I still water your flower
planted in me long ago
constantly nurturing the small hope
that someday a flower will grow again
The moment we met,
a small seed was planted our hearts
we spent each day together
the dormant seed remained
With time I realized,
the tiny seed inside of each of us
had begun to sprout and grow,
blossoming into the most beautiful flower
We were connected to each other
through the beauty we shared.
an unmatched closeness
that I believed would never break
The flower continued to blossom and grow
as our time together passed
rooting deep into our hearts
it seemed nothing could grow between us
As time went on I realized
Your flower was different
your roots weren’t as deep as mine
and my heart constantly had to water for the both of us
Your roots were shallow
barely penetrating the surface
my roots were deep and strong
a labyrinth of chambers enveloping my heart
The undeniable day has now come
as you realize you cannot water our flower anymore
you move on
ripping our flower out from between us.
Our feelings and emotions were the same
both sad about what we had lost
although similar,
a drastic difference separated us
when our flower was ripped away,
you pulled yours at the roots
like an unwanted ****
yet my roots remained
They remained
naked without their flower
a hideous plant
empty but surviving
So my love, I will continue to water your flower
that was planted in me long ago
constantly trying to nurture the hope
that someday your love will bloom in me again