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The closer we become
Apart never,
Heart's beating as one
She's my soulmate in life
She's the one I truly love
Every night,
I'll love you forever
My beautiful Angel from above
The one I truly love..
True Love
The sun is shining
The sky is blue
The bird's are flying
And I softly whisper,

I Love You..
True Love
A dog, by your side!
Someone good to show off!
To please your parents
While I disappear into darkness

Nothing hurts! like her compliments
When I become what she wants
Give me death & despair
Instead of true love

For they are
Fuel to sad people & poets
I hate the fact that I loved her.
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
G A Lopez
You have become
a part of my life
Your name
is written in my heart
Loving you
is a choice I made
you are always worth the pain.
A poem dedicated for you, C :)
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
I am not bad
I am not sad
I am not mad
I am not sick

I am always worry
Worry about character
Character from my nature

I am really bad
I am really sad
I am really mad
I am really sick

Because, I infected by death
                 I don't want die
                 I don't want die
                 Just, I want live,
                 To live forever

I ask so much, the remedy
And, no one has the cure

One old physician, one day
Tell me a lot of no prevention
If I don't want to die
I shouldn't come alive
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
Don't feel broken💔
Don't feel ended
Don't feel destroyed

In a life
Broken is a damage

In a relationship💑
Broken is a destruction

In a promise🤝
Broken is more than destitute

In the night 🌃
Broken is interruption

In a language👅
Broken is a mistake

Let no one let you be broken
Let your heart feel unbroken

Writing: Safana&TG
Never give up
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
I want to know if you still write about me
if I'm still pressed between the pages of your journal
if I'm still living in your stanzas
all dressed in rhyme
and covered in metaphors
I want to know if you still deem me worthy
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
Agnes Lyndy
P- People
A- are
I- in
N- need.
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