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 Nov 2014 Janor
Ever Punk Goddess
I have a headache
Go away
I have a headache
Ugh! the aching pain
I have a headache
Cant you see
I'm a ***** right now
Just leave me be
 Nov 2014 Janor
she sits alone
watching the falling snow
through her bedroom window
her mind wanders to the past
trying to remember a time
when she didn't feel so alone
she doesn't remember happiness
she doesn't remember feeling love
giving a hug
or offering a sympathetic ear
all she remembers is anger
and resentment
hatred even
lashing out at the innocent
hurting the ones that loved her most
she has long given up questioning why
what's the point now
no use in trying to make amends
they have all left her
abandoning her
after years of cruelty
and now her empty arms search for comfort
in vane
her barren heart has kept her a prisoner
within herself
her past sins have brought her to this place
of solitude
and loneliness
her only consolation
is knowing death is near
a bitter old woman
who has solidified her fate
years ago.
 Nov 2014 Janor
Ashlie Forth
 Nov 2014 Janor
Ashlie Forth
Deranged and evil that's what you are.
You've spit in my face and murdered my heart.
You slice me right open, you shoot me down
I am just trying to live the best I know how
But you won't allow that, you just want to **** me over and over again
 Nov 2014 Janor
"Hush," you said.
"Do not worry.

All the troubles that you've gone through,
The pain that it has caused you,
Do not worry.

Even if all hope seems lost,
When no one in this world would listen
I am here for you.

Share it with me.
We'll take on life's troubles together. So,
Do not worry."

Those three words,
Were more than enough to give me strength.
As long as they came from you.

None of it was said,
But felt.
There was no voice,
But pure touch.

All this, from a hug: The simplest,
But greatest form of physical contact.

As long as you were there,
To hold my hand,
To hold me close.

So I will not worry.
As long as you're here with me.
*Your presence gives me rest. I want to always be by your side.*

Pleased to meet you all! First time here.
 Nov 2014 Janor
Looking at You
 Nov 2014 Janor
Hand placed over my eyes
"You can't see! You're blind!"
You sang in my ear playfully,
I was laughing too hard to speak,
trying and failing to remove your hand
from my eyes,
so I could stare at you.

My small fingers prying your large ones from my eyes,
your other hand clamps down on my eyes again,
I don't care,
One of my hands still enclosed around yours,
I don't want to let go.

I finally pry your other hand from my eyes,
we're laughing uncontrollably staring at each other.

The first thing I see is your neck,
the first part of you my eyes land on,
I lick my lips,
tearing my eyes away,
laughing again.

My thoughts are somewhere else,
still lingering on your neck,
and the attack I would love to launch there.

I bite my lip,
thinking of the kisses I would lay upon your skin,
the way I'd pull myself close to you,
fingertips pressing lightly into your shoulder,
as you writhe under me,
kisses from your collarbone to your ear,
your jaw to your temple.

My mouth leaving my ***** thoughts written across your neck,
my nose trailing along your skin,
taking in the way you smell,
the way it makes me feel.

You make my fingers shake with a thought,
you make my mouth go slack with a simple,
you make me simple with your gestures
and voice.

I'm pulled back by you saying something,
I recover in record time,
shoving you in the shoulder,
"I hate you,"
the words tumble out before I think about them,
I'm still smiling.

"No you don't."
you say with that stupid smile of yours.
I shake my head,
because I don't.
I really don't.
 Nov 2014 Janor
Audrey Lipps
Her hand grazed my knee first;
black nail polished fingers
filled with golden rings and solitude

Her hand slid up past my knee next,
A chilling whisper of a husky voice,
"I'm bisexual, whatever, who cares?"
A tone so sleek, so ****,
Uncaring and unrelenting

Her hand moved inward this time,
her warm breath pressed to my neck,
questions of sexuality and culture
in her ******* rasp and
I melted that way, I ******* melted that day

A level booming below,
A band of drummers,
Drumming of ambition and heartbreak,
A base-dropping attitude from Athens

She leaned in first, her smoky green eyes
******* mine and I looked up,
with a feeling of hot temperance on my tongue,
She kissed me,
sweet and bold and the evening was full
of firsts because she grabbed me,
so fast and forward and
dimmed the mood and began her journey
into transcendental fluidity

We swayed to the beat of casuality,
a beat unfamiliar in my world of seriousness,
and she grabbed my hand and pulled her lips
closer, closer
and whispered "I'll get us a taxi"

Beautiful women make my heart flutter,
and beautiful women with smoky green eyes
and blonde dreadlocks make my speech stutter
but I followed her into the abyss of wonder
holding her hand onto the grassy concrete,
our breath white and our spirits hazy

The taxi home reminded me of New York streets,
and it made me forget of Oxford priorities and
senseless irony and she kissed me twice,
her **** fingers searching for answers
in the 2:30am moonlight

She kissed me in the elevator,
A familiar scent of the haunted ancients and
her sly character left me breathless, an
adventurous eighteen-year-old searching for
wisdom and a twenty-something searching for
a definition, we collided

Her dorm, lined with yellow lights and
colorful elephants, a comforting essence of
security and warmth

She grabbed my waist and
turned me around,
I lost my breath in her
seductive sway,
She kissed me hard and pushed me fast,
onto her pillows of a cool fragrance

She screamed once and I screamed twice,
A fantastic pain muffled by the sound
of old heat lamps

"You'll forget this," I said
"Please," she said, "I'm practically sober."

We continued for hours, her spirit quick,
She smiled exquisitely,
with slanted eyes, she licked her lips

We slept soundlessly,
Her hand where it started, above my knee
and below my waist,
Black nail polished fingers held
my hand until morning,
a soft kiss on the shoulder blade
and I awoke to the chirping of morning

And I left with a sense of softness,
not accomplishment and
I'll see the smoky-eyed,
yellow-dread girl once more,
And I hope it's when I don't know
 Nov 2014 Janor
 Nov 2014 Janor
S* ome of
T he reasons
A re not enough for
Y ou  
but I want them to be,    *DON'T GO !
 Nov 2014 Janor
Jamie L Cantore
"Fearless flights of the imagination
do exalt my spiritual vitality
and this reduces the coarseness
           of my character."*      
                                              ­          -J.L. Cantore
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