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 Feb 2019 Chrissy
I dream of you at night;
You visit me alone.
I’d join you in the sky
If I weren’t a stone.

My heart is made of rock
Each limb is carved from lead
A single push could knock
The quartz eyes from my head

But you are like a flower
Basking in sun rays
You’re lighter every hour
At twilight, fly away.

I dream of you each night;
Your visits help atone
The sins that weigh me down
You chip away the stone

Angel of the garden,
Please grant me your pardon.
 Feb 2019 Chrissy
The moment someone knows me
The moment someone sees
I exist
I am present
I am back to being me

And so I go where noone knows me
To where I'm openly not seen
To not exist for a few hours
Is such a blessing
Not to be
The January Lasts

It's not about non-existence. It's about getting away from the self without reset. It's about being... Refreshed. And we all do that differently.
sweet like sugar
passing like time
you drift along
not knowing you're mine
 Jan 2019 Chrissy
She Writes
Our love
Was destined to fail
Instead of seeing me
For all the things I was
You saw me
For all the things I was not
It took me a long time to realize I was good enough all along.
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