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 Dec 2014 Janor

Simply soft, serenely so
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Wrapped within its chilly bow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Petals gleam of crystal glow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Upon this world of white to show
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
For its beauty to bestow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Deep upon this earth to grow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Serenity of soft halo
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Cast by winds of frigid blow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Resting on the ground below
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
As my heart doth love thee so
*Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Ok, I know it's repetitive...perhaps there is an echo in here. :)
 Dec 2014 Janor
To be human
 Dec 2014 Janor
want to be needed
need to be wanted
 Nov 2014 Janor
 Nov 2014 Janor
Dearest Ana when I look at you I see how skinny you are,
You told me I could look like my favorite movie star,
I thought you were my friend,
But you were really trying to make my life end,
I lied to my friends and even my family,
"I already ate"
The truth was I just threw away the food on my plate,
I was so mislead,
You wanted me dead,
I would step on the scale,
You would make me feel as fat as a whale,
You made my soul black,
I want my old life back,
You told me I just couldn't handle it,
I might as well quit,
But I couldn't stop,
I couldn't walk on my feet,
I couldn't even eat,
I'm losing my confidence,
Please bring back my common sense,
I used to love fries,
But now I may die,
Today is the day my heart stops beating,
Today is the day I stopped eating.
 Nov 2014 Janor
Natasha Meyer
 Nov 2014 Janor
Natasha Meyer
Naked she lies
Her body tainted and bruised
cast aside by hate and demise
broken, torn, bleeding
her dreams shattered
her mind battered
 Nov 2014 Janor
I'm running again...
Away from myself, away from the *****
Disguised as a vacation, sometimes a cruise
So I run and I run
The camera capturing pictures of fun
The beach, the sun, the sand in my toes
What's in my head, no one can know
I smile, I laugh
As I get on the plane,
I'm ready now to play the game
The happy traveler, alone in my head
Wishing and praying, I was just dead
I'm good at pretending
You'll never know
How unhappy I am
I'll never let it show
 Nov 2014 Janor
Michelle Garcia
i am the type of girl who is afraid of looking down
who shuts her eyes in glass elevators
and fears heights almost as much
as she fears herself

and the moment i met you was the moment
i decided to loosen my death grip,
realizing that i was exhausted of clinging to my high hopes,
suddenly feeling weightless, fearless,
flying away from the stranger i used to be,
flying away from the person i was
before i met you

they teach us poetry in school,
the kind we read in those dumb literature books
filled with stupid stanzas and rhymes
and words on paper made to make you feel something

i know you're not made of paper, and that
you aren't words or letters or rhymes
but you were the first person who made me feel something,
something so real, something so catastrophically alive
and i love you for that,
for being my favorite poem

i love you to the rooftops and to the skyscrapers and clouds
and i know i'll always have to keep my eyes shut tightly
and have to hold your hand so tight my knuckles turn white
but you are poetry,
you made me feel alive again

i wasn't afraid of heights,
i was afraid of falling
but you caught me anyway
and i love you for that,
for teaching me that falling doesn't always
have to hurt
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