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Mar 2015 · 448
Pain Written on the Face
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Does it always end like this?
We meet, we talk, we flirt, we date, and then break-up.  
It's more of like a **** up
Times 20, and you can't fix it up
I was young, but you seemed to be fun
Nice, gentle, I couldn't see your true intentions
But each appraoch was a new hello invention
You never had the guts to make a confetion
I thought it was love
Because you said it back
Grabbing my hand
Telling me I'm beautiful
I was on cloud 9
Until one night, 1 fight fight turned into 5
Him: what's  wrong?!? You act like I hurt you?
Me: I'm not ready, I can't 

Grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward was a bad idea, one forced kissed turned into 4
You closed and locked the door
Layed me on the floor
And couldn't help but go for four little words and a  question mark
"will you **** me?"
I was 14, thought I was in love, but he wanted me for lust. Crazy? No, I've been through worse physical situations
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Blue Angel Mar 2015
She sits outside
And cries her tears
Wondering when her
Angel will appear
And when it would 
If it could please 
Take away her sadness and misery
After hours and hours
Her angel had finally come
He said " oh my dearest 
Why are you trying to?" 
She said to her angel
"I am not beautiful,
They all call me dull and ugly" 
He said "don't you listen to them
They don't know beauty rests under mayhem
They all can't quite see 
What's under contsruction
That beauty rests under most present
Only after destruction
Mar 2015 · 433
American Dream
Blue Angel Mar 2015
It's crazy how the world changed
We all look apon eachother in shame
Discrimination at it's best
We are all equal, none the less
I wish to walk on the streets with pride
But instead I hide
Finding the urge to do so is hard
Words, lies rumors surface and it's written everywhere on me
It's unfair
I want an angel to come down and grant me 3 wishes
I'd wish for patience, peace, and equality,
Maybe then, I can walk happy
Mar 2015 · 550
Am I Saved?
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Do I deserve to burn alive while everyone watched me
Did a angel come down and save me and tell me I deserve to live
I can cut so deep and penetrate the skin
I can commite suicide, and pull that trigger
I can make sure the rope is tigt enough
I would run in front of a bullet aiming for the head
I would be left for the dead 
I want to be put on the cross, have nails pinned to my hands and sacrifice my life for theirs.
Struggling with a relationship right know, but I'm trying
Mar 2015 · 302
Worst of Me
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Confusion consumes me
chains, knifes, and actions strangle me
I want to hide and disappear forever
my strength has weakened and I can't breathe
How can I overcome something so big
How can I forgive if I don't know if he is sorry
Tears flow down my face
I'm losing all hope and fate
I can't let him go
He means so much to me
But he is hurting me and I don't want hurt
I want to fall asleep and his warmth fills my heart
I want to hold him, but what will it teach?
I dealing with a hard break-up, I can't control my feelings, and I'm constantly thinking of him
Mar 2015 · 626
Glass Doll
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I'm not fragile, but I'm not weak
I'm in between
I'm not the definition of perfect, in fact, I'm far from that
I feel like a glass doll, you can see through me
My scars are on the line
Feel free to add more
I wish my problems were like a hookah pin, breathe them in, then within seconds they disappear
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Blue Angel Mar 2015
The way a waterfall flows is beautiful
It's clear, it's not *****
The rush and speed it has  
The way it glides on my skin
Refreshing, cleansing, effervesant
Closing my eyes and listening calms my senses
I could sit for hours, lay in the shade,
Look at the water and admire it's  clearish, light blue color, moving, touch the cold waves, allowing the water to wash over my toes and hands
I love the way water feels against my skin, I always have.
Mar 2015 · 278
My Mask
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Behind this smile
Are the tears of an unsaved
I put on a show 
She tries to help
They both do
But my Monster will get the best of them
What is beautiful?
Living a life that isn't mine
Growing into the skin
Her color is fading
No more rainbows
Words held in like a safe
I'm secretly made of iron
Felt this way for a long time, I can only express through writing
Mar 2015 · 322
Blue Angel Mar 2015
You see everything in black and white
I see everything in colors
You only see what you want to see
I see beyond reality
You are so easy to read
I am easy to hide from
Now me? You shouldn't
I can tell how you do something, why you do it and how and for all the wrong reasons by just looking at you
Sure, call my ******
See if I care.
I see and view society differently, I'm on the outside looking in
Mar 2015 · 417
Blue Angel Mar 2015
You are my drug
I can't live with out you
No, I won't live without you
Your hands and mine fit like a puzzle
Are lips gently collide
Your body against mine, nothing can break us. Two peices of medal is what we are, we are strong, nothing can break that
You are a indeed my drug
Someone I can't live without.
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I want to wake up in the morning, the sun shining in my face and reflecting  my rich blonde hair
I want to tell you the cheesiest jokes but you will still laugh and say I'm beautiful
I want to be myself around you, i want to say I love you and mean it
I want to sing and dance while making breakfast and you're there to watch me and tell me I'm adorable
I want our hands and lips to fit like a puzzle.
I wrote this expressing what I want when I'm on my own.
Mar 2015 · 309
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I was afraid to let you in
I was afraid to let you love me
Because I didn't want more scares
I didn't want to be left in the dirt
I was tired of being hurt
And them you said it "trust me"
I'm Afraid, Im Afraid, Im Afraid
Mar 2015 · 619
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I didn't see it
Maybe I didn't want to
Just friends I thouht
He was nice, he cared
But he is like the rest, which isn't fair
Telling me I was beautiful, all for something, the warning signs were there
I just didn't want to believe
until once, he persued and I rejected
he didn't like that
and know for 3 months I feel marked
what's a girl to do?
This goes out to the guy who I thought was different........I forgive but won't forget
Mar 2015 · 379
Blue Angel Mar 2015
What type of person are you?
Are you the one to stand up and fight
or do you put down your guns and surrender?
Do you wish you had metal armor and everything richoted, or do you sit and take a beating till you can't breathe?
I know what I am. I wear iron and my eyes light up like fire.
I dare you to say something, do something so I can show you what I'm made of
Go on, give it a try.
Mar 2015 · 436
Worth waiting for
Blue Angel Mar 2015
You can't hide your secrets
You can't hide your demons
But that's okay, I still love you
A year long relationship is big
so many things happened that people wouldn't comprehend
You won't loose me
I stupid mistake makes us stronger
I have patience and I am willing to wait
Wait for the day when you grab me and hug me. I can wait. That's who I am
Mar 2015 · 415
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I'm not fragile, but I'm not weak
I'm in between
I'm not the definition of perfect, in fact, I'm far from that
I feel like a glass doll, to can see through me
My scars are on the line
Feel free to add more
I wish my problems were like a hookah pin, breathe them in, then within seconds they disappear
Mar 2015 · 356
What I See
Blue Angel Mar 2015
The truth 

Love is just a quote and lying is the new truth, 
normal is a seat-belt protecting you from what you can become. 
A seat-belt that protects you from the initial hit, but not from the whiplash that comes with it. 
Normal Is the death of dreamers and the strength of wannabes, 
perfection, you're all that anyone wants to see.
Mar 2015 · 387
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I am invincible to society
I am the one who wears a dollface
Smile when it seems right
I have talents no one see's
But I do have someone who loves me
Falling down is easy, getting up is hard
I'm afraid to shoe them who I am.
I don't belong, I can see it in there faces
No need to hide, you can't break me
Mar 2015 · 277
Blue Angel Mar 2015

(the setting in the very beginning is a beach, with a sunset. After reading,  then next is a flower feild)

She sits with her rich blonde hair, reflecting in the sun covering just enough of the right side of the face. The wind smoothly picks it up and tossing it, allowing it to move with no resistance. Her skin looks peachy with a faint glow. Sparkles in her eyes, with a dash of blue almost the color of the sea or darker. Her stance is that of a an angel. Her smell is sweet like honey, and a small hint of apple. The dress she wears sits elegantly on her, fitting her curves,  a nice hint of blue, sparkles to even flow through out. Her feet lay even on the sand, between her tiny toes. Her face is covered with the hands of shame and guilt. Sadness hovers over her heart like stormy clounds over a field of flowers. But her smile is bigger than anything, and her laugh, oh her laugh is small and faint, coming out almost effortlessly. Giving off alot of who she is. Afraid to touch the purity of water itself, but isn't scared to jump and fly like a bird through the night. Heart beat at an even pulse. Laying peacefully on the bed of grass, looking up  and closes her eyes softly, there she goes. Asleep.

— The End —