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Blissful Nobody Feb 2022
We bloom , we wilt , we fall.
We'll get noticed
or be forgotten like wild flowers.
We'll get picked and put in a vase
and die for someone else's adornment. We'll get adored
and kissed by the birds and bees.
We might bear fruit
and seed our world
or just plainly become food.
We all go through our lives like this
but for us it's our choice
so chose wisely
and maybe you'll flower and fall ,
but wisely:)
Blissful Nobody Feb 2022
In a different life,
I would have waited,
Without the means to know,
To know of life or death,
To know of your happiness,
To know of your struggles!

Not in this life though,
Where you got swayed,
All the means at your end,
Never did you ask once,
How did I survive this world,
Where you left me alone,
So very alone?
Blissful Nobody May 2020
There's no beyond, only this.
So live a little and a little more,
In this moment of absolute truth.
Find yourself from the very begining,
There is no end in this eternal moment.

There is no becoming, only unbecoming.
Learn to unlearn and be fluid,
Flow like the wind, force like water,
This body to dust and dust to body,
Knowing your eternal form.

There no learning, only unlearning,
Memories bind you to a finite form,
Break this open and find your being,
Infinite fractals in the infinitesimal,
There is no beyond, only this.
To be
Blissful Nobody Jan 2020
Everyone should detox.
Purge the comforts,
Out of your system.
The habits and routine,
Half minded ways,
Meaningless lies,
The vile biles.
**** it out now,
Don’t keep it in.
Happy new year
Blissful Nobody Dec 2019
Why was I , A passing moment?
If you would've stayed a bit longer,
At least, I would be a memory.

Why were you a whirlwind of flurries?
Melting before you could settle.
I am the Arctic snow,
Buried deep, are a million memories.
Blissful Nobody Dec 2019
will I know when I am near,
near the brink of inexistence,
in this human form,
when I sleep a final time ?
will I know the eternal existence,
when this human form will be lost?
the cosmic stitching that holds,
my entity to this form,
will wither and loosen,
these tethers that exist,
will all be gone.
will I know when I am near?
will I know my eternal infinite form?
Blissful Nobody May 2019
We are made out of the same stardust,
I have a little more gold in me than you.
You need the touch of an alchemist,
Then you'll be the gold you yearn for.
Not the material worldly kind you think,
The golden glow will fill you inside out.
We are made out of the same stardust,
I have a little more gold in me than you.
Love yourself a little more everyday. Be golden.
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