I shouldn't be like this
My life is picking up
Great new job
I'm about to graduate
A loving relationship
The coolest cat ever
I shouldn't be like this
Getting back in shape
Eating right
Making new friends
Getting everything situated
Might've even found a good house
I shouldn't feel this way
I don't feel like I lost someone
Like I'm broken
Or aching
I just... Feel.... Bad
Like I'm a bad person
Who should be happy but can't
It isn't always
Most of the time I am satisfied
I am happy
At peace with my life
Overjoyed in fact
But some days...
When I spend too much time alone,
and lately that's all the time,
I can't fight the shadows;
the feelings that creep into my sunshine
And say "you don't deserve to be happy"
But I really want to be