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 May 2020 Ishudhi Dahal
To taste the sounds
To turn back time
To read in complete darkness
To travel faster than light
All would have to be possible
For me to forgive
 May 2020 Ishudhi Dahal
 May 2020 Ishudhi Dahal
As the avenues, turn to corridors
My air conditioned breath,
saves me from the heat.

As I stare, into the void,
With eyes wide shut,
There is always someone there,
I would like to meet.

Yet I sit alone, and listen restlessly
To the songs play, endlessly on repeat

I am not my thoughts , I am not my beliefs
That’s what I think and what I believe
 May 2020 Ishudhi Dahal
As you read these words
You may be busy
At war with your drowsy eyelids
Struggling to hold them up
Like Atlas carrying the Earth on his shoulders
Its heavy weight making you want to surrender control
And allow them to drop down

You may be startled by the overwhelming brightness
From being accustomed to the dark
Never fear
You'll get used to it eventually
And find the brightness comforting rather than blinding
Drawn like a moth to a flame

It's time to wake up, sleepyhead
Today is another day
For you to conquer
You decide what will become of this day
And the next
And the one after that as well
For as long as the sky is up
And the sun still shines every morning
Each day is yours for the taking
Seize it
Don’t let anyone take it away
Wrote this poem this morning when I woke up, a bit drowsy but in a good mood!
 May 2020 Ishudhi Dahal
rowdy lee
do not be kind
just be honest
that means
be kind

oh, yes
how to be really kind
sometimes it is easier to be quiet
more than
to be kind

there is nothing kind about silence
as you
losing time
for everybody

be kind
to yourself
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