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Sammy Ann May 2016
Rain surrounds me,
I feel it on my skin
I feel it in every breath
The stinging that I have felt for so long

No matter how hard I try it seems impossible to get away from
It's everywhere
when I get out of the rain
There is still water on me
I am currently still wet with the tears from the clouds

And sometimes the sun comes out
But it never seems to last long
it seems that the sunshine only lasts the mornings.

Before long the weather takes a turn and goes back to it's normal
Wet, Gloomy, and Miserable.

We can only pray that one day we will wake up with sunshine
And that sunshine will wipe away the gloominess of that day
For the entirety of that day.
maybe one day  I will wake up and the rain will be gone
But for now all I see is rain.
I am surrounded by rain
And one can only pray for sunshine so long before, they give up
Sammy Ann May 2016
Trembling I can't help but remember sixth months prior
When our innocent romance blossomed into where we are now
I promised myself I'd wait until we had walked down the isle
But as my love grew stronger
I came to the realization
that our "Forever" had already began
So I decided that I didn't care what happened
as long as it was with you
Here we are now sixth months later
about to show our love in a different way
Scared doesn't cover the emotion I'm feeling
Excited, and blessed that I get to share my first time
With you
As the room fills with passion and I look into your eyes
I know that I have made the right choice
and not about what is about to happen
But that I chose you as my forever
I will share my love with out until the day that I die
And even though I didn't plan for this
I can't help but shed a tear of joy
because of the fact that I know I will be able to share moments
like this with you for the rest of my life
  Sep 2015 Sammy Ann
On the verge of
A nervous breakdown
Falling apart
I'm still
Faking that
******* smile
Sammy Ann Apr 2015
I can't promise things will always be perfect
But I promise that we're worth it.
I may not be able to give you everything
but I'll give you all I have and all that I am
I'll give you all the love inside of me
For I promise to always love you
Even if there is a time
where we have to say "Goodbye"
I will still be loving you till the day I die.
Because this love isn't something you can easily get over
We have something special
We have something not a lot of people do
We know it's real and true.
There is no person in this world that I want to grow old with
besides you.
I don't know where life will take me
let alone us
But I promise you
no matter what happens
I will spend this entire life time loving you
Even if the worst comes to worst
and we have to part.
I will always be deeply
and forever in love with you.
Sammy Ann Mar 2015
For so long we've been dating
Yet you continue again and again to save me.
2 long years and you still rescue me in times of pain
After losing my Grandma
You were there for me
And I know I've told you countless times before
How much you mean to me
And how thankful I am for the things you've helped me with
But you just make me so happy
It's impossible for me to be sad around you
You're so easy to talk to
And so gosh **** cute
You've become my bestest friend
You became my sunshine
when it was so rainy for so long in my world.
When everything seemed to be falling apart,
You saved me.
Sammy Ann Mar 2015
I wish I was more like me again.

                                         I wish I could laugh and be happy again.

                                     I wish there was more of a reason for my sadness

                      I wish I could not care what people think of me again.

                     I wish I didn't try so ******* hard to impress people

                                 I wish I wasn't so **** insecure about myself.

      I wish I could talk to people with out my anxiety getting in the way.

    I wish I would have realized what was happening and what she did.

                           Why are other people the reason why I hate myself?  

                                                             Why do I hate myself?

                                                       Why can't I just be happy?

                                      I'm unhappy if I'm eating, and unhappy if I'm not.

                                                                I used to be happy.

                                                           I used to think I was pretty.

                                        But the anxiety and the depression took over.

                                                              I hope to find myself again.

                      I'm scared and lost and I don't know what happened to me

                                                                         This isn't me.

                                                                 I wish I was more like me.
I wrote this awhile ago too. Just thought I'd upload it. Haha
Sammy Ann Mar 2015
Now I don't know about you
But I do know that I love you
I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life
I want to be your wife.
Baby please say forever
Forever please?
Because Forever may just be enough time with you
And I know I don't want to spend this life without you
You make me happy
and as happy as I can be
So baby will you please spend forever with me?
For to stand and face this world together
Nothing else would be better.
You complete me. <3
Cheesy poem haha.
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