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 Nov 2014 Janor
stefanie cortez
she was fragile .
but seemed so strong.
she would glance at me ,but not for long
we never talked,or even said hello
but she was so bright and beautiful
like the sun shining on the meadows.
her heart on the piano and her soul on the stage
her parents assumed it was just a phase
she lost control while performing through the night
that is what i loved.she always showed a little bit of fright
she was remarkable
and still showed she was normal.
 Nov 2014 Janor
Ashley Browne
dad left
for his second tour of duty
on my third birthday

mom kept
a jar full of jelly beans
on the living room coffee table

every night
she gave me one to eat, saying
"when these jelly beans
are all eaten up,
dad will come back home"

i would sneak another,
to help dad come home sooner

one night
the phone rang
and i watched mom
wipe away a tear
as she filled
the jar
On this Remembrance Day, I think of all those who have served, with a special thought for Dad.  And though she has no medals, I also think of Mom; every tour of duty Dad went through, she went through too, taking care of us on her own.

*** Edit: Thank you for all your kind words!  Due to a recent outpouring of sympathy, I feel it necessary to clear up the fact that my dad did in fact make it home from this mission; his tour had simply been extended for an additional 3 months.  Still, it isn't easy being part of a military family - and that's what I meant to show. ***
 Nov 2014 Janor
Emily Huang
Sitting in the darkness,
Waiting for my ****,
An animal passes by,
My stomach will soon fill.

I can almost hear the crowd cheering
As I catch my evening snack,
I am alone out here-
I’ve lost contact with my pack.

I hear a familiar cry in the distance,
The sound soon starts to fade,
It isn’t what I thought it would be-
Above flies a mockingjay.

It’s wide wings cover up above,
For a moment I have no light,
The cry of the bird hurts me,
I try to put up a fight.

My sister, it makes me feel she’s hurt,
I lower my bow down,
She has to be home, I know she is,
But they’ve got her sound somehow.

I tell myself not to worry,
As the bird starts to fly and sing,
A beautiful song I recognize,
Like the silver in the mockingjay’s wings.
~Written for my English class, read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins to understand it!
 Nov 2014 Janor
It's not another blue moon
The wolves are restless
Their savagery grows like
The wicked fire outside my cave
It's almost there and I can
Feel it burning up my toes
My chest still, motionless, remains a frigid icebox
I forgot what purpose heat serves
It's been too cold
Too unforgiving
It's been too many black skies
Frostbite all over my skin
Closer to deaths conniving hand
Enough to graze
Enough to spark fear, touch, blood builds up, squeezing my veins, green vines, curling in and out of their white soil, pulsating, glorious serendipity, the tangibility of
Rest in peace
In pieces
Bony white sharp shards of
That don't even sever my flesh
No drops of red
Not even to cut the thick air
the clock keeps it's mouth shut
I have no answers
In between living and dying
Limbo, flatline, where am I
Where am I
I hear the wolves howl once more, closer now
The stars shatter
a streak of silver lining
Cosmic brutality
I'm the punch line
Forever hungry
I finally feel their hot breath on the nape of my neck
I close my eyes
Where's my escape?
White teeth
Just for one taste of my soft flesh
And god, god I whisper through
the stubborn air
Isn't that all that matters?
The murky cloud of my cry
Turns ghost
Another victim of my past pleas
A furry nuzzle to contrast the ruthless slay that leads me to my final destination
Pink fields, beautiful fidelity, your Golden Gates, on a cloud too far away
Always a little out of reach
I'll wait an eternity
For a god who never picks up his trash
 Nov 2014 Janor
 Nov 2014 Janor
those f-words and s-words are like little space ships,
transversing into restricted territories,
portals into the un-explored world of adolescence,
a rite of passage from childhood to teenhood,
a small crack of the innocence.
 Nov 2014 Janor
Emily Nieberding
We recklessly
Unsheathe our arrows,
Their tips dripping
With an elixir
Of toxic affection.

I string my bow,
Aiming for the depths
Of your heart,
Only to be pierced
 Nov 2014 Janor
We couldn't find you

I shouldn't be the one to have to tell you this
There was no need for anyone to finish that sentence
I knew what had happened

They found you in the car
With our family's dog
The garage door sealed shut
Car still running
Spewing toxic fumes

A huge anvil came down and knocked my feet out from under me

My sister and I collapsed onto the floor
It felt like someone was tearing me apart
One piece at a time
Like someone had punched a hole through my chest
Ripping out my heart to burn and crush into the ground

Our worlds seemed to collapse around us, I had to hold my legs so tightly to my chest to prevent myself from falling apart right there on the floor

I didn't have a mother anymore
She is not going to see me graduate
She is not going to help me pick out my grad dress
She is not going to meet my first true love
She is not going to be there when I have my first drink in a bar
She is not going to be there when I show her my engagement ring
She is not going to be there when my father walks me down the isle
She is not going to be there when I announce that I'm pregnant
She is not going to be there when my first child is born
She is not going to be there to be the most loving grandmother
She's gone
 Nov 2014 Janor

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Petal by small white petal I ask
of this delicate bloom I now hold in my hand
Yellow face peering up at me as if it wants to answer
in only a way that will make me happy

“She loves me, she loves me not”

But does it know the answer I seek,
for I do want her to love me, like she loves the flowers,
the ocean and sipping tea by twilight music
filling the tree lined silhouettes with melodies of enchantment

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Two more petals fall to the ground,
creating elongated oval patterns about my feet
like ivory snow flakes flittering in the sun
staring up at me with questions of their own

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Maybe I will whisper my desires,
allowing them to flow on the wind,
absorbed by nature, dispersed upon the beauty
in hopes this earthly decoration might understand

“She loves me, she loves me not”

As nature offers her wonders, she too brings them
In perfectly presented symmetrical fashion
for I see there are only four petals remaining,
the count stays even

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Oh poor flower, shedding petals like tears
do they flood your core as they do my heart
fear not my petite friend, for I stand in a field
of your brothers and sisters

“She loves me, she loves me not”

I shall pick another tender bloom
to follow my quest again,
though unlike nature, I have no rules to follow
and I shall begin this time

*“She loves me not, she loves me”
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