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Nov 2014
Hand placed over my eyes
"You can't see! You're blind!"
You sang in my ear playfully,
I was laughing too hard to speak,
trying and failing to remove your hand
from my eyes,
so I could stare at you.

My small fingers prying your large ones from my eyes,
your other hand clamps down on my eyes again,
I don't care,
One of my hands still enclosed around yours,
I don't want to let go.

I finally pry your other hand from my eyes,
we're laughing uncontrollably staring at each other.

The first thing I see is your neck,
the first part of you my eyes land on,
I lick my lips,
tearing my eyes away,
laughing again.

My thoughts are somewhere else,
still lingering on your neck,
and the attack I would love to launch there.

I bite my lip,
thinking of the kisses I would lay upon your skin,
the way I'd pull myself close to you,
fingertips pressing lightly into your shoulder,
as you writhe under me,
kisses from your collarbone to your ear,
your jaw to your temple.

My mouth leaving my ***** thoughts written across your neck,
my nose trailing along your skin,
taking in the way you smell,
the way it makes me feel.

You make my fingers shake with a thought,
you make my mouth go slack with a simple,
you make me simple with your gestures
and voice.

I'm pulled back by you saying something,
I recover in record time,
shoving you in the shoulder,
"I hate you,"
the words tumble out before I think about them,
I'm still smiling.

"No you don't."
you say with that stupid smile of yours.
I shake my head,
because I don't.
I really don't.
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