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Ups and downs
All these emotions but not able to make a sound
You've been his support throughout the years
Shedding many droplets of tears
Don't think of what if or if something was different
I know it's tough but you need to keep pushing
Think of you and what you have
No one knows how much time we all have
Keep your head up
Smile on your face
Maybe after all, he would be in a better place...
We got word that your still here
But you came to and your living in fear
For five seconds you were awake and mumbled "I'm scared"
Then slipped away...
You remain in a coma and unresponsive
What kind of life is that to live
We are all praying for you and love you
But it's ok if you have to just let go....
Found out our friend came too for 5 seconds and mumbled I'm scared then slipped back into the coma. She's been unresponsive for the past two days. I know you don't know me or her but please send love and prayers.
 May 2017 Colzz MacDonald
Star BG
A woman I've been all my life.
It is something so neat.
Dancing, prancing in greatness,
It truly can't be beat.

I dance in life to move in grace,
and sometimes I do roar
Being in my heart each day,
I fly like bird to soar.

I move with light and love today.
My gratitude is strong.
Inside love, and inner peace,
I know I can't do wrong.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by R
To be loved.
To be forgotten.
To be abandoned.
To be acquainted.

Yet desired,
To be held.
To be alone.

My emotions shaded grey.
My actions swayed with the wind.
Dainty feet dipped in ponds
then pressed to the earth.
In need of a connection
and a deeper grounding.

I admire the trees
Powerful and unmoving.
Never needing to know
any other place but where
their roots lay.

Wind calls to me
teasing my dark hair.
Chasing through branches
and creating
a symphony of sound.

My face towards the sun
I close my eyes and finally breathe.
Rays of light warm my face
Lighting me
from the inside out.
 Apr 2017 Colzz MacDonald
Razors cutting skin,
Blood dripping down.
What a waste,
Of a perfectly good wrist,
What a shame,
A perfectly good body,
All gone bad.
My heart is broken and it will remain the same
I will never recover through all the wind and rain
Darker times are here forever till my last breath
The tears I cry will bleed until my own death
The place called home is like a graveyard
It will always be your home, it tears me apart
Everywhere and everything is a part of us as two
I close my eyes and empty mind, but I still see you
You never leave me I want the pain to stay forever
It would never feel right anyhow now we're not together
Do not think you were not loved, just see the tears I cry
You know when you're in heaven, I will mourn for you till I die

David Swinden © 29/4/2017
My Mother is now in a home with Dementia it will never be the same in this house.
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