A bright Sun rose over the land with wonder,
as a warm breeze, without scald,
jostled emerald blades of grass that sharply,
yet softly whistled unlike thunder.
Jade grass covered the ground fully,
but it wasn’t jaded. No, it was captivating.
It was so simple, yet it was so lovely
for everything to come together so perfectly.
The clouds were of soft pillows; cozy
peace rested in their mere sight.
They almost seemed to float with grace
upon a clear blue sky; oh what a spectacular place!
The green grass met the sapphire sky with a kiss.
This uniting was bliss; it could inspire the remiss.
Here, there could never be an eclipse.
There was nothing amiss, no abyss, only happiness.
Blue waves quietly ebbed up the beach.
It was quite lovely to see its powerful reach;
what a beauty lies in the ability to beseech.
To reach, to breach the walls,
to teach is to bleach a fall with speech.
Hostility was not in the ocean’s movements,
as the azure water walked without fight.
The peach sands held fragile remnants
of a happy couple, with a joy of mints.
They left their remembrance and presence
upon the sands; the fresh prints of a loving dance.
The air was marked with the subtle hints
of a new, sweetly jovial fragrance.
Birds of all kinds sang with a gathered passion;
a unified chorus of voices with a crescendo towards
the sky as a symphony so holy.
Such a wondrous horizon could call,
enthrall, even lords to its lovely sight.
How incredible, how amazing was this light.
It shined with no darkness; it was bright, pretty, sparkly.
This beautiful morning sang unlike a cacophony.
Only Heaven could rival its immaculate beauty.
It was an angelic sound with clever, heartfelt chords;
the Sun shone forwards forever.
This beautiful morning shone forever.
April 17, 2018: There lies a land in which I have yet to see. I want to go there for peace. I want the embrace of Summer.