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 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
We view with admiration
This creative approach
Of artistic expression..
It seems quirky to some
But might we not say that
All art is composed of
Found art objects..?
The object may be
Something on a beach
Or a pile of trash
Or a sudden thought
Seemingly from nowhere..
Might it appear as the
Next brushstroke or a
Word on this paper..?
It seems that all real art
Is 100% made of
Subtle or not so subtle
Objects found in this
reborn from despair
we find strength inside ourselves
choosing life, not death
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Jim Davis
Stop fighting against
The brightening light
Surrender all to love

©  2019 Jim Davis
Truest tell tale thoughts
Endearing entertaining
Well wrought words written
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Tiny pieces of
Shattered glass
Appear like
They're crystals.
Nothing is useless, really!
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Jim Davis
How to poet a life away

Toss the trite learned

Skip grammar mostly too

Rhyme or not is all yours

Step to drummer unheard

Believe in life yet untold

Read a thousand times

More than you write

Live, so you will know

What you are talking about

Take wild leaps in mind

Without losing it too far

Write not only about love

Although that’s all there

Really is or really is not

Fall in some love also

More than simply once

With not only your words

But others in thought

Wishing to poet too

©  2017 Jim Davis
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Dear Julie
How do I convey
My heart dances
In child's play

Are you young?
Are you old?
Are you warm
Or fat and cold?

Where do you live?
Besides in my heart
You are an invisible
Beautiful art

I'm not looking for ***
I'm not trying to own
It's just my heart
Exist here alone

Dear sweet poetess
I need not know
In my heart
You're all ready home
Traveler Tim
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