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  Apr 2020 Max
why the mind dreams is a mystery
but all life falls under that heading
  Apr 2020 Max
Noting changes.
Nothing grows.

Empty highs.
Empty lows.

I can't feel the warm,
And I can't feel the cold.

You try to make me happy,
And I try just for you.
But other than our trying,
Nothing else is new.

I worry I'll upset you,
If I can't make a change.
It's not fair of me,
To make you stay the same.
Don't let me drag you down with me.
  Mar 2020 Max
Julia Brennan
i bathe in serene
sleepy mountainside ledges
kissed by lips of fall
Max Mar 2020
There was a man with Corona,
And he walked through Barcelona.
When he coughed and sneezed
people stared displeased
At that pitiful man with Corona.
Ps. If you love this. Please read Edward Lear. He's a genius and brings a lot of nonsense and joy.
Max Jan 2020
Citations and quotes,
All this writing I loathe.
Those ****** sources and notations,
Those boring words of personal innovations,
Writers, scientists, philosophers and other titles.
**** people being smart
Max Jan 2020
A universe so black and scarce of light, Might it be that light gleams in the immortality of

I'm trying to return, but
1) Creativity is missing
2) I can't even get to hello, like I can't even log in... Is there something wrong? I really find is scary because all my poems are on this site...

Hopefully somebody can tell me what's up.

Max Jan 2020
What is happening?
I socialism the strive?

Where is the resistance, the provocation?
Where is the different mind, the politically incorrect thoughts?

I'm a proud conservative, and I miss the different views of perspective.

I miss a real opinion...
Been seeing some changes that I don't agree on, which is fine. Because that's the beauty of freedom.

But I miss a lot of the provocative old mind.
And that not everyone goes with the flow.

I believe everyone should be able to speak their minds, but I'm frightened by the fact that a few people do people do....
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