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  Dec 2018 Azumi Rabulan
Have I already told you?
that I always miss you
on a day to day basis

Have I already told you?
that I want to hold you
in this cold, lonely night

Have I already told you?
that you're all I see
in this myriad crowd

Have I already told you?
how you look so cute
when you wear that smile

Have I already told you?
that I'm slowly falling
out of love; it's driving me crazy

Have I already told you?
how lucky I am that I've found you
my one and only comfort zone

Have I already told you?
that I'm hurt with words you've said
I thought it was me all along.

But, I was wrong.
that's why I didn't tell you
what I feel about you.

Have I already told you?
how lucky that person is
to be loved by you...
Azumi Rabulan Oct 2018
People will tell you it'll be okay
even if they are the ones
who made you feel this way.
Azumi Rabulan Oct 2018
makes your heart whole
breaks your poor soul
rolls your mind
and pours on pretty lies.
Azumi Rabulan Oct 2018
She thought the words were enough to describe the way she felt
the moment she couldn't feel anything at all
as if the paper and the pen
could heal
what hurts
Azumi Rabulan Aug 2018
Words come off easily from our mouths,
so quickly we forgot,
how words meant,
once it was said.

Our eyes quickly judge from what it sees,
than knowing deeper what is best
yet the worst to be.

Our tongue defined the strangers that meets the eye,
describing one another,
a hurtful lie.
And these things came, So much the more thereby.
Azumi Rabulan Aug 2018
Every time, I open my eyes
I just look at the sky
remembering the times
before you said goodbye

Standing here all alone,
heart shattered into pieces,
turned into stone.

Seeing your shadow, wherever I go,
regretting the things I should have said,
and you should have known.

I missed calling your name
but things went rough
and you thought our feelings were the same.

I thought of leaving
but you chose to stay;
making me realise
I'm worth the wait.
Azumi Rabulan Aug 2018
Isn't there anything she can handle?
rather than the pain she's holding?
the one that aches every night,
as she stays awake
feeding the monster inside?
As she feels the wounds
suddenly opening up
every time there are no one else awake
but her thoughts trying to hug her tight?
rather than the voices she hears
whenever she feels lonely
and only see
the mistakes she made in the past
-which she could not change.
Isn't there anything much she can handle,
rather than this?
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