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 Mar 2015 Janor
 Mar 2015 Janor
I can conquer the whole world with one hand behind my back

As long as my other hand is holding **yours
 Mar 2015 Janor
Chelsea Patton
A scar on my wrist,
To you it's just a mark.
I know how it was placed there,
Alone in the darkness.
Odd how esoteric,
A single slice may be.
To me a cry for help.
For you slipped sheath.
Only the ones who done it,
Are the ones who can see.
The marks on your wrist,
Was from a mental disease.
4th poem.  Hope you guys like it.
 Mar 2015 Janor
Imperfect Desire
Am I the only one that has their demons feasting upon their souls?
They say it is easy to tie a noose around your mind,
To overcome the urges and temptations of ending your life with a suicide
They don't know the true pain and torment that is going on in my head
An epic battle that leaves me with restless nights in bed
"End your life already" they say, as they prey on me during my weakest hours
Sometimes I give into the voices, carrying the sharp blade to my wrist
Crying as I struggle to mutter three powerful words that keeps me going
Choking on my sobs, my lungs deflate with a desire to say that God loves me
I try to convince myself that God is trying to test my faith
And to just wait, wait and wait
Then my Demons will eventually go AWAY.....

~Imperfect Desire **
 Feb 2015 Janor
eunsung aka Silas
a storm of emotions
all a stir
yet there is a calm and peace
in the center of even
the wildest of storms

after the flurry has subsided
I am left still standing
with the fury of the storm behind me
all there is left to do is pick up the pieces
and start again
 Feb 2015 Janor
 Feb 2015 Janor
The smallest things
Can **** my happiness
And cause me to cry

I obsess over
The tiniest things
And can't stop it

And I know I'm odd
Everything about me
Is weird and freakish

I've honestly tried
To change myself
And become normal

But I always seem to fail
I suppose that's why
I'm all alone now..
 Feb 2015 Janor
well idk
but heres my best try
im not certain of myself
im shy
some say i have a certain....
masculinity about me....
idk what they mean
but i do know i can hurt others
physically to easily....
i try not to though
i dont like pain
dont like to give it
cuz i know how it feels
to recieve pain from those you thought you knew
but do we ever truly know someone
i know i get off track
but that's just me, i guess
i still dont fully know myself
but i also dont know anyone that does
if you do
then good for you
and could you help me
to know myself....
idk who i am
what i am
where im at
or anything really about myself
i know a bit of what im told i am
that im weird
im a ******
im different
im nothing
im nobody
and you know what
most of this came from females. :/
oh well
their loss
cuz sooner or later
ill be gone
maybe not today
maybe not tomorrow
but theyll be sorry for how they treated me
i guess thats my answer for most things
it makes me want to laugh
if you got in my head
would you scream?
would you run?

*Who I am I?
 Feb 2015 Janor
DC raw love
I am only bent

Not quite broken

But can I be fixed
 Feb 2015 Janor
Who will love me
who will stay by my side
who will be there when I need them most

Sometimes I want to scream
"leave me, everyone does" I'd say
"stop toying with my life"

Sometimes I wonder
'I love unconditionally
what if I never loved at all'

If I had no heart
there'd be no ache
but there'd be a lost and angry soul

Life is misery
love is pain
but my life is a huge joke

I used to believe in many things
like love and mythical fairytales
but that did not last

I grew up looking for good
I knew since I was little
life is not sugar plums and gum drops

I knew the world was made of evil
I saw it all
before I even started middle school

I try to dry the tears
I try to bottle up the pain
but it just wears on me

I could hide my heart
It always beat so sorrowfully
it was always so steady

May you see life
may it be enlightening
may you learn from what you see

I learned to be true to myself
I learned to deal with some pain
I learned life is cruel

Love is a sensitive thing
love can hurt
but love can also feel good

When you find true love
you'll want to dance and sing
just be careful where you step

Things aren't always what they seem
they might look nice
don't base life on looks

I saw life
I saw death
doesn't mean I know them truly
 Feb 2015 Janor
 Feb 2015 Janor
i am alone
i am broken
i am unafraid
why should i be
why am i alive
where am i going next
where am i
why cant i be afraid
why am i still here
why cant i leave
i have so many ******* questions it's just i cant see them all
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