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Dev Mar 2018
Letters by letter by letter
These thoughts and emotions
Pour from my head to my heart,
Through my veins.

They reach my fingertips,
Tapping eagerly on the side of my laptop
But then I hear it,
What if it sounds stupid? What if no one cares what you have to say?

Her voice, no, my voice,
Doubtful, hurting, scared.
But the thoughts keep pumping
my fingers violently throb

It all happens like a blur,
I have to get these words out
Or everything will explode
Into a dizzy array of sparkling light

So I type and I type and I type
I type till my fingers go numb
And my eyes are glazed over
And it doesn't hurt to breathe anymore.

And despite her many warnings,
When I click 'save',
She quietens down
And anxiety doesn't hold me back.
One of the few times where she quietens down, at least for a moment.
Dev Mar 2018
We used to laugh a lot, you and I.
We used to mess around with each other,
We used to be daring.

We used to pull pranks on the teachers,
We used to pretend to smoke those stupid lollies right in front of them,
We used to not care.

You used to think I was pretty, and cool.
You used to play with my hair at recess,
You used to tell me you liked me.

You used to be so kind, and funny,
You used to care about me,
But then again, we used to be 11 years old.

Because we used to talk, you and I.
We used to confide in and stick up for each other
But then I used to be skinny, and not so loud.

We used to be just barely in highschool,
Each gone on different paths.
You used to ignore me and then all of a sudden, you're with her.
You used to not be a ****.

And we used to be friends.
  Mar 2018 Dev
Tiana Marie
I remember when I could sing
unafraid of how I sound.
I remember when I could fly
unafraid of the hard ground.

I remember when I could walk
unafraid of where'd I go.
I remember when I could speak up
unafraid of the word "no."

I remember when I could dream
unafraid of the real truth.
I remember when I was a little girl
filled with innocent youth.
Dev Mar 2018
It's 3 am, and I need to sleep

But all of a sudden a massive flow of ideas has coursed through my veins and

Now I'm too hyped
I think I just published 5 poems in a half hour. Granted most of them were already started.
Who needs coffee when you have poetry, eh?
Dev Mar 2018

She just wants to be loved
Sent all hope from high above
Eyes like a cavern
Hair like a cage
Open her book, turn the page.

Walk through the streets, see and smell the air
See its better up here than it is down there
See here you can be happy, here you are safe.
Here there are no mirrors screaming in your face

Be a little a better, must escape a little more
To feel a little better, means to feel nothing more
And if I should leave for there, I’ll leave a reason why
I’ll be the sun shining in your darkest sky

Daytime never ends, the streets are always empty.
People walking past, all these thoughts, they are so tempting
Let bubblegum girl lead you to where you want to go.
She’s travelled all these places, she knows all the roads

Run through the field, theres flowers everywhere
Moments passing by, no one has a moment to spare.
Let the breeze linger, trace some smiles with your finger
In a moment you’ll forget all the pain.

To be a little a better, must escape a little more
To feel a little better, means to feel nothing more
And if I should leave for there, I’ll leave a reason why
I’ll be the sun shining in your darkest sky
An old piece, it was written as lyrics to a song
Dev Mar 2018
At first glance,
It's a mirror.
I, on one side,
she, on the other.

But as you peer closer,
and over the sink,
you'll start to realise
it's not what you think.

She is so graceful,
carefully crafted.
She would never think so,
but then, she's a *******.

She takes off her shoes,
Just to walk on broken glass
And sometimes she decides
To stick her head up her ***.

She's beautiful and sweet,
Don't get me wrong,
Cause even after all this time,
She's my favorite song.

She complex and odd,
And so completely normal
It's hard to think
She could be so casual, and yet so formal.

And I know my timings off,
But I really gotta say
She the most wonderful person I know,
At least, as of today.

She's caring and sweet,
But she can be a huge *****,
But don't you worry, if you're unravelling,
She's the stitch.

She's calm and collected,
With warm eyes and a cold smile
Have I mentioned she's a contradiction?
But she's worth the while.

But just make sure
That you look underneath,
Cause she hides in there,
It's her relief.

Part the curtains of jet black hair,
Dodge the freckle bullets, you're nearly there.
Wipe off her mask with the back of your hand,
And there, just a lonely girl stands.

And lonely girl is
still so lovely,
She doesn't fuss much,
She's completely motherly.

Inside imperfect girl,
Right there, within
Is why she's imperfect
Call it her original sin.
Ok it's 3 am and the point kind of got away from me. The heart of this piece is that, lonely girl maybe lonely, but her kindness and compassion comes from that one thing that no one sees, because more often than not, no one cares enough. But I see, and I care so take that!
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