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128 · Feb 2016
Abimael Feb 2016
There is pain
There is love
There is sorrow...
A heart is pain
Is a heart in sorrow
A heart without love
Is a hollow soul...
128 · Sep 2016
Time is Beautiful
Abimael Sep 2016
We all get old
We all cannot escape time
Time is the most precious thing
Because it tells memories from the past
Be humble and enjoy the past
Because the past will enrich your life
and life is about time...
124 · Sep 2019
Life Soldier
Abimael Sep 2019
If love hurt.
Then, what is pain...
Pain it is just...
Another triggered memory
That remind us,
How vulnerable life COULD be.
But it's upon us, to forget pain.
122 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
Today many people died,
many and only but-but many
died in vain
Lets us remember
who are we voting for.
121 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
When we will love...
When the moon is alight with the universe...
Just like the fate
Of a lonely poet.
121 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
I am the Judas
The one that will betray
Anything  that move
Because alleluia
B/cu life
Because earth...
Dont let me sleep
Since Iove that one
121 · Jul 2020
Old Self
Abimael Jul 2020
Another year of stress
There is so much to tell
but nothing to prove.
The nightmare followed me
For another year...
I wish the next one
Will be better
But at the end
This is life.
Life will change for sure
Never give up
Time will define your path.
Draft (2017) Saved for me.
Life still better, Im free-ish.
120 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
The heart of mine...
Dreams about you...
But like my mother said...
Time will fix it all
120 · Oct 2016
Abimael Oct 2016
I am the devil in fresh and the angel in a soul.
feed on me, and we both will live forever.
118 · Sep 2017
Abimael Sep 2017
My ears are blind
My eyes are numb
My feelings, we all know
My heart is dust
The heart...
This heart is loving
Loving the feelings
That once felt
The only thing
That God give us
A gift that we dont use...
118 · Sep 2017
Abimael Sep 2017
I am a freak
Freak of love
Freak of lust
I seek pain
pain for love
pain for lust
This is an eternal..
116 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
She said she love poetry
But she is shy to write one
One single words
That makes us happy
And let us depart from earth
The earth that is full of corruption
That is full of lies...
115 · Sep 2017
Time Of Us.
Abimael Sep 2017
We cant never beat our-self
Until times come to play.
114 · May 2020
The Blind Man
Abimael May 2020
Ignorance is a blessing and a curse
It is a doll with no purpose
like a hollow, which is manipulated
by is own inner fears
My view of some.
Peace is energy and thy heart is the heat
114 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
The devil once told me.
Once your alone life will goes on.
And I listen,
To the voice inside of me.
To never give up
Because God give me the tools
To became one.
113 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
What is dead if we dont walk
What is life if we dont love
Why are we, so afraid to die...
Maybe is  because this poet
makes you alive again.
111 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
Time was short
Life was meaningless
My heart beat was unnecessary
But Love is always  there.
110 · Jul 2020
To much is to much
Abimael Jul 2020
Too much of Love; you become Greedy.
Too much of Greed; you become Envy.
Too much of Envy; you become Hate.
Too much of Hate; you become Angry.
Too much of Angry; you become Pride.
Too much of Pride; you become Ego.
Too much of Ego; you become Fear.
Too much of Fear; you become Hate.
Too much of Hate; you become Love.

Do not confuse, it is a wheel and we are spinning on it.
109 · Dec 2021
Abimael Dec 2021
If we love
We grow
After we blossom
Thy flower
Smell of freedom
And we shall
Pain is love
107 · Jun 2020
Father of Life
Abimael Jun 2020
No man, shall suffer. Because we kept thing quiet. Some do not understand, that for us things has meaning, but we always seek the truth. Remember, "you are who I am, and who I am; is who they could be". Tomorrow, give yourself a prideful peaceful moment, and reflect of your surroundings; because we are always wrong; It does not tomorrow. Stay strong, and fight for those who cant. I know is hard to live in a world the demise us. HE will save us.

You create life, and no one else in this world can do it like us.
Your only problem my King; Is that there is a bigger King for every kingdom. You only need to respect and continue the manhood.

I was born from a path of Kings, with the name bestowed to me by luck; Abimael. Few fathers have my some of my admiration, but they have my respect.

Happy Fathers Day. Today, not tomorrow. We know.
Enjoy the God power given to you, but enjoy the gifts of life as well
107 · May 2019
Broken Cycle
Abimael May 2019
Fear to ***, love to time, life to reproduce.
106 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
Good bye to love...
I have felt lonely
A sadness of pure love
has died with time
Because time
Is what decide
our fate...
105 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
My time..
Its nothing compare to existence
I am not a poetry marked in time
Wish love is the first victim
Let that heart out
and freedom will guide you.
I will live for love.
105 · Jul 2020
Restarting the Loner
Abimael Jul 2020
If life is fearsome
Then leave it behind

The fear

The Inertia

The Love

Sometimes, let it start
105 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
What is love with out time...
What is life with out love.
We all are just empty vessels.
There is no more time here
This Earth its just what we got
We can only write about it
But only the world
Can remember it.
104 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017

Its all hers...
I have just move.
Move to the future.

The point of death
Because life
Life make me!
Make me to lose the one
to be able to live.

If this is life
I regret it...
Let me love.
Because I'm the drunk writer.
103 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
I've blossom inside of you.
The moon is bright
The seeds become flowers
They have decide...
To live forever
Inside of your soul
101 · Jun 2020
The Roar
Abimael Jun 2020
As a Prime King of my World.
After suffering from, deceptions out of honestly.

I declared this aged; "the dead of a child"
when my treaties, become roses.

and my tone, with caliber of Lions.
Your soul will melt like waves on love.

and for I will be call "The Winged"
98 · Feb 2020
Endless Time
Abimael Feb 2020
Life is another simulation of reality.
It's undoubtedly a mask for deceivers.
but, with a half-moon smile.
The reality of us is to dust into time,
to just rift away through black matter.
With one message left.
But for life, it is just a switch.
Worry none. You will never receive that message.
As a Buddhist, I've learn to not care for things that won't give me time.
As a thinker, death us to ****** me, with fear. As you grow, time is the only thing, that matters for us all.
97 · Jul 2020
Abimael Jul 2020
Your mouth is your biggest sin.
But your brain is the biggest betrayer.

Listen to you soul.
Control your words and everything fall into pieces.
96 · Sep 2020
Self Journey
Abimael Sep 2020
The tickles
thy name
thy life
it is all your game
It is you who play;
you who lose.

Let it go...
If it comes, then love is true.
if not, then love evolved.
95 · Jun 2020
Brave Heart
Abimael Jun 2020
Thirsty is the soul
Heart is broken
Eternal gaze

I wonder if my integrity betrayed me.
I wonder if my inner gentleman,
has become silence to thy heart...

I've dreamed of her.
A Galactica pair of eyes.

There is no place for love
if your heart is not broken.
absent suffering;
Inevitable survive.

Sacrifice thy Heart.
Seeding Fear just to nurse it into love.
90 · Apr 2021
Where is the Love
Abimael Apr 2021
I walk towards my own destruction.
The last push; will be for lust.
Even though light can't grow thy heart.
Hope; my essence.
I romanticize Sirens.
Pitiful will be if you persist
With such tricks, but a spell
will begin,
for thy empty soul
you became.
We don't shine, because their light pollute our skies.
89 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
The eyes of a new life
Is the life without regrets
it took my a life time
Until love reach me.
89 · Apr 2019
Her eternal universe
Abimael Apr 2019
There is mystery in the human's eyes, and there was the universe under a disguise, just with hope to see through those, sparkling eyes.
I do not know or can't explain this one.
88 · Feb 2020
Scene of Dreams
Abimael Feb 2020
As lust to Dust.
I dust your "flor".
Through the smell for a naive,
the skin, call to thee.
For me, is the desire to love in deep.
Where roses become eccentric.
And your eyes my entity.
Hollow space fueled this one. Hope to meet her, one day.
87 · Sep 2020
Thy God watch
Abimael Sep 2020
Life is a clock
Earths wobbles
and we change.

If Newton was right...
Then WE the universe wobbles
because everything is at its place.
The Creator is right.
Physics is more than numbers, it makes you wiser and smarter.
at the end, they all said there is Thy.
82 · Jul 2020
Line 1.1.1
Abimael Jul 2020
I have gone far: Far from home; far from love.
Poet's journey
77 · May 2020
The lesson to the Blind I
Abimael May 2020
See the tree of life, observe your branch
"Hard to discover whom thy me was"
and learn from roots to grow
pain has to be part of it
learn that suffering
just as illusion
But ceasing
Hard times need peace
and for peace, a poem.
74 · Nov 2020
Image of you
Abimael Nov 2020
The more memories flows
The more fantasy becomes reality
Like a puzzle.
72 · Sep 2020
Love is Heat
Abimael Sep 2020
Flames of energy
Selfless action
into a thief of life...

But scars...
They teach.
They create stories.
We never forget,
never do.

Just don't touch
Sometimes, it is better to let things go for sure. Let it become history.
72 · Jun 2020
Tree of Life has a Mise
Abimael Jun 2020
The moment I came to the land of free
the chain of the shackled sounded
the blood is a stain in the humidity
the sweat can be felt all over your skin

Remember, your weakness is your gun,
but the bullet comes from beyond.
Write it, cry it, sweat it but never greed
It is our sin,  and if they know your roots,
They know your life.

Be wise and write; write the true
and enjoy the fruits of your honest life.
As a Veteran, I won't speak but I won't let. Because I consider that as Power. I don't greed it.
66 · Aug 2020
Abimael Aug 2020
If good is hated;
then evil isn't loved.

If the doors to sacrifices
are in vain.


the door for a third eye,
is not for you to use.

— The End —