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Eve Mar 2018
Love today is worthless
Now the norm
Society has developed an obsession,
with obsession
quickly diluting love;
Once rare
fresh blooming roses.
now dull;
stripped of color from overuse.
love should be rare,
a needle in a haystack
what is love worth if we always have it?
Eve Mar 2018
I will never forget the moment I knew
I loved you
The night before you left
the first of many journeys
you would take
Three long months you would be gone
you were almost finished packing
I laid on your bed
my head on your chest
listening to your slow heartbeat
your chin comfortably rested on me
occasionally kissing my forehead
your arm draped around me,
softly resting your hand on my waist
we laid to together so naturally,
our bodies seemed to fit together perfectly
for what  seemed like forever
we held each other
what a short forever it was.
we walked outside together
as we said our final goodbyes
quickly and suddenly we embraced each other
holding one another in a desperate closeness
knowing the emptiness we would soon feel
in that moment,
I realized the deep love that had grown for you
the small seed planted long ago had suddenly grown
blossoming and rooting deep into my heart
I realized that I wanted desperately for you to stay
close to me
for you leaving I knew
would cause my heart to break
Eve Mar 2018
We used to sit together
in a comfortable silence
there was no need to speak
just being with each other was enough
We still sit in silence
but not because it is comfortable
now we just don’t know what to say
What changed my love?

We used to be together constantly
because being apart was unbearable
Nothing in the world mattered
only each other
Now you are always busy
there is no time to spend together
other interests have replaced me
What changed my love?

We used to dream of our future
magnificent plans of travel
promises of tomorrow
nothing could stand in our way
Now the dream is faded
too good to be true
slowly the promises you made are broken
What changed my love?

We used to talk every moment
constant texting when we were apart
talking on the phone all night
until one of us fell asleep
Now I can’t reach you
you ignore my calls and read my texts
gradually we talk less and less
What changed my love?

We used to hold each other close
nothing could separate us
our bodies merged into one being
two pieces in a perfect puzzle
Now you are distant
a chasm grows between us
replacing the closeness we once felt
What changed my love?

We used to know each other
Staring deeply into your eyes
that were bright at the sight of me
I could see that you loved me
Now your eyes are unfamiliar and dim
deeply yearning for something I cannot give
I don't know you anymore
You’ve changed my love.
Eve Mar 2018
Tonight we are strangers
knowing nothing about each other
I stare at you with infatuation
as you glance at me with curiosity

Tonight we are friends
playful teasing and harmless flirtation
our friendship blossoming
each hoping for something more

Tonight we are lovers
hearts racing in spontaneous passion
and an undeniable connection
fulfilling every desire

Tonight we are in love
blissfully sharing secrets and fears
comfortably embraced
nothing could come between us

Tonight we are different
your once familiar eyes have changed
you dream of something else
something that I cannot give

Tonight we are apart
there was nothing left for you here
your heart is somewhere else
while mine still belongs to you

Tonight we are strangers
knowing everything about each other
I yearn for our love to return
but you have forgotten
Eve Mar 2018
I still water your flower
planted in me long ago
constantly nurturing the small hope
that someday a flower will grow again

    The moment we met,
a small seed was planted our hearts
we spent each day together
the dormant seed remained

    With time I realized,
the tiny seed inside of each of us
had begun to sprout and grow,
blossoming into the most beautiful flower

    We were connected to each other
through the beauty we shared.
an unmatched closeness
that I believed would never break

    The flower continued to blossom and grow
as our time together passed
rooting deep into our hearts
it seemed nothing could grow between us

    As time went on I realized
Your flower was different
your roots weren’t as deep as mine
and my heart constantly had to water for the both of us

    Your roots were shallow
barely penetrating the surface
my roots were deep and strong
a labyrinth of chambers enveloping my heart

    The undeniable day has now come
as you realize you cannot water our flower anymore
you move on
ripping our flower out from between us.

    Our feelings and emotions were the same
both sad about what we had lost
although similar,
a drastic difference separated us

    when our flower was ripped away,
you pulled yours at the roots
like an unwanted ****
yet my roots remained

    They remained
naked without their flower
a hideous plant
empty but surviving

    So my love, I will continue to water your flower
that was planted in me long ago
constantly trying to nurture the hope
that someday your love will bloom in me again

— The End —