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Always look inside you
That is where you will find strength
Rise above those pitfalls
Just put yourself to the test
Life will challenge you endlessly  
Utilize your wit deeply
Step forward wisely
And give it your all completely
Ocean waves rise high
Powerful but can do no harm
The raging sea can do it's best
It's anger will be to no avail
Reduced to a mountain stream.
For love is the mighty force
Stronger than a hurricane
Unbeatable in its strength
It is built on solid ground
A foundation for well built towers.
Love is a friend that stands in wait
Those mighty waves subside
No sign of any turbulence
For love is unbreakable.
And all obstacles will be erased
For love is the power that will stand.
The power of love in its many forms
Romantic love and agape love .
  Feb 2019 Girard Tournesol
strictly speaking,
there exist no
for Yesterdays Aches
or Tomorrows Concerns
in the Real World -
quaint tongue dances
and groans
of the throat.
"worry is preposterous" - Wi Po Yang
Girard Tournesol Feb 2019
Be the places you will become
Live the lost days
Don't bother melting the past
Live today thawn
Remember only tomorrows
Filled beyond full love
Read it Say it  Dream it Feel it
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