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He turned to me
With his creeping grin


Once gone through the looking glass
we never come back again

So you may be strange
*but we are all mad here
Inspired by aiw
Goodbye to all my good friends and pals,
goodbye to all my ladies and gal's,
We sang the tunes that have gone silent by now,
With all the laughter and the pints that we downed,
Left not but a ****** an echoing sound,
through the bones of this graveyard our bodies laid down.
Beauty lain on grass
as cold crept in

Counting stars
as the wishes last

Warmth left through you're fingertips
as beauty lain on grass
A gentle hum
And moisture in the air
a quiet song
one for the broken things
which I believe
*we all can be
We came from darkness
becoming light
faces tears and water
Water most of all
Our passing
Becoming light
~                       Flickering
                                                Candle Flames

                                             As wind rushed by
                                            And cut like blades

                                              A shuttering kiss
                                             As deaths embrace

                                                      Fell silent

Light shifting through leaves
Rich loam and strong root
Connected earth and limb


I am that, i am
There is stillness  
Peace in silence
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