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21.6k · Apr 2014
Stay Humble
Someone Apr 2014
Stay humble my friend.
For you won't be here one day.
And although you think you might have left a legacy,
In due time it too will fade with you.
You want to be remembered as someone who
Was kind.
And above all humble.
So take the compliments nicely.
Try to always be kind.
And try to be forgiving.
Although I know it can sometimes be hard.
Help others.
Stand up for one another.
Because those are the true legacies that impact lives.
Not just some material thing that will fade faster than you think.
11.8k · Apr 2014
Someone Apr 2014
Masks aren't just for hiding the bad.
Sometimes they hide the good too.
So which are you hiding?
Or is the mask hiding something from you?
Sometimes we are hidden from our true selves by ourselves.
3.0k · Sep 2014
Codependent and Empathetic
Someone Sep 2014
She called me "codependent" and "empathetic".
I thought I was.

I feel bad for things I shouldn't.
I care so much for so many.

Is that what it is?

I don't know how to stop.
And all I want to do is cry.

I can't: fix, help, or care for all.
I especially can't change other people.

So, will I always feel this bad?

I guess i'll wait and see...
2.8k · May 2017
Tell me.
Someone May 2017
You once asked me if there was anything I wouldn't tell you.

I told you that I didn't think so.

And, at the time I really did believe that.

But, now I realize that that was just me,

Not telling you the things I wouldn't tell you.

How ironic.
2.8k · Apr 2014
Someone Apr 2014
She was tired
She was tired of all the homework.
She was tired of all the stress.
She was tired of how all these people would ignore her.
She was tired of her brother fighting with her.
She was tired of how her mom would threaten to **** herself and she didn't know whether to believe it or not.
She was tired of no one appreciating her and what she tried to do for them.
All they did for him.
She was tired of her dad treating her like she was dirt beneath him.
She was tired of her dad acting like he was a king, although he knew nothing.
She was tired of her "friends" always relying on her but none of them would make it so that she could rely on them.
She was tired of not getting recognized for all the things she did for everyone.
She was tired of feeling empty.
She was tired of remembering all the bad past memories she had.
She was tired of all her thoughts.
She was tired of messing up.
She was tired of feeling bad.
She was tired of feeling sad.
She was tired of no one loving her like she thought she deserved to be loved.
She was tired of fighting for everything.
For fighting for others happiness instead of her own.
For fighting for other peoples problems to be heard rather than her own.
She was tired of fighting for people already losing their own battles as she was losing hers.
She was tired of it all.
She was tired of not getting answers.
She was tired of no longer having hope.
She was tired of slipping away and no one noticing.
So she thought:
I can end it all.
No more thinking.
No more pain.
No more stress.
She knew it seemed selfish.
Maybe it would end all of this though.
Maybe it would end others fighting.
Maybe it would end all their stress that she knew she caused for them.
Maybe they would all go on to be happier.
She thought of ending it then.
If I leave they wouldn't miss me after a while.
They would forget.
She would forget.
All she would be doing is going to sleep for a while.
Or maybe longer.
Didn't want to.
But she feels
Like she must...
1.9k · Sep 2017
Someone Sep 2017
I was strong.

I was strong when my preschool teacher told me that I was never going to be an artist because I wasn't talented enough.

I was strong when I told my first crush that I liked him and he told me he would never like someone like me because I was fat and ugly.

I was strong as I was bullied severely for 6 years in elementary school.

I was strong when a kid wrapped swing chains around my neck and tried to choke me.

I was strong when I was told by the school counselor that no one would ever want to be my friend in middle school.

I was strong when on the first day of junior high I was pushed off of the risers and onto the floor by fellow classmates.

I was strong when my parents got a divorce.

I was strong when I had my first panic attack.

I was strong after I attempted suicide.

I was strong when I was officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

I was strong when my father kicked me out.

I was strong when my brother beat me in my car.

I was strong when I had to act as hospice care for one of my grandfathers.

I was strong when my grandfathers died.

I was strong when my dad's wife tried to convince me that I was worthless and unworthy of love.

I was strong when my entire family abandoned me fight over only my brother in a custody battle.

I was strong when I failed my first class ever and almost lost all of my scholarships.

I was strong when my mom told me "whatever" when she was mad and I talked about killing myself.

I was strong when I wanted to drop out of college and relapse into my suicidal thoughts.

If I can be strong through all of that, I can be strong again.

I am strong.

Even if I don't always feel that way.
Stay strong.
1.6k · Oct 2017
Someone Oct 2017
It's like I am a trash can,

That everyone dumps all of their emotional garbage into.

But I never get emptied.
1.1k · Sep 2015
Do you enjoy hurting me?
Someone Sep 2015
Why can't you just leave me alone and let me feel safe for once in my life?
945 · Mar 2015
This is my garden.
Someone Mar 2015
"Your eyes are like hollow holes for which I can plant dirt and gardens will grow inside of them. Your bones which are tired and weak will grow stronger with my love. Your broken heart will be pieced back together again, because I will glue each piece back one by one. I will fill you up and make you whole again ."

Fill your own eyes up and grow your own garden. Do not let weeds grow there. But if they do, get ride of them. Do not let the flowers die. If one does, get ride of it, and grow a new one in it's place. Keep them watered. If you forget one day, it's okay. Just try really hard not to forget again.

Make your own bones stronger. Take care of yourself so that you take care of them. Do not depend on someone else's love if you can't even depend on your own. And trust me, once you can depend on your own love, you won't need anyone else's love. Little by little, day by day, your bones will become stronger than you ever thought they could.

Your broken heart can never be the same. It is just a fact. No matter who tells you they can piece it back together, only you truly can. Even then, it will never fully come back together. They say they will glue it back together piece by piece. Glue doesn't hold forever, and once another piece falls, you need to be there for yourself to pick it back up.

You need to fill yourself up. No one else. Fill yourself up with your own love and acceptance and happiness. Become whole with yourself. Become your own best friend. So that in times of need and despair, you don't need someone else to pick you back up.

**Because this is your garden, and it is beautiful.
929 · Jun 2017
Stick to something.
Someone Jun 2017
I'm a rambler.
When I talk about what's on my mind, it's like I can't stop sometimes.
And even when my mouth stops, my mind doesn't.
I'm always thinking about something, and there are very few rare moments when I'm not.

My mind also likes to jump from one thing to the next, so sometimes what I think and say are completely out of order.
This makes retelling of stories difficult at times, and it also makes writing down thoughts very difficult as well.

I have been trying to be better about sticking to things, such as writing poems and writing down things that have happened to me as recollections of a time I may forget one day.

I think I worry too much though.
I worry too much about if I will be relaying my message the way that I want it to be perceived.
I want to make sure that I make sense to others and not just myself, and that I am perceived that way.

There is that **** anxiety again.

One of my therapists once old me that it would be good for me to stick to a routine and have a foundation to stand on in my life.
The funny thing was that I always feel like It's impossible for me to have that foundation, and I also don't necessarily make it easy for myself either.

It's very rare that I finish something completely that I started solely for myself.
It's also very rare that I feel whole heartedly confident in something I'm doing, even if I appear to have the confidence thing down on the outside.

And I guess that's what life is really.
It's just twists and turns that you do or don't see coming, and you have to figure out how to handle them for yourself.

So I'm trying to be better.
I'm going to keep going with this.
I may not be consistent now, but in the long hall, I believe I can do it.

I can finally have a concrete foundation that will stay firm for me.

I will stick to it.
Accountability note.
862 · Jun 2014
Someone Jun 2014
Such a beautiful word.
But it is also
And scary.
So simple yet so complex.

I was asked what love, to me, means.

Love, to me, means:

Never feeling alone. When you are with them, or when you are apart.

You want to know everything and anything about them. You want to hear their stories and darkest secrets, and keep them for only you and them to share.

Nothing that pops into your head is not heard by them. They understand. And even if they don't completely understand, it's okay. You know that everything is safe with them. You can confide in them.

To you, they feel like home, your safe place, and an adventure all in one.

You never want them to feel alone or scared, or sad. You wish they could always feel loved.

You want them to always be happy. Whether it is with you, or someone else.

To see them smile.

You feel whole.

This is what love means to me.
And your love doesn't have to be for only one.
854 · Jul 2015
Someone Jul 2015
What are you to do?

When your screams are not heard?

Your lungs burn.
Your head is pulsating.
You feel your vocal chords shredding.
It hurts to breathe or speak.
Tears streaming from your eyes and down your cheeks.

A cry for help.
As loud as you can make it.

They look at you.
They look into your big pooled eyes and say nothing.
Just stare.

Can they not see or hear the desperation in your eyes and voice?
Can they not see and hear how much you're hurting?
Can they not see and hear how you feel as if you're dying?

Or do they just choose not too see?
Just like they choose not to hear your screams.

No one can say you never tried to ask for help.
No one can say that you didn't try hard enough.

You lay there and feel helpless.
Like you're dying.

Years later you still have nightmares about it.
It still makes you cry.

So what are you to do?

When your screams are not heard.
697 · Aug 2015
This vessel.
Someone Aug 2015
This vessel is broken.
This vessel is achy.
This vessel is hurting.
This vessel is rotting from the inside out.
This vessel is braving harsh waves.

This vessel isn't the prettiest.
This vessel isn't the smoothest ride.
This vessel wants to be better.
This vessel wants to be accepted for what it is.

This vessel will try to take the hits as much as it can.
This vessel will try to keep itself going.

This vessel won't give up.
695 · Apr 2015
Someone Apr 2015
Give me something.

Give me a laugh.
Give me a cry.
Give me a sweet sigh.

Give me anger.
Give me love.
Give me that slight little shove.

Give me emotion.
Give me fun.
Give me something that makes me hum.

Give me life.
Give me inspiration.
Give me a hopeful temptation.

Give me a choice.
Give me a fight.
Give me something on this cold windy night.

*Anything would be better than this emotionless fog you always leave me with.
685 · Nov 2014
I Remember.
Someone Nov 2014
I remember,

When I was 4 or 5 and we went into the garden of giant sunflowers in our front yard, and me and my brother wore over sized t-shirts and let hundreds of lady bugs crawl all over us as we laughed and giggled with mom.

When me and my brother took pictures for our family photos in the hallway and we got all dressed up for the first time and we hugged and connected for the first time.

When we visited grandpas house and he watched us play the piano badly while we had a tea party with chocolate milk.

When in preschool I was put into an art class with the older children who picked on me, and eventually I hid under a table and cried for my mother to come get me, resulting in me getting kicked out of that preschool because I bit the teachers hand after she called me a ridiculous idiot and tried to grab me from under the table.

When I was in kindergarten and all the other kids played with construction work toys as I asked the teacher if I could color instead. She forced me to play with the other children as they threw fake plastic rocks in my face.

When I was put into another art class with older kids where none of them accepted me and I was screamed at and kicked out by the teacher after one class because I colored a face on a person orange, since I had no skin colored crayons or pencils.

When I sat on the playground alone and had children make rumors all around me about me as a teacher tried to force the other kids to play with me.

When a boy thought I liked him and decided to come up to me, in class, in front of everyone and make it apparent that he never did, and never would like me because he thought I was ugly and fat, and the class agreed.

When one of the teachers told me that I would never amount to anything in my life because I could not pass one of my math tests. She then proceeded to show me her "golden paper clip" and tell me that I was worth nothing and would never have the honor of earning that award.

When I tried to stand up for myself for once by telling one of the girls who bullied me that I didn't like what she said to me, and she found me one day waiting for my mom to come pick me up after school, as i sat on the swing set. She brought her older cousin who twisted me in the swing so that the chains wrapped around my neck and I could barely breathe. He told me if I ever said something like that to his little cousin again, he would **** me.

When I won a talent show for the first time in my life, and I felt so good about myself, until a girl came up to me with a small group of her friends and kicked me to the ground, saying I didn't deserve it.

When I was forced to run in a track meet or my school and I vomited after running as a lot of angry families told me how worthless I was because I came in last.

When I transferred schools and nothing changed. I still had no friends and everyone made fun of me behind my back, and a few times, to my face.

When I made actual friends for the first time and I felt accepted.

When on of those "friends" told me that I was a sinner because I don't believe in god, and she tried to force me to read a bible she brought to school for me everyday.

When I was called into the counselors office for getting in a fight in class with a girl and her friend after they called me a b----. The counselor made me out to be the bad guy for standing up for myself.

When a teacher pulled me aside and told me that I smelled like crap and she thought that's why children didn't like me, but when I asked my friends, they said she smells, not me, and that she has tried to pass it off onto other children before too, saying the same thing she said to me.

When I auditioned for choir in Junior High and all the other girls told me that I would never make it in, because I was a fat girl who couldn't sing, and no one wanted to hear or see that.

When I had my first day of Honor Choir in Junior High, and all the girls didn't think it was right that I made it in, so they pushed me off the top of the risers and onto the floor while telling me that I was an idiot who didn't know what they were doing, and laughing at me.

When I actually won a singing competition for our school and got praised by my choir teacher.

When my mom sat in the car with me crying and telling me that her and dad were getting a divorce and that she wanted me to live with my dad and make sure he was okay.

When my brother got in a big fight with me and hit me for the first time.

When I moved to the new house with my father and my mom called me, crying one night because she thought I liked my dad better than her.

When my dad told me that I was a worthless human being because I was having a panic attack at midnight in our living room.

When my dad slapped me across the face for having another panic attack in front of him and his girlfriend.

When my dad woke me up in the middle of the night and started screaming at me to get the hell up and pack my bags because he was taking me to my mothers house. I went in crying my eyes out and as I hugged by my mother and brother.

When my dads wife started fighting with me and my mother, threatening our lives as they tried to get custody of my brother and said she would never want me in their house ever again. She continues to bully me.

When I broke down on the side of the road in my car with my brother and started to have a panic attack. My brother screamed at me to shut the hell up and I considered running into the road and getting hit by a car to end it all.

When my mom almost killed herself by taking to many pills when she was sad and I had to watch her until she finally fell asleep in bed and I almost missed school the next day because I was so worried about her.

I remember. You might pretend to forget or act like it never happened, but I won't forget. Ever.
670 · Oct 2014
Someone Oct 2014
You're angry with me.
I try so hard not to make people angry with me.
Then other times I absolutely could not care how you feel about me.
But, later I will regret it.
I know I will.
Only one person has ever made me not regret my anger at them over time.
As for everyone else,
Even a stranger,
One act of anger towards me and I will think about it for a long time.
I feel an unimaginable amount of guilt.
I feel unhappy.
I feel afraid.
I feel responsible.
I feel regretful.
Please don't be angry at me.
I wish I didn't care...
644 · Jun 2014
Best Friend.
Someone Jun 2014
I realized today that I don't have anyone who I call my "best friend".
I sometimes think that I have one.
But then I tell them and I can tell by their response usually if it's real
Or not.

I told a boy once that he was my best friend.
It was honestly nothing more than friendship with us.
He said, "You're mine too."
The way that he said it though...
It was so monotone.
Like he told me just to make it less awkward.

I told a girl once that she was my best friend.
She said "You're mine too."
She never showed it though.
She never listened to me.
Answered me back.
Or seemed to care about me unless it included her or it was drama filled gossip about someone's life.

I once told another girl that she was my best friend.
She didn't answer me back.
She stopped talking to me and we grew apart.

The hard thing about "best friends", is that you each have to feel the same way about each other.

I have even had people say I was their best friend.
I never felt the same though.
I always said "Awh, thank you."
Then they would leave me.
Like everyone else.

I thought I should be my own best friend once.
But like I said,
You have to have a mutual love for each other.
And to be honest...
I don't like myself a lot of the time.

So I wonder.
If I wasn't stuck with myself,
Would I leave me too?
602 · Apr 2017
Our Story
Someone Apr 2017
Maybe on another day

If you had asked in a different way

I might have felt that I had to stay

And our stories could have ended differently.
583 · Aug 2015
Let it go.
Someone Aug 2015
Honestly, I wish you were dead.

I wish someone would pound your face to a ****** pulp and leave you there to slowly die.
I wish you would drown while swimming in the ocean.
I wish you would fall off a cliff and not survive.
I wish you would choke on your food and the ambulance not come in time.
I wish your car would crash into a tree and then light on fire and you die burning.
I wish I could suffocate you.
I wish you pain.

Maybe that makes me a *******, but you made me go to hell and back and I hate you.

I know that none of these things will probably ever happen to you.
I also know that even if something did happen to you, it wouldn't make anything you did hurt any less.

So I'm trying to let it go.
581 · Apr 2014
I didn't tell you.
Someone Apr 2014
You asked me about my day and I told you it was okay and that everything was fine.

I didn't tell you that I cried in the bathroom from the stress of school and my home life and myself.

You asked me how I was tonight and I told you I was good.

I didn't tell you that I spent my day texting a friend between class to make sure they didn't **** themselves, and that I couldn't concentrate because I was worried about them every second.

You asked me why my grades were down and I promised that i would get them back up and I said that these lessons were just hard.

I didn't tell you that I haven't been sleeping well and I have been staying up late every night over thinking about every little thing in my life and criticizing myself, so in school I was tired and unmotivated to do the work.

You asked me why I call you all the time for ever just the little things and I said that I was sorry and that I wouldn't do it as much anymore.

I didn't tell you that I am worried about you because of how sad and down you get on yourself so I try to always call you and lift your spirits.

You asked me why I fight so much and why i am so stubborn and I didn't answer you.

I didn't answer you because I don't know why.

I always feel like I can't trust anyone.

Even the ones that I love the most.

I'm gone now.

Please don't blame yourself, because I left a long time ago.

I didn't tell you because I think that I was scared.

Not scared of you, but I think scared of how your perspective of me would change.

Because I care about you the most.

There are a lot of other things I never told you, but that's okay.

It'll be okay.

I promise.

I love you.
570 · Jan 2015
Fresh air.
Someone Jan 2015
The smell of fresh cooked pastries.
The feel of an old and loved teddy bear.
The warmth and sound of a purring cat.
The taste of a warm blueberry muffin.
The look of a genuine smile on someones face.
The sound of a child's laughter.
How it feels when water glides off of your hands.
When you hug someone you love.
The sounds of birds singing.
When you laugh so hard your ribs hurt.
Ice-cream and pizza.

I feel good again.
559 · Feb 2016
Wake up.
Someone Feb 2016
I hyperventilate when I walk into a store or restaurant alone because I feel like I look like that fat lonely girl who got stood up.

I get lonely at midnight and panic that no one truly likes me and that I have never actually had a best friend.

I feel like a burden to anyone who is my friend and spend all my money on gifts for them to reaffirm that I am not a waste of space in their lives.

I always feel like I am being watched and that people are judging me every moment of the day.

I never tell someone how I really feel because I am afraid that when I am not happy, no one will like me, therefore no one has seen the real me and its entirety.

I feel weak when I cry and hide myself away from people so that no one will know I have an unhappy emotion.

I give 110% into making people in my life happier than I am because I am afraid they will leave me and it drains me so much that I feel numb when I am alone.

I never tell people of my past because I don't want pity from them or for them to worry and I find it exausting to reaffirm that I am not sad, even though I am.

I never tell my friends that I have depression and severe anxiety because in the past people have disregarded it and not taken me seriously.

I put up this wall for myself that makes me on red alert 24/7 and its like I am always running and never allowed to walk.

I feel like I am always sleeping with my eyes wide open and I wish that I could wake up.
541 · May 2014
Someone May 2014

Remember how you felt when you glanced across the room and made eye contact with a beautiful stranger.

Remember how you felt when you indulged a little after working so hard.

Remember getting what you wanted by dedication.

Remember how you felt when it rained and you could feel the cold and smooth rain droplets tickling your skin in such a way that it made you feel more alive.

Remember the joy of putting a smile on someones face.

Remember the times when you felt most loved.

Remember the things that made you feel whole and complete.

Remember how you put your heart on something and it came alive.

537 · May 2014
Someone May 2014
Tonight A lot of you left.
Tonight you all embark on a new journey of life.
You have overcome all that they have thrown at you.
You hated this place.
You couldn't be any sadder to leave.
For most of you anyway.
Your new life begins now.
Though you might take some of the past with you
It is a time for new beginnings.
You leave us today
To become something greater tomorrow.
We will miss you.
We love you.
But hopefully we will soon meet again
In our futures.
I know this is not the end
Although it may feel like it.
I hope we don't grow apart.
But, the truth is most of you will have better things to do with your time
Until you decide
To remember
This place.
And I hope you get out
I really do.
But I also hope
That you remember to come back.
Because this was our beginning.
And I hope
Our beginning meant something to you too.
To the graduates that have had me as a part of their lives.
529 · Dec 2014
As I Get Older
Someone Dec 2014
Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas anymore.
I love giving gifts and watching the smiles on faces when people open them.
All these people gathering together for a day/night of joy.
All I get is anxiety and exhaustion.
People ask me to many questions.
Everyone wants to talk about their own lives too.
Afterwards, most go back to not talking with each other.
Thanksgiving is very similar.

New Years is full of promises that no one ever keeps and parties that are filled with many empty souls.

People stop talking.
They grow apart.
They grow meaner.
Some grow up, some don't.

And I'm just trying to live in it all.
528 · Aug 2014
I'm Afraid.
Someone Aug 2014
I'm afraid of what people think of me sometimes.
I'm afraid to really see myself.
I'm afraid of others seeing the real me.
I'm afraid of being told by someone that I love what they truly think of me.
I'm afraid of people dying.
I'm afraid of having a relationship.
I'm afraid of hurting people.
I'm afraid of hurting animals feelings.
I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing.
I'm afraid of people hating me.
I'm afraid of no one ever really loving me.
I'm afraid of people leaving me.
I'm afraid to cry in front of someone who thinks i'm strong.
I'm afraid of not being able to handle myself.
I'm afraid that I haven't had my lowest point yet.
I don't know...
512 · May 2014
Why me?
Someone May 2014
Why would you call me,
When you have so many other people to choose from?

Why would you want to hang around with me,
When you have other things you could be doing?

Why do you want to know what i'm doing,
When my answer is always the same?

Why do you want to make plans with me,
When all I do is stand off and away from everyone else?

Why choose me?

But I know I will always choose you too.

So thank you.
505 · Mar 2016
Someone Mar 2016
I want to make art.

I want to pour my heart and soul out onto paper and let the ink be like the blood flowing through my veins that keeps me feeling alive.

I want to make things that are new versions of old cliches that reignite a spark in my thoughts.

I want my screams that can chill bones to be heard through my silence and seen through my eyes.

I want my body to tense and my hairs to stand up while I slowly realize that goosebumps are forming on my skin because I didn't know I was capable of something.

I want tears to stop flowing from my eyes and instead flow from my mouth so that I can let the emotions come pouring out into someone else's ears.

I want to paint.
I want to dance.
I want to sing.
I want to draw.
I want to take pictures.
I want to really make music.
I want to write poetry.
I want to have late night talks.
I want to see into someone else's eyes.
I want to listen.
I want to learn.
I want to grow.

475 · Feb 2015
Thoughts #1.
Someone Feb 2015
I tell myself over and over again:

I am loved.
I am beautiful.
I feel good.
I can do this.
No one can make me do anything.
I am a good person.
Everything is only temporary.
I'll be okay.
I have people who want me.
My weight does not define me.
My appearance does not define me.
My grades do not define me.
Others opinions do not define me.
I am unique.
I don't need toxic people in my life.
It's okay to cut myself off from them, no matter how attached I may be.
It's okay not to always feel like myself.
I shouldn't care who likes me or who doesn't.
All that matters is that I like me.

I will keep telling myself these things over and over again until I have them drilled into my skull and I finally believe all of them.

**I will.
474 · May 2017
A Look In The Mirror
Someone May 2017
I wash off the makeup
I see the acne, scars, and freckles
Peaking through my red and irritated skin.

I remember where each scar came from.
When I got my cheek scraped by a fence.
When I had swing chains wrapped around my neck.
When I tried to hug a feral cat.

I think about how someone once told me
That every freckle stands for a reincarnated life in my body.
I wonder how their lives differed from mine.
I wonder if other people have also told this body what I have heard.

I think about how someone else told me
That every freckle stands for an angel that kissed me
In the "beyond" before I was born.

If the angel kisses did happen, I want to thank them everyday for Watching over me, because sometimes I really need it.

I hope I get to meet them.
473 · Apr 2014
I Need A Change
Someone Apr 2014
I'm so tired of crying.
I wish it would stop.
I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm tired of fighting for everything.
I'm tired of the people I love getting hurt.
Because of me.
I'm tired of always being self conscious,
And picked on.
I'm tired.

And no one seems to see or care because they are all so caught up with themselves and their own lives.
I don't blame them.
I'm not much to be worrying about,
But if just one bit of that worry from another person went towards me and how I felt and how I think about dying everyday,
Then maybe I wouldn't be so sad,
And tired.
And weak.

I'm tired of standing up for everyone but no one standing up for me when it really comes down to it.
People say they will.
But how many really would?
You never know.
Which is the hard part about everything.
You never know what's coming next,
Or what's being changed at the very blink of an eye and it frustrates me.
It frustrates me that I can't be prepared for every hard thing that comes my way.
But that's living right?
That's what life is about?
To be honest,
I've stopped caring what life is about.

I get anxiety attacks and everyone thinks I'm lying about it and I'm so afraid to let someone in because they won't be supportive or actually listen to me when I think I have the slightest bit of chance to tell them how I really feel.

People think I should just shut up.
They think that I should just go about my day until something drastic happens.
It's sad really that something drastic NEEDS to happen before anyone takes you and your problems seriously.
But by then it's too late.
And after it's all over they go back to not caring again.

Maybe one day I will say goodbye.
I'm always afraid of regretting it,
So that's how I know I need to stay for now.
But one day I might be pushed just a bit,
To the point where I no longer care if I'm happy or sad or feel nothing after.
Then I know that I am about to leave.
And I wonder how people will think I kept it all in so long.
Because I didn't.
It's just that no one would take the time to listen so instead I took the time to vent and never felt better afterwards.

What to do?
What to do.
What I want vs. what I need to do.
The problem is that I don't know what I want or what I need to do.
So I am lost.
And I'm hoping someone finds me soon, because if not,
I might not be here.

I'll try to find help.
I need help.
Before I am taken away from,

Someone Sep 2015
They always ask you why you stay with me.

Why do you let me do things that other people like me wouldn't get to do?

Why do you not make me do what you want?

Why do you put up with me?

Why do you keep me?

You said:

Because that girl has been to hell and back.
I picked her up from that place.
I only know a portion of what has happened to her when I went through part of hell with her and I can't even imagine how she feels.
She went to the deepest places I could never have gone too and came out alive.
I would never leave her.
I would never try to hurt her.
Because she doesn't deserve it after what she has been through.
She is broken and I don't know if she can ever be put back together.
467 · Sep 2015
Someone Sep 2015
I was diagnosed officially with depression and general anxiety disorder last year.

I saw three girls say on social media say today that they were "depressed" because their mom forgot to buy them their favorite cereal.
Because their new iphone wasn't the color that they wanted.
Because their toenails color didn't match their fingernails color.

I take pills so that I don't have a bad movie playing over and over and over again in my head all day. I don't like taking them, but if I don't, I'm afraid of what will happen.

Sometimes I become so sad that all I can do is lay on the bed and stare at the wall, thinking nothing, because I feel like I am in a dark hole that is impossible for me to get myself out of.

I'm afraid all the time of the inevitable doom that I feel.

You're mocking me.
You will never understand.
This is not something that you should make into a trending hashtag on social media and then use to not talk about the real problems we face, but to talk about petty problems in your lives.

I am suffering, and all you can think about is how "depressed" you are that your parent(s) won't buy you that new pair of boots.

I don't understand...
466 · May 2014
My Speech
Someone May 2014
This would be my graduation speech if I were to give one:

Hey guys. So......we did it. We actually did it. It's crazy huh? Some of you are going to go on and be actors, doctors, singers, care givers, teachers, and much more. To be honest, I don't really like all of you. Nor do I know all of you. But hey, how could I when we are in a school with about 1,000 kids? May not seem like many kids to some people who have gone to bigger schools, but it's a lot for us. Regardless of whether I know you or like you, I know you will all go on to do great things regardless, because I have seen each of you complete your goals, or strive so hard for the goals you have made for the future. For some of you, your goal was to graduate high school. For some of you it is to get accepted to college. And, for others, like myself, it is to go on and make a change in the world, no matter how big or small the change may be. No goal is to small or to big for you to accomplish, and for some of you, now is the time that I must congratulate you for accomplishing a goal of yours today. Good luck to any of you who have yet to get there. Some of you have become my friends, and some, even more than friends. You have become my family. My brothers and sisters. I truly love you all and nothing else will ever be like our high school experience. So remember the good times from all these years. Keep in touch with all of your friends, and leave all the childish drama behind you. Move on. Make new friends, meet new people, strive for your dreams. Have a family. Teach your kids to be the best they can be and always support them and love them the best that you can as you try to set good examples for them. Last of all, never give up. I believe in you. And please make yourselves proud as you start this new part of life. Thank you.
Someone Jun 2017
The sky is dark, but I can see the stars.

I live somewhere where I'm lucky enough to be able to see all these stars every night.

I'm laying in a hammock, and the air is cold.

Not cold enough that I'm freezing, but just enough that I'm not comfortable.

I look down at the lit up screen in my hands.

I listen to the song playing.

It's a soulful song one of my friends wrote and recorded with a couple other friends of mine.

I open up my text messages.

I read the part where I said, "Goodnight. I love you."

And I sigh.

I listen to the crickets chirping. The frogs croaking. The dogs barking. The peacocks cooing.

You just said goodnight.

And I didn't tell you I love you because I'm romantically attracted to you.

I told you I love you because I love you as a friend and I feel so deeply for the people I love.

But here we are.

You fell asleep, and I'm here, wide awake.

I'm wondering when the universe will decide that I'm worthy of the gift of love.
460 · Apr 2014
Someone Apr 2014
What am I afraid of?

I have been hurt.
I have been disappointed.
I have been pushed down.
I have gotten back up.
I have been at my low.
I don't have many highs.
I have been betrayed.
I have believed a lie.
I trusted in someone who didn't deserve it.
I have lost some people that I truly loved.
I have been denied.
I have felt shame.
I have been embarrassed.
I have been hurt by myself.
I have been given false promises.

So ask me again.

Why am I so afraid?

Take a guess.
455 · Apr 2015
Self love.
Someone Apr 2015
I've spent a long time now thinking about how I need to love myself and respect myself more. About how I need to work harder to achieve this goal of mine to finally be fully happy with myself and the way I am. I of course have my down moments like everyone else, the days when: you think someone would never like you or want to date you solely because of your size, you feel like the world stares at you in repulsion, you get on a diet kick that doesn't seem to work and everyone just keeps saying that you aren't trying hard enough, someone takes the opportunity to pick on your weight just because they know you are insecure about it and you are having a fight with them, people refuse to partner with you for anything and you blame your looks, you are never anyone's' first choice, or sometimes even the second or third choice, you are dead last, a store doesn't carry your size but your friends, even with good intentions, try to make you try things on and you don't want to tell them that nothing here will fit you, you might even make up an excuse, or when someone so tiny compared to you, talks about how fat they are, and you think, "what does that make me?" But then you have your up days, where: You feel cute with how you look and comfortable in what you're wearing, you find something you love in your size, you eat a good meal and don't feel bad about it, you sit down somewhere and feel comfortable enough with who you are around that you can eat and drink and do what you want to do with no judgement, a random stranger compliments you, you win an argument without stooping to the level of picking on someones looks or weight, you find someone who accepts you for you. Those good days should out way the bad, but some days one bad time can ruin a whole weeks worth of good things for you, and that's ridiculous. So please be kind to others, and yourself. For the fact is, you know how it feels, even if it has only happened to you once, to feel alone and bad about the beautiful body you are in. I'm working towards loving myself more and accepting the things I have been given to live with. I hope this journey leads me to a brighter path and a better future, and I know I am worth more than my weight and the way I look. So take me as I am, or don't bother with me at all, because you are not worth my time of day.
453 · Sep 2015
For my vacant feelings.
Someone Sep 2015
Today I sat in my car.
Holding back the tears.
Why did I want to cry?
Why didn't I know why I wanted to cry?
Why didn't I just do it?
Why was I holding back?
No one was around.
I was alone in my car.
With the radio blaring.
Just letting the noise run right through me.
Like vacant noise.
445 · Dec 2015
I'm working on it.
Someone Dec 2015

I have depression.
Some days are really hard, and other days are a bit easier for me to control how I am feeling.
This does not mean than I will make everything sad in my life all the time and I will be a buzzkill in a friend group.
This does not mean than I think about hurting myself every moment of the day.

I have anxiety.
Some situations are harder for me to be in and it takes extra effort for me to motivate myself not to be scared of irrational things sometimes.
This does not mean that I never leave my home.
This does not mean that I have no friends because I am afraid of what people think.

I have ocd.
Mine is a form where I like things a certain way and attach feelings to things that do not matter sometimes.
This does not mean that I am a "neat freak".
This does not mean that I am a "hoarder".

I am going to counseling for these.
I enjoy talking to a professional that will be confidential about my problems.
This does not mean that I am not strong because I seeked out help.
It does not mean that I am a psychotic maniac.

I don't like taking medication for my symptoms.
I personally don't remember to take them all the time and I am in a place where I can control my feelings and thoughts moderately each day.
This does not mean that other people who take medication are worse or better than me.
This does not mean that I am not really trying to get better.

Every situation is tailored to an individual, and Everyone is fighting their own battles how they feel they can.
Just from my personal experience.
422 · May 2014
Goodbye. I love you.
Someone May 2014
I love you so much. You always made my day brighter. We would go on walks together and look at the neighbors tomato plants, you would watch me and my brother roll in the grass, you would play with us and our toys, you always laughed and joked with us, and you were so sweet as you snuck us some cookies after dinner. I loved when I had time to call you. I loved hearing your voice. Even if it took you a bit to process whatever I said, I still loved you so. You meant the world to me. I wish I had more time than I did to call you and talk to you or come visit and bring you gifts. I always brought you chocolate on your birthday, because it was your favorite sweet treat to eat. I loved reading all your cards out loud to you for Christmas, your birthday, or any other occasion. I loved looking at all your old coins that you collected with you. I loved listening to you talk about them because your eyes and your voice would light up with enthusiasm and knowledge. I think you saw in my eyes too that I was listening, but maybe not getting it all, but that was okay, because you still loved to talk about it and I loved listening to your sweet and gravel like voice. I'm sorry. Sorry I didn't come see you more or make more time for you. I would read this to you, but you wouldn't even know I was there. So since I can't come say goodbye. I'm doing it now. In spirit I hope you hear it when I read it for you now. I'll sing for you too, since you loved to hear my voice. I will find a way through my tear covered and glossy eyes to picture you here with me. Hugging me. Holding me. I love you. I always did and always will. I hope you're happier soon. So this is goodbye, grandpa. I'll always remember you as mine. Forever and always. Goodbye. I love you.
Someone Jun 2014
I have been looking for something for a while now.

Something hidden.
Something happy.
Something lovely.

Something that will make me want to get up every day.
Something that will make me look forward to what's next.
Some thing that only I can find for myself.

So where do I begun to look?

Inside myself.

And I encourage you to do the same.
409 · Apr 2014
Someone Apr 2014
You lie
You lie
That's all you do.

You lie
You lie
So I will never believe you.

You lie
You lie
The whole town knows.

You lie
You lie
At least you put on a good show.

You lie
You lie
So I don't want to see you.

If you lie
If you lie
I will break you in two.

Just wait
Just wait
The day will come.

When I,
Yes I,
Will finally be done.

You deserve this now.

Maybe, we can all be happier now.
404 · Aug 2014
Someone Aug 2014
When did my life become all about other people?
Instead of focusing on myself,
I focus on others and what's going on in their lives.

There is a fine line between caring about others,
And mothering others.
I think I've crossed the line.

Even when I go to counseling,
All we talk about is how I can't change people.
I can't be responsible for people.
I can't always help everyone.

All we talk about is others problems and why they might act a certain way towards me.
Not really how I can block them out or anything.

I'm tired of being angry and sad and scared everyday of my life
And everyone just acts like it's nothing.
Like I need to put aside what I need for me
And put them first because my problems aren't nearly as important.

It's scary because I want to focus on myself,
But I feel this responsibility over others
Like if I don't watch them, no one else will,
And sometimes I don't really think they can watch themselves.

I am caught.
With no way out.

I could work on myself and forget the others,
But some of them might do something drastic.

I could work on others and forget myself,
But then what will I become?

Someone Jul 2015
"You really need to be nice to him because you hurt his feelings."

Funny how no one cares about how I felt.

How I felt when he hit me.
When he pulled my hair.
When he grabbed my eyes and tried to push them inside my head.
Screaming horrible things at me.
When he did all of this while I was driving.

He could of killed us both.

But no, you're right.
I may have hurt his pour little feelings.
So lets ******* worry about that.

All I did was defend myself.

Maybe when I'm finally bleeding on the floor from all his damage, or dead in a horrible car accident, someone will wonder how I was feeling.

"But his feelings are hurt."

Like I give a **** anymore...
401 · Mar 2016
Someone Mar 2016
It doesn't help when people say: all I can tell you is to get over it or not let them get to you.

I know that. I know I shouldn't let people get to me.

Don't you think I ******* know that?

But I can't block it out.

Believe me I wish I ******* could but I can't.

I drove by some light poles on a street at midnight tonight, and I thought about hitting them.

This isn't the first time that thought has popped into my head but this is the first time that I almost did it.

I thought about crashing my car so that maybe I could stop it all.

Maybe I could just stop feeling everything so ******* much.

What used to be a place where I felt safe and happy has now been burnt to the ground and is a place I don't feel like going back too.

Things that made me feel good are being ruined for me because of the environment I can't escape.

People I used to want to hug and talk to in the late hours of the night I now want to run and hide from so that I don't have to think about how badly they treated me and how I was stupid to forgive them.

I want to lay down and not wake up and have to face this stupid world and everything in it that is trying to rip me apart.

I have cried every day this week.

I have tried to ask for help from so many people.

No one really listened.

No one knew how to respond to me.

No one can help me.

I am alone and I can't handle it anymore.
I am okay. I just want to keep this poem up to keep it as a reminder that it is something I survived and got through.
396 · Jul 2015
Morning Panic
Someone Jul 2015
I couldn't sleep.

My breathing speeds up a bit.

My breathing gets faster and I feel... "blank."

My chest hurts.
I want to cry.
I don't even open my mouth.
I cant.
I realize what's happening an I try to calm down.
I do breathing exercises.
I think about if I should mention this to someone.
I feel nothing now.
They chest pains stopped.
The breathing is slowed.
I sit there as the voices continue.

One tear rolls down my cheek.

I think about how no one is next to me.
No one is with me when I need someone.
That's how it usually is.
I just keep a lot of it in.

Another tear rolls down my other cheek.

I just close my eyes and try to sleep again.
383 · May 2015
Someone May 2015
I've had you since I was little.
I just didn't know you that well.
You hid in the background and hardly ever came to the light.
But you were there.

Now you have gained a friend.
You go hand and hand with each other.
You feed off of each other.
You are more present, but I still don't know exactly what you are.

I've started noticing you both more and more.
You create a tornado together.
Spinning with violent bursts.
Crashing things into each other inside of me.
It hurts.

I've let you consume me.
I feel hopeless.
I need to escape this.

I have a name to put to you now.
And your friend.

I've looked for help.
I heard that's the first step.
I'm pushing you down as best I can.

I at least have some hope now, and that's better than before.
373 · May 2014
Two Of Me
Someone May 2014
I have two of me you see.
One of me is nice and full of glee.
And free.
That's the me everyone wants to see.

The other one of me you see,
Is a bit sadder and doesn't have as much glee.
This other side of me
Keeps more to itself
And thinks about things.
And Sleep.

One likes to make people smile.
The other likes to make people think.

One likes to sleep and sometimes feels weak.
The other is full of energy and laughs as it speaks.

Everyone loves the happy me,
But I'm not sure if it really is me.

I never understood how someone might
Think that the other me
Is more of a plight
That they need to fight.

I feel like one of me is a charade
That I'm tired of putting on
For the people who would leave me
If I wasn't always the happy one.

That fear is something that's hard for me to bare.
So what do I do?

I guess I'll sit down and try to think this through.........
Someone Nov 2014
I think I might die soon.

I hope everyone else remembers me as a kind person.

I hope they all end up happy in the end.

I hope you know what went wrong,

You might think that maybe you could of listened to me more. Believed me more. Talked to me more. Tried to be kinder to me.

But you won't be able to change that.

The deed will be done.

Just know, that through it all, I was called strong.

I never thought I was, but now... I can kind of see it. A little bit.


I guess this is goodbye...

I died a long time ago. I realize that now.
371 · Aug 2015
I'm a cryer.
Someone Aug 2015
I'm the cryer that
And cries
And cries
Until I become exhausted
And I fall asleep
And hope I don't wake up
So that I don't have to feel that way
Ever again.
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