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 May 2020 JaxSpade
You were my morning coffee.
With each sip, you became my perfect drip
I became alive-
But never learning
I wouldn’t notice my tongue burning
Neglecting how many grounds I began to waste
Now noticing each day there was a different taste.
Bold. Enriching my mind.
Memories becoming to thick, getting lost in the grind
Fulfilling. Holding you to warm the parts of me that weren’t awake.
Bitter. Starting days with dissatisfaction, never taking a second to reckon my intake of my reaction
Strong. Conquering moments that were holding me back
Forgetting the tendencies I seemed to lack
Perfect. There was nothing else I needed to sustain my days
Routined in my ways
I became addicted
Better then anything that could be predicted
You made the days seem easier, and I felt more aware. Like without you I wouldn’t be all there.
I never thought that you would ever run out after this long -that I would need to take my time having you.
I was wrong.
Unfulfilled. I started burning from the inside out
I could never control the amount
Raw. From each time my lips were burning
Weak. Throughout time I forgot how to make you strong
I just stopped learning.
Cold. From each time that I had left you sitting out-
You couldn’t handle the amount of time waiting for me to wake up and need you.
You were my morning coffee.
 May 2020 JaxSpade
You’re the sun on my skin
Crawling through my hairs, letting me feel the heat.
Lighting me up, until I spill a sunset
Pouring over all the skies.
I begin to transcend into night
Capturing stars in my eyes.
Waiting until tomorrow,
To feel you burn again
 May 2020 JaxSpade
I tried to remember this feeling
Of staring in your sun
I’m peeling
Reeling, from how you were my perfect faith
Closing other doors that were never built
Out of the guilt, of loosing you
Until your shoulders started to tilt
And spilt into mine
Handing me promises you built, but couldn’t keep
Either in nightmare or sleep
I grasp to what’s there- holding onto a glass that’s shattered
Cause even if you’re broken glass, you mattered.
Watching how you grew your horns
Picking off the petals and leaving the thorns
Wishing each time it rained it didn’t have to pour
But was this before, or after
You forged your signature on this disaster
Thinking you were only filled with laughter
My darling- you kept trying to eat my spark
Glowing mouths, but I’m stuck in the dark
Left with the mark of every time you would tell yourself you were no longer mine
Waiting for the perfect glass of wine
Screaming in silence, I would never forget
How time after time-
I would drown in your liquid regret
Letting go of your glass that is shattered
Wishing I would look back, and think that you mattered
 May 2020 JaxSpade
Sometimes I take a little stroll
Through the minds and verses
Of others.

Mind strolling through
Vivid colours and memories,
Flowers and fantasies.

I walk across the lines, my feet tapping
To the rhythm and rhyme;
Iambic heart beats with mine

I stop by sometimes, by the meadows
With a ballad, sonnet,
Free verse or couplet.

Just reading through some poems.
Poems bloom as flowers; azure, flushed pink. Watered by the poet's tears.
 May 2020 JaxSpade
I am in love with Nobody
And Nobody loves me,
When I roll over in my bed
It’s Nobody I see;
Nobody cares enough to stay
And hold me when I weep,
And Nobody will dry my tears
To soothe me back to sleep;
Nobody is a friend to me
When I am feeling down,
And Nobody knows what to do
To get rid of my frown.

As I go through my average day
Nobody’s by my side,
Offering his company or
proffering his guide.
Nobody is my only friend
Sent from the gods above,
But now it seems that fate has tried
To meddle with our love.
Tomorrow night, my Nobody
Heads back to his old home;
He has a wife and child, he says,
Who know not where he roams;

Nobody has been travelling
For years from shore to shore,
Traversing through Ionia
After the Trojan War.
Oh, I will miss my Nobody
With all my giant heart,
I cannot bear to dwell on thoughts
Of us being apart.
Nobody holds my hand and says,
“Polyphemus, don’t cry,”
But I can’t stop the massive tears
From welling in my eye.
I was going through some notebooks from high school and found this gem. Guess what we were reading in English class?
 May 2020 JaxSpade
The Swailing
 May 2020 JaxSpade
Suppose it starts
with wildfire;
lightning on
your driest trees
or once-loved campsites
left neglected, or kindling
that you'll never see--
it all burns just the same.

Suppose it starts
with wildfire;
flames beget
a blood orange sky
and magma pits
beside black trees,
and all your kindest woodland creatures
hurt and hide and crawl away--
but they burn all the same.

Suppose it starts
with wildfire;
see your landscape
on the hill, sickly scorched
with trees rail thin,
stark beside lush greenery,
almost lovely in how clear
the story of the suffering feels,
and burning's just the same.

So what if it starts
with wildfire?
There's no need
for water, seeds,
when warmth still crackles
in the wood and
you have pain and gasoline;
light the match and you will see--
it still burns just the same.
 May 2020 JaxSpade
Kirsty Randle
Don't worry about me
I'm swimming against the current
But I'm strong

Once the storm calms
I'll be floating on the top again
It won't take long

Sometimes my head goes under
I'm stuck, theres no air
But then I see the shoreline, and I know I'm almost there

My feet will land on sand and stone
I'm breathing again
Now I know that I'm home
 May 2020 JaxSpade
Kirsty Randle
The black net catches me
Then it sends me to space
For a moment I'm weightless
The look on my face
The gravity pulls me
Then I bounce back up high
Such a simple invention
Watch, I can fly
I'm up in the clouds
Near you again
I come here to see you
I miss you my friend
 May 2020 JaxSpade
Kirsty Randle
White snow stained red with blood
Does someone bad deserve something good?

Feeling trapped beneath all the noise
What can I touch that won't get destroyed?

Going round in circles every day
If I asked "do you love me?", what would you say?
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