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Nigel Finn
Bristol/Cambridge, UK    For those of you wanting an actual bio about me; I am of the male persuasion, and I have a beard. My favourite food is …
Coraline Hatter
19/F/red    love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right - taylor
Shi Em
F/l o s t    "A mind possessed by unmade books, unwritten lines on every hooks." - Michael Faudet
Allan Mzyece
M    Elixir of immortality
Yogi Devi Pada
29/Two-Spirit/Germany    The world is great, but greater is God
25/F/indonesia    tell me pretty lies.
24/M/Colorado, USA    Probably the last person you'd expect to write poetry
17/F/USA    beautifully untethered from gravity
23/F/Texas    Save a horse, love a poet I post my poetry on my Instagram as well @pyrrha_the_poet
19/F/Australia    my guitar softly cries "Why did you give me life?"
So I'm just a person whos sick of drama and people in general, so instead, I just write bad poetry... Enjoy:)
Christain Justina
Madison Greene
25/F/South Carolina    "to everyone who wonders if I'm writing about them, I am"
McKala Hanes
26/Non-binary/North Carolina    Aspiring published author and wannabe polyglot. 26. International relations enthusiast. Big ol' lesbian
Justin G Diaz
21/M/Florida    Unworthy but somehow keep getting undeserved second chances from up above. Just sharing what's floating around in my conscious mind. My poems, ideas and thoughts …
Joanna Charis
23/F/Philippines    Instagram: @joannacharis97 // Saved by Grace // Dancer | Artist | Baker | Poet | My real name is Joanna but you can call me …
16/F    shine, dream, smile
Rose Everest
16/F    I'm just sad
19/mnl, ph    infp; the winter to your spring
26/F    Everyday is an adventure and never forget that you are gold. poems: all by me
Ethiopia    A published poet,novelist,editor , translator of masterpieces,literary critic,playwright and journalist.M.A holder in literature,Addis Ababa University. Authored the novel Hope From the Debris of Hopelessness ISBN: …
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