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"I followed Him.
I heard His voice,
So quiet, and kind,
My fate is bound, to seek and find,
the Love, I sought, comes from above,
he filled my cup, to brim with love.
The truth that day, I lost the earth,
flesh decays to dust, for spirits'birth.
Lines grimly etched, in horror stay,
the final act about to play.
That crystal light, not visible to worldly men,
they reel in fright, aghast at skin,
like the portrait of Dorian Gray,
their luciferic light, shines bold as day,
starlight descending to infra red decay.
I pick up my cross with heaviest heart,
can't find forgiveness, though that's my part.
Knowing this truth, I soldier on,
karmic bound, to forgive their wrongs.
His message, I repeat, is love turned tough,
change your ways, enough is enough.
My star I found, is freedoms dove,
not our words, our actions, reveal true love."
I found a love supreme
and lost the earth
Christ says go deeper
G A Lopez Jun 2020
You have become
a part of my life
Your name
is written in my heart
Loving you
is a choice I made
you are always worth the pain.
A poem dedicated for you, C :)

— The End —