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11.6k · Feb 2016
Anonymous Feb 2016
Dear Algebra,
Please stop asking us
To find your x
She left
Don't ask y
Algebra students
This isn't a poem, but I can't think it's kind of funny.
3.0k · Feb 2016
The Comfort of Rain
Anonymous Feb 2016
The rain falling on my hair
Breathing in the freshest of air
I guess nows the time to go inside
And to come back out when the rain has dried

But rain has such a nice sound
When it falls against the ground
No such comfort can be found
No such comfort can be found
It raining outside because of El Niño
1.2k · Feb 2016
The Truth is Concealed
Anonymous Feb 2016
This world:
The fluctuate
"what if's"
away from
our minds
opinions clash
the truth is concealed

The truth is revealed
photos don't lie
the lies are concealed
photos don't lie
the perpetual hot water
This world:
Lies are the new truths
I find it funny that all people expect that we are telling them the truth , even if they never tell us the truth
1.0k · Feb 2016
Lies. All Lies.
Anonymous Feb 2016
You say you love rain
But you still put up your umbrella when it rains

You say you love running
But you still sigh when we have to run

You say you love food
But you never seem to have an appetite

And that is why I'm scared
When you say you love me
936 · Feb 2016
Miss That Dog
Anonymous Feb 2016
Miss that dog
Like the sky misses the stars
I said I miss the dog
Like the sky misses the stars
I miss petting her in the morning
And saying
“Good morning Mac”
Inspired by "Love That Boy", by Walter Dean Myers
865 · Feb 2016
Dog vs. Bucket
Anonymous Feb 2016
Under the cherry tree
The dog rests her head
Lolls her tongue
Yawns big
Then rests her head
Carefully between
her front paws
Looks up alert
Oh no!
A bucket!
Now her head is trapped
In the bucket
In an attempt to get it off
She walks into a fence
(where did that come from?)
Then two gentle hands
Come to the rescue
And the bucket leaves her alone
727 · Feb 2016
Remember Back When
Anonymous Feb 2016
I remember back when
The most pain I felt was when I skinned my knees
And war was nothing more than a card game
When friends were for real
And the only fights I got in was play fighting with my brothers
I remember when drinking soda was the highlight of my day
And when I could tell my parents anything
Those were the days
And I couldn't wait to grow up
I miss those days when I was younger, eager to grow up
558 · Feb 2016
Growing Up
Anonymous Feb 2016
My hands are shaking
My life is changing
I try to hold the reins
And get into control
Just to be throw off my horse again
But it looks
Like there is a smooth
Patch of field ahead

— The End —