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 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
Dear stranger,

     I led you on, up and down the emotional roller coaster.  You were my secret.  A wise girl kisses and doesn't tell.  I almost loved you but I had another lover.  Stranger, I am sorry I was wrong.  I look back and see your love would have been pure not tainted and twisted like his.  Stranger I truly miss you, we never slept together or had anything more than a friend ship.  But I see you with her and i envy her, I am jealous for all I lost but never had.
I loved a friend and he loved me but i was blinded by a love I never had with someone else.  And then when your love for everything falls apart you see what was real.
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
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Your love for this girl has be noted,
error in transmission.
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Your love for this girl has been noted,
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Circuit overload.
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We think we're so original but we are only organic computers.
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
today i got admitted into my university's writer's guild, after submitting five of my best works from here (hellopoetry). I am ecstatic to be a part of the university's official writing organization and i thank you all readers and friends for reading my works. I love writing, i really do, and even if I'm an fine arts student, words speak more to me than pictures and symbols do. I dedicate my acceptance into the Guild to everyone who has supported me by liking, sharing and reading my poems. Thank you.
So so so happy!!!!!! Now a new happiness has been checked off my happiness list in life haha
Cigarette smoke burns my throat
And the alcohol numbs my blood
but when I pick my razor up
I start slicing till I'm gone.
And when I'm tired
And when I'm done
I won't feel
A single one
As the huntsman led her into these woods
Deeper and deeper they fared
He carefully whispered in her ear
That only of herself she should be scared

She agreed that once your path was chosen
And you were too far to doubt
It was better to convince yourself
There was nothing to worry about

So she followed him deeper and deeper
Convincing herself that she found the right way
Knowing perfectly well that the huntsman
Would become the wolf that would lead her astray
Oh, I have sown my love so wide
That he will find it everywhere;
It will awake him in the night,
It will enfold him in the air.

I set my shadow in his sight
And I have winged it with desire,
That it may be a cloud by day,
And in the night a shaft of fire.
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