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The cuckoo with its red beaded eyes feasted upon the red seeds from the champaka tree
While the crow waited for its turn
A couple of parrots
And  baby mynahs too
All of them live in peace and harmony
Sharing from the same tree
 Nov 2019 B D Caissie
Green leaves lay surprised
Hurried out so frostily–
With no chance to change!
The first snow hit Toronto and many of the trees weren’t prepared for it. A thick blanket of green leaves dotted with ice now covers most of the parks and lawns. It reminded me of being rushed out by a fire alarm in the middle of the night.
 Nov 2019 B D Caissie

Cut me open
just to watch me bleed
Legends can be told
by the scars on my body
When hero’s
become human
From their glory they fall
With a world so corrupt
Comfort can be
found in the tales
of monsters and men
They hid under
your bed
stay hidden
in your head

Do you want to see
what I see?

I whispered in your ear
in the dead of the night
Rough hands
running up
running  down  
Wanting between
my thighs

I can see the lust
written in blood
Grey skies
Old graves
It’s a cold autumn day
Ballet of fallen leafs
In my bare feet
It’s my favourite playground
a cemetery of dead dreams
I collected over the
***** consumer

I’m comfortable when
the walls come
crumbling down
Finding serenity in misery
At least something
understands me
In times of tragedy
I’m always at peace

Perhaps that’s why
I’m excited to die
I tell the black crows
In circles they fly
I want them to
take me away
see every dark
and twisted place

Through the eyes of a bird  
I will travel this world
Grasp and
Grasp and
Grasp desperate to interlace hands,
Fingers falling through like sand.
A gust, and gone.
So frail you were at the end,
And yet so free.
Prompted by the Inktober 2019 sketch challenge (Day 8: Frail)
 Nov 2019 B D Caissie
A 20 something boy afraid of it all
of all responsibility big and small
he ran from the girl who loved him the most
as if she were some terrifying ghost
he ran from the thought of settling down
and these fears ran him all over town
into bed with this girl and then that one next
sending so many girls a different text
couldn't keep track but thought it was funny
different girls when it's raining or snowy or sunny
as long as they told him that he was the best
and never put his fragile little ego to the test
but then one day they just stopped being fun
then tables turned, and they started to run
they ran from his charm when he offered dinner
and he started to feel like a ***** old sinner
nobody wanted him, he felt all alone
though occasionally one would throw him a bone
he loathed the attention of the girls that he had
they were all washed up and used up and sad
was this what was left what it all had come to
it's what he deserved, he knew that much was true
alone and broken, at the end of his rope
he downed some more *****, he'd lost all his hope
he cried out to Jesus to save him from despairing
from all of those mistakes he had made without caring
Jesus reached down, and said you are enough
relax now, I'll take care of all of that bad stuff
you are My son, I bought you with My life
You can still be worthy of a loving, smart wife
treat her with care and she'll love and respect you
I will help you be good to her in all that you do
she won't dishonor or make you look bad
and she'll hold you and care for you when you are sad
If you turn to Me and trust in My hand
I can give you a life that is really grand
throughout history I've made courageous men
and for you My son, I will do it again
I'll make you so strong that your ego won't break
I'll make you so confident, you don't have to be fake
I'll make you so loving you won't have to try
I'll make you a man, and it's ok if you cry
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