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  Jul 2017 Antionicia
rained-on parade
Why can't we have meaningless talk
the way people have meaningless ***-
you would crash over me into a
river of un-scathing emptiness
and leave marks on my skin-
stories that this was where
you started to tear at
the seams
like the silkness
of your sorrows on my floor.

You would become a sultry verse
in this anthology of every day
lodged between the rush and
vacancy of broken hearts
and anguished limbs.

You would radiate the heat
of your angry, angry heart onto
the cold deadness of mine,
and we could burn and melt
all at the same time.

Meaninglessly you would leave
me out of breath,
gather your clothes
and go home.
These days I could only wish my heart could ride over this storm. Meaninglessly.

The first "bold" poem.
Antionicia Jul 2017
I am Havoc

I am Chaos

I am the bringer of Insanity
Antionicia Jul 2017
I have the heartbeats of a musician
My mind is flooded by eighth notes and melodies pound along my skull
Beg to be set free.
I don't play.
Never learned how
I long for the words that cannot be said
I yearn for the soaring birds and the lingering notes

Tears swell up
I disappear into a new dimension of my own
I feel the music tell a story
Stories of ineffable love and tragic heartbreak

The ups and downs
The all arounds
I feel it in my bones
I hear it every awakening moment

I long to be a player of music. The mistress of new tomorrow's and better yesterday's.
I am loud,
Demanding attention.
I know when I am being charming
Because I try.
I put on my impressing face
And do my impressing hair
And speak my impressing words.
I tell you my embarrassing drinking stories
And everything else about me
That you probably shouldn’t know.

I am not good at being quiet
Because that’s not who I am.
I am not the sweet girl
Who will leave you with a smile
And a touch
And a glance
Or a single word.
There is nothing of this fashion of romance
About me.

I am the girl who will point out your flaws,
And take you outside to see the stars,
And remind you how human you are,
And what a wonderful thing that is.

I am the girl who will talk about science,
And music and theology and history,
And point out constellations, laughing,
When you don’t know the big dipper’s name.

I am the girl who will make witty references,
To classic literature and science fiction,
And will tell you stories of how I once,
Made a gingerbread replica of a lighthouse.

I am the girl who will stand on a table,
And sing at the top of my lungs on the highway,
And act like a chicken or quail or velociraptor,
Or nuzzle your face like a lion to make a point.

I am the girl who takes too many shots
And then coaxes you to bed on a Russian liver,
And knows all the right places to bite, and tease,
And follows with exceptionally coherent pillow-talk.

I am not a thin silk scarf on the wind.
I am not a thing hard to capture.
You would not spend a perilous journey
Through a wild, perfumed jungle,
Searching for my slender garments
Hung beside a pool
As I wail to the breeze.

Rather, I am the bird who flies overhead
Making too much noise
Distracting from the trail ahead.
A bird whose plumage proves
What an interesting life it must be…
What a colorful life for me…
Perpetually strange
The lone comic relief.

I am many things.
But I am not quiet.
Of this I am sure.

A personal statement.
Antionicia May 2017
Two bodies pressed together
Two bodies intertwined
Two hearts racing together
Two hearts beating as one
Two lips searching one another
Two lips tasting, feeling.

This is a sonnet of all that they were. Their passion was a beating drum crumbling down stone walls. Their love was a thunderstorm flooding the earth with its rage. Their bodies breathed for one another. Before they had never lived. Their bodies reached for another, bracing, igniting. Fire oh the fire.

Fire of two bodies.
I just wrote this last night, so it's kind of a mess. But maybe some of you will like it (:
Antionicia May 2017
To be honest...
I've always wanted to fly, not like a bee...
Or even a bird!
But like a Butterfly...
I long to beat my wings, long to take flight.
I dream of touching the clouds…
Being one with the sky.
Some days... I wish I could escape. Some days... I wish I could leave...
But I'm not a butterfly…
I'm not some magical creature who can't even see her beautiful wings... No.
I'm a pitiful human living in this world with other pitiful beings...
Oh how I wish I could fly...
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