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Azumi Rabulan Aug 2018
Ready your ears,
remove your fears

let your mind hear
the hurtful truths
rather than the comforting lie
mostly heard,
by the youth.

Our mind is polluted
by the false informations
we believed in.
As we turned away from the reality,
where honesty lives in.

We lie in the bed of lies,
where we sleep on the dreams
where sincerity "seems" real.

Society intents a deep-state lies
where unmindful people
accepts what is seen and heard
on the screen.
  Jun 2018 Azumi Rabulan
What does it mean to be human?
Does it mean that your body is flesh and bone?
My body is made of plastic.
What are you made of?
What makes a person whole?
Is it fulfillment? Happiness? Soul?
Whatever the case, I am not whole.
Are you?
Are humans intelligent or ignorant?
I am both.
Which one are you?
Are humans kind or wicked?
I do not know which one I am.
Do you know?
Do humans get to choose who they are?
I have tried to mould myself as best I can, into the person I want to be
Have you?
Are you human?
I am, decidedly, not human.
I am that which I do not know of
I am that which I do not wish to discover
I hope never to know who I am.
Who are you?
Uhhh **** my man
Azumi Rabulan Jun 2018
I opened my eyes

and opened two gifts

in front of me is a blessing;

in front of me was you.
Azumi Rabulan Jun 2018
Not everything has an explanation


silence do the thing.
Azumi Rabulan Jun 2018
We aren't friends

We aren't enemies

We are just strangers

full of memories
Azumi Rabulan Jun 2018
At first,

words did matter,

but as time flies,

I looked for the actions.
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