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 Apr 2016 Axle Avatari
They keep on asking
If Fallen One has a meaning
I tell them none
That it was just a pun

Truth is, it is more than an appellation
I just don't want them to know it's definition
because it's not worthy of their appreciation

But somebody insist
Until I get ******
And I can not resist
So I give her a twist

I am a flower
that fell from a tower
A fallen flower
who lost its power

I am a snowflake
that fell from snow shake
A fallen snowflake
who lost its shape

I am a kite
that fell from the high
a fallen kite
who lost the flight

I am everything that falls
who can't go beyond the walls
who can't climb the halls

I am the Fallen One
My story is done
choose if you believe one
I am telling you there is none

Truth is, it is more than an appellation
I just don't want them to know it's definition
because it's not worthy of their appreciation

How bubbly I feel whenever you're around me <3
 Apr 2016 Axle Avatari
Ana S
So I guess I will right a poem about my best friend.
Her name is Em.
We go to church Wednesday nights.
Last time she sat towards my right.
She always has something interesting to say.
Is entertaining on boring days.
The first person I text in the morning.
Sometimes she writes first without warning.
She's the last person I text at night.
She helped show me the light.
Filled up my depressed life.
Never picked up a backstabbing knife.
Yes I completely trust her.
She makes me want to walk into the light further.
In a world full of hate and crime.
She makes everything alright and fine.
Yes she is Emily.
All to wish a friend could be.
I would never ask her to change.
Her mind need not rearrange.
She is perfect the way she is.
Thank you so much miss.
You crazy woman who stuck by my side.
Even when I was terrified.
I had been scared that you would judge but you never did.
You make me smile like a little kid.
Thanks for being there.
You with the short hair.
I wait for you every day.
But wordless I can never figure out what to say.
I guess that's okay though.
All I know.
Is your my friend Emily.
You are someone who actually sees.
Right through my shield.
Seeing what's real.
Thank you again.
I love you you crazy woman!!!
For a friend who means so much to me.
 Apr 2016 Axle Avatari
Ana S
Hmm... Funny how depression rots your sole.
Funny how your young but you feel old.
It has its arms around me.
It's the only one who really can see.
Into my mind digging deep.
Talking to me, soothing me to sleep.
Reminding me of lines that used to be on my arms.
Reminding me of all the people who did harm.
Made me feel unloved.
Made me feel unwanted.
I needed you.
What did you do?
Walked out on me like everyone else.
Yeah the one girl said a chance was worth taking.
But why take chances when I'm the end you are breaking.
Well the last girl left me for dead.
Atleast said the voices in my head.
A little crazy?
I'd say a lot.
I can make it all go away with a single shot.
A bullet through my brain.
I guess dying in lititure relieves some of the pain.
I still cry every night.
Stopped cutting because someone said it wasn't right.
My wrists still bleed.
Only more internally.
It's only a blood I can see.
Nobody else really cared.
So here I am crying again scared.
Scared of tomarow.
Falling back into the sorrow.
My best friend slash obsession.
My friend named depression.
There you go...
 Apr 2016 Axle Avatari
I was never yours to keep darling,
And yet you're surprised
That I've left

You showed me the door,
Oh and it's unlocked
I'll take this one then.
You don't go 24 hours without talking to the one you care about love, you showed me the door.
Goodbyes shouldn't be easy
Each and every
minor detail is magnificent
about this woman.

Simply said, she's
completely captivating.

I attempt to avoid aiming my eyes at her
but it's useless- unfortunately.

She possesses the ability to ******
any and all males, if she so pleased.

She is a queen,
& - oh - what I would do,
to be a peasant in her empire!
March 16th, 2016
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