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10.0k · Apr 2018
AshJ Apr 2018
There are some nights
When i look up at the sky and fall in love
Over and over again.

Gazing at the night sky
unfurl into deeper hues of blue
indicating the end of
yet another day.

Stars as if diamond flung up
into an inky facade.
The moon, shinning in its glory
As if the divine halo of the Almighty himself.

A celestial space so immense
where my mind can wander limitless.
I embrace the silence of the night and
leap into its angelic gloom.

They say dark is evil, an unruly nemesis
But now as I lie under this murky sky
I realize
Dark has a bewildering beauty.
406 · Apr 2018
AshJ Apr 2018
Water to drink
Food to eat
People to love
Hope to dream
Is what a being needs.

****** his land, his home
Turn him into a desperate varmint
crying for mercy,
wreathing for death.
362 · Apr 2018
AshJ Apr 2018
When my mind too like my body falls into the gloom of night,
It finds itself standing with Him, the Master of this realm, Delusion.
And thereafter things change
from this.

What is seen is not true
But it works in my favour, appeals my pride.
False? Yes, yet i find myself in a state
where i believe in everything that takes me away
from this.

What is that i hear?
My conscience screaming at me, telling me to come back.
Why am i the one to be blamed
A lone soul seeking lapse in time
From this?

And the time has come to break away
To force my eyelids open, to stare at that chronic ceiling.
I must live outside my mind till the sun sets
And make myself home
To this.
Here "this" is reference to reality.
347 · Dec 2018
The Table, The Study
AshJ Dec 2018
The table that remains a mere desk on usual days
Is now a study for me.
The hours that seem persistent to tick when bored,
Now seem to race me.

Books all around me, pen marks stain my hands that either remain clenched
In a hammering motion while memorising or
Tracing lines, page by page.
Yes, taking snaps of breaks while drawing an absurd portrait of a dog.
Creativity, I won't suppress you if you chose a better hour.

Warm tears swell up in my eye.
In the debate of no drive and greed for success.
"Scores don't matter!", "Studies are important" comments flying cross the room.
But not louder than the bedlam behind these eyes that droop.

Why don't I accept the turn out when I know I hadn't worked hard.
This greed that never stirs at the last piece of apple-crumble-with-cinnamon-hint,
Now panting like a flesh-hungry varmint.
"Success does not equal A+ on the report!"
Replying through the heavy breaths, "Right, however its only those A+'s that run the world."

Although I'm aware an ideas' value is the heaviest.
Beating the high scoring mass, looking over it in disdain.
I knock my head to spring some out.
Back to the table, stooping over the book aiming for the higher grade.
Gates and Zuckerberg have definitely proved it's an idea that takes to stir the world and make it spin on your pinky. But what if I don't seem to have an idea? Can I just sit waiting for it to pop? Left with no choice we all go after the a+, don't we?
334 · Apr 2018
AshJ Apr 2018
None arise just like when in need,
I scrutinize every possible one
Till its pulp oozes out infront of me.

Why can i not find it?
Do i blame my thoughts that are so obscure
Or the dubious heart that rejects everything
Or this mind that demands to know more than i possibly could.

I fear this might sound platitudinous;
Like every novice trying to be like those from whose hands words just flow
But these are my thoughts certainly. Sewed together in esoteric verses
Wait, I think a title has occurred to me!

"Puzzling" it shall be.
And my thoughts rewards me with satisfaction
Until the next time i try thinking of one
That moment, puzzling it shall be.
282 · Apr 2018
AshJ Apr 2018
Fake smiles
Phony eyed
Hollow compliments and lies,
Outlandish flatteries.
Deceptive seeming.

If humans had hallmarks, none would have 'em.
231 · Apr 2019
7 Hours Of Wait
AshJ Apr 2019
Awoken 50 minutes to school time
Blaming poor, unfaulty water ready to wash me
Tears stain on the smart skirt and shirt of grey and wine
Buttoned up by sighing parents
Now habitual of this complaining like buzzing of a bumblebee

At the ground, hands joined, told to wish for fortune and health
While I strike a bargain with God for candy
Only if he commands a quick school break
Ten tiny digits wrapped around pencils with lead tips
Caught in like a horse with blinkers, there's of leather ours of fear

Blank brains repeat lessons in unison.
Irony! They teach freedom struggle inside four walls
Rules to decipher poems in only teachers from
Forget to balance conscious cause that chemical equation seems to demand it mor'!

Gods definitely not in mood for the candy bar
The dispersal takes forever.

Yet all's forgotten on the way to home.
All's comforted by a nap with family on soft foam.
From someone who passionately dislikes school

— The End —