find,
The most interesting form of emotions that exists
Is when they hit a writer’s page
Like crimson puddles of his blood
Turning from hot liquid life
To solid concrete print

One can write of anger, of fear
Of mystery or tears
But one must never write of love
For it is both a roaring beast
And foggy mist
Neither tangible or tameable
By the confinement of words

So my answer to the question
Of why I never write of love
Is: how can one write a poem about love
When love is a poem in itself?
I am lost:
My mind scattered
In endless constellations above me.

As dreams infuse with reality
And thoughts diffuse into insanity
I realize:
To be insane is to see the infinite.
perhaps, you are
only in my mind,
but you are surely
destroying it.
i tremendously
adore anything
and everything
that's bad
for me.
the past only drowns
if you keep swimming in it
More quote than poem
Isn't it funny
How when someone leaves you
That they're the only person
you'd want to talk to about it?
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