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3.0k · Mar 2021
Walk Away
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
When they are present but inside you are lonely,
When they are silent but the hurt inside is too loud,
When they don't say anything but the voices inside cracks your head,
When the taste of sorry from them is bitter,
When all the crap can’t allow you to say something;
You no longer keep there,
You pack your pieces and find yourself peace,
You walk away.
You deserve better.
2.1k · Apr 2021
Commit Yourself
Angellah Nyamai Apr 2021
When I utter commit, I mean to dedicate
First to Him, that gave my full birthright
And two to myself, the reason to create,
My commitment is my responsibility

I choose to commit, perhaps you may not admit
I want to melt my fears, thyself to acquit
Realize my valour, to knit again my grit
My commitment is my responsibility

I commit to trust my inner instinct,
Lest I stumble and be called extinct
I will teach me to always be prinked
My commitment is my responsibility

I commit my business to what is real
Perhaps people will get dull
Maybe I will find my answers in the baffle
And get busy making my now life blissful
For my commitment is my responsibility
Angellah Nyamai Jan 2023
Achievement is a journey, not a prize
A path we all must travel, if we're wise
Every step we take, we develop and learn
And the more we strive, the further we'll go

It starts with a dream, a spark in the mind
A goal that we set, for all to find
We work and we labor, day and night
With each step, we get closer to the light

We stumble and fall, but we rise again
For every setback, is a chance to mend
We learn from our mistakes, and we grow stronger
For every failure, is a step closer

And when we reach the top, and our goal is in sight
We'll look back and see all the hard work and fight
We'll know that we've earned it, with blood, sweat and tears
And in that moment, we'll conquer our fears

So let's strive for greatness, and reach for the stars
For every achievement, is a victory in its own right.
So let's strive for greatness, and reach for the stars
For every achievement, is a victory in its own right.
998 · Apr 2022
The Journey
Angellah Nyamai Apr 2022
I wanna let my pen bleed words to the world,
I wanna tell the broken to open with a reason for the season,
I wanna write light to your night,
I started the journey anyway....

I was blind about it,
I turned all way all round,
I was never told what I required,
I packed my bags and took the way,
I started the journey anyway..

Whirlwinds blew me,
My skinny body almost left me,
Unfamiliar and terrible paths I walked,
I cried when it got tough,
I took the journey anyway...

Here I stop to look back,
Here a beautiful way is created,
Here I write for you know,
Here I am is not where I was,
I am in the journey anyway....

The journey to success is faith, hope and action
Some stages are fearful, but you have to pass them,
I write to you for you are strong,
Strong to take your journey too,
Strong to hope that it's a good destiny,
Strong to start,
And so I write to you
Take the journey anyway
928 · Mar 2021
Dear Self
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
Congratulation! See the far you have come,
You are just awesome,
I realize it has been tough,
You chose not to bluff,
You are an amazing self.

I write to let you know am proud of you,
For all you’ve been through,
Soaking up all guff to become better,
In the game you became hitter,
You are an amazing self.

I have watched you tarry for long in pain,
Pain that has chained your brain,
It’s time to release the hurt,
Time to spurt from the desert,
You are an amazing self.

You forgot that happiness existed,
When your entire world felt haunted,
Don’t **** yourself with the confusion,
You are your own cushion,
You are an amazing self.

Strong and able is your name,
I believe in your ability to reclaim,
Your past is a puzzle of a broken mirror,
Nothing in it can be myrrh,
You are an amazing self.

My pen bleeds for you to hope,
Tie another knot in your rope,
You cannot give up now,
God has a way somehow,
You are an amazing self.
900 · Aug 2021
Wake up
Angellah Nyamai Aug 2021
There are mornings of just being vulnerable,
There are  afternoons of an imperfect you,
There are evenings of so much worry and fear of everything.

But there is  waking up to embracing  the solid truth.


You have to wake up to this.
594 · Mar 2021
Shattered Inside
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
If I could grow wings to fly,
From inside me to the sky,
I wouldn’t wish coming back,
Not to this soul of try and cry.

I soak in all alone and forsaken,
All my strength beaten,
I surrender to sit and wander,
Will my sun ever brighten?

My shoulder too heavy to lean on,
My face bowed and filled by yawn,
Can anyone feel me?
I desire to see the angel of dawn.

I wish if someone cared,
I would share and not feel scared,
But not even one dares to relate
I am all snared but can’t be repaired.
I am shattered inside.
337 · Mar 2021
I will marry when I want
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
I am yet a fragile floret,
I don’t think I deserved a quoret,
Grant my time to blossom,
My age is still in the *****,
I have a right to realize my life.

I am just but a tender girl,
I still require a purl,
I am more than cows and goats,
This feels a bloat in my throat,
I have a right to realize my life.

Let me marry when I want,
My shoulder can’t carry the torment of the taunt,
I desire to be well trained,
I don’t want to live chained,
I have a right to realize my life.
312 · Aug 2021
Embrace your story
Angellah Nyamai Aug 2021
Accepting your real story can be hard but   when you keep running away from it that's more difficult.

Owning your vulnerability is threatening, but giving up on what makes you vulnerable is more risky.

You can only realize your powerful light when you are confident to face your darkness.
175 · Aug 2021
Beyond the Judgment
Angellah Nyamai Aug 2021
Before you tell us to smile, look beyond to see the scars that brings a sad face
Before you tell us to fight, see the fresh wounds that reminds us of the same battle field
Before you tell us to understand, test the war in the mind trying to understand ourselves
With every judgment, there are things you wouldn’t understand

Our backs ache for carrying heavy pasts, we are just trying to stand upright
If you know how much effort we have put in, you wouldn’t dare put us down
We have fallen many times, but we never remain down
With every judgment, there are things you wouldn’t understand

Don’t make us feel out of place
Don’t make us hurt more
Don’t make us feel scared in the society we rightfully belong
Don’t make us fade within
There are things you wouldn’t understand
160 · Dec 2021
Angellah Nyamai Dec 2021
It is in writing where I go bare,
It is here I  let you beware,
Scratch my  head and pull the hairs,
Maybe this will make you care...

I put everything down  clear,
And take everything up in prayer,
Maybe the atmosphere will allow the air,
And maybe I will not despair....

I hope it will not be a scare,
I hope you will not think I don't care,
I hope you realize it's not a nightmare,
I hope I will do this even with white hair....

It is in writing where I go anywhere,
It is in writing where I go everywhere,
I write to prepare,
I write to repair,
I write for you and me to pair...
I will write until there..
And If don't it's unfair..
I swear.

160 · Mar 2021
I will always write
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
Reality knocks in mind,
And my body silently begins to whine,
My hands and paper are now designed,
For all words have to be aligned,
I will always write.

The narration can never be relaxed,
But the urge is now waxed,
The struggle is suddenly axed,
When the story is climaxed,
I will always write.

The journey has no end,
And the pen is not allowed to bend,
Until all the ink descend,
Every word must be penned,
I will always write.

Write to untell the lie,
Write until the day I die,
Every day I will not defy,
But I will write to glorify,
I will always write
155 · Mar 2021
I wish we had more time
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
Hello! Can you hear me?  I hope you do…….

It feels the longest time ever,
Not sure whether this could be over,
What a day when you slept forever,
Have been all seeking for an answer,
And I wish we had more time together.

There was so much left untold,
Nothing known could withhold,
It was too soon for everything to change,
Life interchanged and became strange,
And I wish we had more time together.

With your charm you brought smile,
The style has converted for a while,
Your presence always felt bright,
This now feels like a night,
And I wish we had more time together.

This reality that you are no longer in this life,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow feels strife,
How I pray that somehow someway,
There will be a doorway to see you someday,
And I wish we had more time together.

For now, I keep your memories,
That down on my knees I can find peace,
I will curve it in my heart,
It will feel as if there was no depart,
And I wish we had more time together.
142 · Mar 2021
My Life in a Dream
Angellah Nyamai Mar 2021
When the clock is ticking,
The society can’t stop buzzing,
In the silence within
All these voices are breaking my head
The pressure is flowing

The longest time ever is waiting
When will I wake up from this dream?
Counting the steps to the finish line
Looking tired but hopeful to win
Walking myself to the goal

Deep inside the broken pieces are lost
The reflection of own face in the mirror is betraying
Anything sweet I knew have grown wings
Loneliness and anger has found a home inside

When I finally wake up
I would not wish to dream again
The dream gives but sweet memories
The reality no one knows
One day I will heal and smile again.
128 · Aug 2021
Angellah Nyamai Aug 2021
The celebration of your birth just the other day,
You were young and enjoyed to play,
See how you have grown and the far you have come,
Is there a reason for you to keep dumb?
Your lives have become one.

The definition of this journey is the Father above,
Being the author of the expedition of love,
Your hearts have been trusted to build a home,
And, there is no room for you to roam,
Your lives have become one.

As you have chosen to vow to each other,
You are tied to be there for one another,
And, you can’t allow anything to be a canker
It is only Jesus that can be your anchor,
Your lives have become one

It’s the small things that make the big things,
Perhaps holding hands is not for the kings,
Saying “I love you” is to remember for all mornings,
And, evenings are not meant for ravings,
Your lives have become one

Doing anything will not be in the attitude of duty,
It is always in the spirit of joy and beauty,
Remembering that no one of you is holy,
But, Words of appreciation in your tongues be like candy,
Your lives have become one.

You decide to curve inside the song of forgive and forget,
Creating a nest for each other to jet,
A union of equal independence and mutual dependence,
Working your obligations in correspondence and patience,
Your lives have become one
125 · Dec 2021
Angellah Nyamai Dec 2021
So I was told to shut up, that I shouldn't talk...
That when things go south, I should just watch...
That when am hurting, I should maybe smile..
That I should act blind when my eyes are wide open..
That my mouth should be closed when I am choking....
That I should agree always because no doesn't exist..
That I should always walk tall and never look down...

But Maybe....
I am short and need to tie my shoe lace,
Maybe I should say no, because it is a full statement..
Maybe I should see because my eyes are open..
Maybe I should open my mouth to grasp some breathe..
Maybe I should speak and call it black and white...
Or maybe I should write ✍️✍️
Or maybe I should just be  anyway..

#speak out
#i care

— The End —